So are they able to get money from you once they have your paypal info?People who make fake email adds and email a bunch of people who have adds on kijiji wanting to buy whatever is listed thru paypal. They have the same story every single time. "I'm paying your asking price, send me your PayPal address, I'm outta the country working no cell phone service, no I don't want to view the sled first I trust you, no I cannot call you later, I'll be offshore for a while, or I'll be in another country for a while, or I'll be at nasa space station till I'm 90 and wanna buy it as a gift for my redneck uncle or somethin" blah blah blah. Same story all the time. It's completely ruining kijiji. It's funny cuz this one texted me first, yet said there's no cell service or whatever. Stupid b1tch. Sooooo sick of those people!!!
Hahaha in a castle? Haven't heard that one yet...I've had the Kijiji paypal scammers too, its friggin annoying. Even had a guy phone me once, request my bank account #'s, request delivery of a what I was selling, then proceed to tell me he lived in a castle....after I called BS on him he never answered his phone again. I would've reported him to the cops, but the cops don't care. They are more worried about me driving 10 km over the speed limit on the way to work.
I finally had enough of their bs, so I stopped putting my phone number on any Kijiji ads I place. It's a bit of a pain having to deal with email alone, but once I feel the other guy is legit, I give out my phone number.
the paypal notification you receive that payment has been sent is legit, they use either phony bank accounts or stolen credit cards to fund the transaction. they know it takes several days before you can get your funds from paypal into your hands, when paypal realizes there are no funds to back the transaction they remove the money from your paypal account leaving you holding the bag....item is gone, paypal transfer void. very effective if you fall for it
exactly. no way I would do any kind of major transaction without looking someone straight in the eye and receiving cold hard cash. wasn't it just last summer someone in the city was burned with a phony cashier's check on the purchase of a hot rod?Yeah that makes sense. Who in their right mind would send the item being sold without receiving full payment tho? I dunno, feel bad for the folks who have actually got screwed over.