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TV & Video: Televisions: 45 - 54" Televisions: LED (45-54"): Samsung 50" 1080p HD LED Smart TV | Visions ElectronicsWhich store did you see that? Which models?
Future shop, the best comparison I could find was $700 difference with the online sale prices..Their MSRP was like 1200$ difference.
LG 1080 smart 120 vs 240
And when I was in B.B. the upgrade seemed even less appealing.
Here is a not bad deal for a 50" smart tv with 240hz. Even mine when it came out was on the market for $2100 but I have found that the picture quality is worth the extra money but that is all personal opinion and you will figure out your own. Don't forget that the pictures in the store are also in demo mode so it makes the higher end tv's look worse than they are capable of and the cheaper tv's are set for pretty much the best they are capable of.
Here is a smaller version of my tv which has almost everything except 3D and even through the Sony store itself isn't really that expensive for the options you get.
50" BRAVIA LED EX645 Internet HDTV | KDL50EX645 | Sony Canada