

Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Seemed to work out pretty good for Quebec when they played that game.

Not the west, but the country as a whole you could say revolves around Alberta's contributions. If Saskatchewan, Manitoba, BC and NWT want to join the movement/fight then great. The bigger the numbers the bigger the message. But if Alberta is left to fight on their own then I think they should do anything in their power to leave if Ottawa isn't going to offer them a fair deal.

Whats the long term plan??? The world seems to have a hate on for oil and people are doing everything to "get away" from fossil fuels. So when Greta 2.0 rolls across the globe on a unicorn sprinkling pixy dust what is the new Oil?

I cant say that i have witnessed it first hand but my neighbors say they can drive 1000km in their prius hybrid on 9L of gas. If that is even half true i would speculate that technology is catching up. Obviously oil isnt going away and we will need it forever i don't question that but when we become so good at using it effectively that we dont need to produce billions of barrels what will move the Alberta economy then? Will Albertans want to come back home? Will there be a new resource sector happening? Lots of questions and one of them really should be is leaving the best thing for tomorrow?


Active VIP Member
Oct 25, 2007
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Leduc County
Whats the long term plan??? The world seems to have a hate on for oil and people are doing everything to "get away" from fossil fuels. So when Greta 2.0 rolls across the globe on a unicorn sprinkling pixy dust what is the new Oil?

I cant say that i have witnessed it first hand but my neighbors say they can drive 1000km in their prius hybrid on 9L of gas. If that is even half true i would speculate that technology is catching up. Obviously oil isnt going away and we will need it forever i don't question that but when we become so good at using it effectively that we dont need to produce billions of barrels what will move the Alberta economy then? Will Albertans want to come back home? Will there be a new resource sector happening? Lots of questions and one of them really should be is leaving the best thing for tomorrow?

They still project 30 years for oil consumption growth. There are still tons of developing countries that needs cheap stable energy.

If Alberta did leave tomorrow then yes they would be better off, just the transfer payments alone they would be better off. But if the west in general left and you had 30 years of selling our resources (oil, natural gas, coal, timber, wheat,...) at world prices and pipelines that could be built so you can get the most for your product then think how far along the west would be. All the investment that could be put back into new energy to get away from fossil fuels. Oil isn't going away anytime soon, so shouldn't we get the most for it while we can? Or would you rather sit back as the east destroys our industries one at a time?
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Active VIP Member
Jul 23, 2012
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They are still project 30 years of growth for oil consumption growth. There are still tons of developing countries that needs cheap stable energy.

If Alberta did leave tomorrow then yes they would be better off, just the transfer payments alone they would be better off. But if the west in general left and you had 30 years of selling our resources (oil, natural gas, coal, timber, wheat,...) at world prices and pipelines that could be built so you can get the most for your product then think how far along the west would be. All the investment that could be put back into new energy to get away from fossil fuels. Oil isn't going away anytime soon, so shouldn't we get the most for it while we can? Or would you rather sit back as the east destroys our industries one at a time?

Amen brother.
Too many pot smoking hippies who never worked hard in their life, except maybe rolling dubes, now have political power :(


Active VIP Member
May 11, 2009
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In them hills.
With being away working 3 weeks of the month I do not need the support other MLA will. I will crack 200k again this year, oil patch is alive for me....I shouldn't give it up to get into politics but as they say the best person is the person who wants nothing to do with it...
I can laugh my way to the bank again since I quit drinking and smoking or be the change in the world I want to see...But thanks for your help, it will be that much sweeter when people like you see what happens
Base salary for MP is $172k .
Better hours....
Better pension....


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Whats the long term plan??? The world seems to have a hate on for oil and people are doing everything to "get away" from fossil fuels. So when Greta 2.0 rolls across the globe on a unicorn sprinkling pixy dust what is the new Oil?

I cant say that i have witnessed it first hand but my neighbors say they can drive 1000km in their prius hybrid on 9L of gas. If that is even half true i would speculate that technology is catching up. Obviously oil isnt going away and we will need it forever i don't question that but when we become so good at using it effectively that we dont need to produce billions of barrels what will move the Alberta economy then? Will Albertans want to come back home? Will there be a new resource sector happening? Lots of questions and one of them really should be is leaving the best thing for tomorrow?

Oil demand will eventually drop off, but not for decades. All these so called green technologies only exist where the government/country can provide huge cash incentives and subsidies. The vast majority of the world population can’t afford to and won’t throw money away on such things. They’ll continue to use the cheapest proven technologies to develop and expand their economies. Just look how many coal fired power plants China is banging up every year.
smart money in a separate Alberta will pay off the debt, reduce corporate and personal taxes and provide a welcoming atmosphere for companies that do R&D for and produce advanced technologies, similar to what you see in Israel, Singapore and Silicon Valley. By using revenue from energy industries to advance and and improve technology in western Canada’s other industries (agriculture, mining, forestry etc) over a few short decades western Canada could become an economically diverse powerhouse that builds, feeds, and powers the rest of the world.
By taking money away from unmotivated and underachieving eastern provinces and using it to fund people and industries willing to bust their ass here out west, things can only get better for us.
With you living in Smithers, I can understand your scepticism. Like most people in BC, you’re used to being abused by the lower mainland, watching your tax dollars being stripped out of your communities and sent to Vancouver, the island etc, with just enough being returned to you to barely maintain a third world road system, second rate health care and community services etc. Then you’re forced to watch your best and brightest leave because of a lack of opportunity.
I believe when Alberta and Saskatchewan pull the plug, shortly thereafter, seeing the advantages of separation from the welfare provinces, most of BC will ditch the lower mainland and join the new country.
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Active VIP Member
Oct 20, 2008
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Sylvan Lake
^^^ that’s very well written I’m a firm believer in developing technologies making things more efficient and creating realistic incentives to promote business but current government couldn’t go about it worse. There are renewables that are legit hydro and geothermal come to mind they keep producing no matter what but both require certain terrain. I think oil and gas will always have a place especially in the north your electric car might make sense in Cali but anywhere in Canada where -20 is the norm battery technology has a long way to go. I’d like to think an exit is possible as people are mad enough but at very least hopefully better deals for alberta.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Oil demand will eventually drop off, but not for decades. All these so called green technologies only exist where the government/country can provide huge cash incentives and subsidies. The vast majority of the world population can’t afford to and won’t throw money away on such things. They’ll continue to use the cheapest proven technologies to develop and expand their economies. Just look how many coal fired power plants China is banging up every year.
smart money in a separate Alberta will pay off the debt, reduce corporate and personal taxes and provide a welcoming atmosphere for companies that do R&D for and produce advanced technologies, similar to what you see in Israel, Singapore and Silicon Valley. By using revenue from energy industries to advance and and improve technology in western Canada’s other industries (agriculture, mining, forestry etc) over a few short decades western Canada could become an economically diverse powerhouse that builds, feeds, and powers the rest of the world.
By taking money away from unmotivated and underachieving eastern provinces and using it to fund people and industries willing to bust their ass here out west, things can only get better for us.
With you living in Smithers, I can understand your scepticism. Like most people in BC, you’re used to being abused by the lower mainland, watching your tax dollars being stripped out of your communities and sent to Vancouver, the island etc, with just enough being returned to you to barely maintain a third world road system, second rate health care and community services etc. Then you’re forced to watch your best and brightest leave because of a lack of opportunity.
I believe when Alberta and Saskatchewan pull the plug, shortly thereafter, seeing the advantages of separation from the welfare provinces, most of BC will ditch the lower mainland and join the new country.

Rep sent your way for one of the best written posts.

Alberta is up in arms about the equalization payments, do you think that if the payments stopped that albertans wouldn't have to pay taxes or something? I lived in AB through the late 90s and into the 00's during the height of the "boom" and i witnessed more local miss management of funds then any federal level of robbery could provide. You can't blame equalization on the miss management of local funds. Alberta is going through a down turn and yes it would be EXTREMELY smart for the federal twits to recognize this and pony up to offer some incentives for Alberta and the other western provinces to get economies back on track.

My sole argument is and always will be is leaving the right answer? I for one understand the frustration and the arguments for leaving but not at the expense of some of the alternatives like joining the states. You think you have a bad deal now just wait until those corrupt suits take over. It probably can be done but i still think you need BC on board to make it happen or else your in the same position as you are now but with a different flag


Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Rep sent your way for one of the best written posts.

Alberta is up in arms about the equalization payments, do you think that if the payments stopped that albertans wouldn't have to pay taxes or something? I lived in AB through the late 90s and into the 00's during the height of the "boom" and i witnessed more local miss management of funds then any federal level of robbery could provide. You can't blame equalization on the miss management of local funds. Alberta is going through a down turn and yes it would be EXTREMELY smart for the federal twits to recognize this and pony up to offer some incentives for Alberta and the other western provinces to get economies back on track.

My sole argument is and always will be is leaving the right answer? I for one understand the frustration and the arguments for leaving but not at the expense of some of the alternatives like joining the states. You think you have a bad deal now just wait until those corrupt suits take over. It probably can be done but i still think you need BC on board to make it happen or else your in the same position as you are now but with a different flag

No, even if Alberta and Saskatchewan did separate, we would still have to pay taxes, just much less. Right now we pay close to 55% of our gross to the 3 levels of government. Eliminating one of those will obviously reduce the tax burden. Imagine if the $20 billion given to the welfare provinces from Alberta stayed in Alberta, with the same thing happening in Saskatchewan. Budgets would quickly be balanced, large amounts could be dedicated to savings for the future. A comprehensive plan would have to be created to ensure services and infrastructure were funded , reasonable incentives for business growth and economic diversity were in place, all with an eagle eye watching for mismanagement and waste. The best way to do that is to pass legislation that requires periodic audits from non governmental entities that are fully available for public scrutiny.
Alberta has had more than its share of dud premiers and gross fiscal mismanagement. Look no further than Redford and stelmach. When times were good those idiots couldn’t spend money fast enough, and an independent Alberta would have to ensure that it never happened again.
The participation of BC wouldn’t be absolutely necessary, but it being included would make things better. In short order BC would see that it would be forced to either join Alberta and Saskatchewan or be absorbed by the USA.
The notion of progressives that BC could hold a landlocked Alberta hostage is countered by the fact that Alberta could starve BC of energy and isolate it from the rest of Canada by simply refusing to allow commerce from BC to cross Alberta into the rest of Canada. In fact, most people in BC would see the benefits of joining Alberta, and if the lower mainland refused, a split would be made, with the lower mainland becoming more isolated and quickly absorbed by Washington state.
The Americans would sit back and watch the proceedings, and only would intervene if things got nasty, like people taking up arms. They’d see the benefits of having a wealthy, well run western Canada separate from the socialist welfare state that eastern Canada would become.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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No, even if Alberta and Saskatchewan did separate, we would still have to pay taxes, just much less. Right now we pay close to 55% of our gross to the 3 levels of government. Eliminating one of those will obviously reduce the tax burden. Imagine if the $20 billion given to the welfare provinces from Alberta stayed in Alberta, with the same thing happening in Saskatchewan. Budgets would quickly be balanced, large amounts could be dedicated to savings for the future. A comprehensive plan would have to be created to ensure services and infrastructure were funded , reasonable incentives for business growth and economic diversity were in place, all with an eagle eye watching for mismanagement and waste. The best way to do that is to pass legislation that requires periodic audits from non governmental entities that are fully available for public scrutiny.
Alberta has had more than its share of dud premiers and gross fiscal mismanagement. Look no further than Redford and stelmach. When times were good those idiots couldn’t spend money fast enough, and an independent Alberta would have to ensure that it never happened again.
The participation of BC wouldn’t be absolutely necessary, but it being included would make things better. In short order BC would see that it would be forced to either join Alberta and Saskatchewan or be absorbed by the USA.
The notion of progressives that BC could hold a landlocked Alberta hostage is countered by the fact that Alberta could starve BC of energy and isolate it from the rest of Canada by simply refusing to allow commerce from BC to cross Alberta into the rest of Canada. In fact, most people in BC would see the benefits of joining Alberta, and if the lower mainland refused, a split would be made, with the lower mainland becoming more isolated and quickly absorbed by Washington state.
The Americans would sit back and watch the proceedings, and only would intervene if things got nasty, like people taking up arms. They’d see the benefits of having a wealthy, well run western Canada separate from the socialist welfare state that eastern Canada would become.

You have one he!! Of a crystal ball, I'm very sceptical but I see where your headed with your point.

Still extremely difficult to see separatism as the go to here.


Active VIP Member
Oct 11, 2007
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Copy from a email I got
This may have been posted already

Peter Downing
Wexit Canada - Founder
Box 6085
Leduc, AB, T9E 2A2 peterdowning@wexitcanada.com
Hon. Jason Kenney
Premier of Alberta
Office of the Premier
307 Legislature Building 10800 - 97 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2B6 premier@gov.ab.ca
Dear Mr. Premier,
My name is Peter Downing, founder of Wexit Canada and Wexit Alberta. The logical reason that we, and our quarter-million+ followers support Alberta and Western Separatism is the simple fact that the Canadian Confederation does not, and never has, worked for Alberta. Confederation was a mid-19th century compromise between Ontario and Quebec, formerly known as Canada West and Canada East. While Ontario’s interest was to protect their political and economic interest, Quebec’s concern was to protect their language, cultural, and religious rights. Atlantic Canada was forced into the pact by the British, who wanted to dump their responsibilityfordefendingBritishNorthAmerica. Mostimportantly,WesternCanadawas never at the table.
This is reflected in Canada’s political institutions that give Ontario and Quebec the unilateral ability to choose who governs Alberta federally through their overwhelming seat count, an antiquated and broken senate system absent of checks and balances, a Privy Council that allows laws to be passed without the consent of parliament, and a federal public service that has 41% of its workforce concentrated in Ottawa, Ontario. Simply put, Eastern Canada will ALWAYS have the power to outvote the west, and the power to expropriate our wealth and our future at their pleasure and in pursuit of their pleasure.
However, the emotional reason that I commit myself to this cause is due to the pain and suffering that Ottawa’s policies have inflicted upon my friends and neighbours here in Alberta. This includes:
• The unspeakable legacy of the residential school program, sterilization programs, substandard living conditions of reserves in Alberta, and the racial apartheid under the

Indian Act, many of our Indigenous friends and neighbours STILL do not have clean
drinking water;
• Through the legislated deindustrialization of Alberta’s Oil and Gas Sector, over 100,000
of our Albertan friends and neighbors have found themselves unemployed, with only a pittance of aid in the form of repayable loans (with interest). Husky Energy laid off 200 employees the day after Justin Trudeau was re-elected to power. Encana has now relocated to the United States. 26% of homes in Lloydminster, AB/SK are facing foreclosure. Suicides, divorces, alcoholism, and domestic violence are on the rise;
• Bills C-69 (no more pipelines), C-48 (West Coast tanker ban), unfair equalization formulas taking $622 Billion from Alberta since 1957, and the $30/tonne carbon tax that your administration recently imposed are in direct economic opposition to industry, labour, and consumers in Alberta who have done nothing to deserve this level of targeted economic pain, under the fictional pretense of climate activism.
• A crumbling healthcare system that forces Albertans in some cases to spend their life savings for treatment in the United States, so that they can avoid dying while waiting for treatment in Canada;
• Arbitrary classification of firearms by unelected bureaucrats, twinned with a capricious desire by the Justin Trudeau government to confiscate the property of legal firearms owners, who are in fact the safest firearms community in the world;
• A criminal justice system that allows untreated violent sex offenders, with a high likelihood of re-offending, to be released from incarceration with negligible supervision. High profile murderers such as Vincent Li and Matthew De Grood have their freedoms, while the families of the victims continue to suffer;
• Addicted and mentally ill Albertans, lining the streets of our inner cities like a battlefield, while privileged politicians discuss a “10-year plan”, and seem only to want increases in “safe injection” sites;
• Finally - an increasing inability or unwillingness for the federal government to control our own borders and stop the influx of disqualified and sometimes dangerous asylum seekers, rejected by the American system, creating the perfect conditions for human trafficking and gang violence to flourish.
With respect Mr. Kenney, your proposal for a listening tour followed by a symbolic referendum on equalization simply does not cut it. Mr. Trudeau, and Mr. Harper before him, have openly made statements to the effect that “the oil sands must be phased out”. Let me assure you Mr. Kenney, that we as Albertans, and Western Canadians, will not allow ourselves to be phased out via government fiat. We will not allow the future of our children and our grandchildren to be phased out. We will not allow our Albertan and Western Canadian Spirit of hard work, decency, and self-determination to be phased out. We will not allow Ottawa and Eastern Canada to phase us out. We will separate from Canada. We will survive and we will thrive.

To that end Mr. Kenney, we are calling on you to legislate a referendum on Alberta’s separation from Canada, in accordance to the Supreme Court of Canada’s 1998 Quebec Secession Reference, and the Federal Clarity Act of 2000. As a sitting Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), you or any one of your 62 MLAs can draft a bill to formulate a referendum on a clear and unequivocal question as to whether the people of Alberta wish to remain a part of Canada. But before you consider this question, let me make it very clear:
The Conservative Party of Canada will NEVER AGAIN form the Government of Canada, and you will NEVER become the Prime Minister of Canada, for two simple reasons:
a) b)
The increasing trend of voters in Ontario to elect Liberal Members of Parliament.
The impending federal registration of Wexit Canada as a political party to represent regional interest for the 104 seats in Western Canada. (The history of the Reform Party in Western Canada, and Angus Reid polling in 2019, both show that such a party is likely to outperform the Conservative Party of Canada in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and parts of British Columbia.)
Mr. Kenney, I strongly encourage you to quickly adapt to this new political reality, and to envisionyourselfasthePresidentofanemergingWesternCanadianRepublic. WhileI myself suspect that your political ambitions may include seeking to become the next Prime Minister of Canada, many of your voters and supporters within industry see you as the first President of Alberta. Alberta holds a dominant geo-political position by which we have the ability to landlock Eastern Canada from access to the Pacific Ocean, and access to the $28.5 Trillion Dollar Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). Alberta also possesses the ability to landlock British Columbia from access to the rest of Canada. Finally, Alberta can benefit from International Law that mandates that coastal nations must allow landlocked nations tidewater access to export natural resources.
It is only in this way that you can truly fight against Ottawa in the way that Albertans expect and deserve. Albertans elected you and your United Conservative Party to form the fiercest Pro-Albertan government in history when you were selected by the Albertan electorate in April of 2019. My sincere advice to you is that you should deliver what Albertans desperately need via a referendum on separation from Canada – Economic Liberty, Social Stability, and the Self-Determination for ALL Albertans. Otherwise, an “Alberta-First” Party will inevitably register with Elections Alberta, outflank you from the right, and beat you at the ballot box in 2023. You need to face the reality that, since the results of the October 21 election, federalism is dead. We are now looking to you to bring life back to Alberta.
During this transition time, in which we expect that your UCP government will begin to draft the necessary legislation to hold a referendum on Alberta’s separation from Canada, we ask you to also listen to Alberta employees, retirees, small business owners, labour interests, indigenous voices, public servants, and captains of industry, who have contributed to a new mechanism through which you can immediately and unilaterally protect the interests of Alberta before more harm is inflicted upon us via federal legislation and regulation. We ask

you to implement an enhanced version of “The Firewall Letter” drafted in early 2001 by notable Albertans such as Stephen Harper and Ted Morton. Today, all of Alberta is asking you to implement The Inferno Wall Protocol, which has the following eight requirements:
1. Immediately end Alberta’s policing contract with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Implement a transition period in which all provincial policing duties are to be transferred to the Alberta Sheriff’s Department. Commission an Alberta Bureau of National Investigation for federal investigations in Alberta that are currently assigned to the RCMP.
2. Safeguard each individual Albertan by reclaiming all Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) contributions from Ottawa, and commission a portable and properly funded Alberta Pension Plan to protect and enhance the retirement savings of all Albertans.
3. Terminate Ottawa’s encroachment on exclusive provincial jurisdiction by prohibiting federal payroll deductions. (Direct taxation is the jurisdiction of the Albertan Government.)
4. Assert full provincial control over immigration, as Quebec currently does.
5. Assert full control over firearms regulation, as policing is a provincial matter.
6. Withdraw from the federal Employment Insurance (EI) program and create an Albertan equivalent.
7. Withdraw from Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) as the financial guarantor of home mortgages in Alberta. This responsibility must be transferred to the Alberta Treasury Branch (ATB).
8. Require itemized invoices for all federal services rendered. No monies are to be paid to Ottawa unless proof of service is validated.
By following these steps, your government can ensure that the best interests of ALL Albertans are protected, and that we have just as much of a right to self-determination as Quebec does. We cannot remain passive spectators in the filming of our own economic and political destruction. This is not about anger Mr. Kenney. It is about survival.
We in Alberta can no longer leave the fate of our spouses, children, and grandchildren in the hands of people who would re-elect Justin Trudeau, despite all of the scandal, violations, and abuses that he has engaged in over his first four years of power. We cannot survive another four years of a government that has abused us so badly and promises to further abuse us further. And we also know that by separating from Canada, we will keep our $50 Billion in taxes right here at home, making life better for the people who live here.

We know that through joint cooperation with the Government of the United States on the development of the Northwest Passage, we can deepen our economic, diplomatic, and security relationship with our largest and most important ally. Most of all though Mr. Kenney, we will have Albertans governing Alberta for Albertans. By all of us banding together with one another as we did during the Slave Lake Wildfires, the High River Floods, and the Fort McMurray Fires, Alberta will once again be the best place on planet earth to live, work, play, and retire. Alberta will be an oasis of economic liberty, social stability, and self-determination amongst a growing desert of socialism and stagnation. Alberta will be like a city shining on a hill. Alberta will be a light to the nations. Alberta will make this world a better place. YOU SIR HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN. The alternative is political irrelevance.
Mr. Kenney, I reflect the sentiment of 4.3 million Albertans, in that, I am very proud that Alberta is the only rat-free jurisdiction in the world. Now it is time to make it leech free. Let’s end our relationship with Ottawa. Let’s Make Alberta Great Again.
May God bless you deeply Mr. Kenney. May God Bless Alberta. May God Save The West.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
That’s a good listen
No singing here

ya! something just bothers me about P Dowling, something a bit off! not sure what, trying to drum up support but not telling the whole story?? i'm waiting to see what transpires. likely wrong?:confused:
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Active VIP Member
Jul 23, 2012
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ya! something just bothers me about P Dowling, something a bit off! not sure what, trying to drum up support but not telling the whole story?? i'm waiting to see what transpires. likely wrong?:confused:
you're in luck, he does not want to be the leader, he is simply the average Joe who is like you or me starting the movement...
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