Very Interesting Clip!


Active VIP Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Grande prairie
the day i get pulled over by a police officer wearing a towel OOPS i mean turbin i will have a major issue with it ( jail for sure) what makes them think they can ruin other cultures and force theirs on others if we went to their country and tried that we would be dead so with that said why do our governments let them do it we NEED TO FIX THIS AND FAST bullets are cheaper . sorry i seem bitter but i have my beliefs THAT IS WHY I LIVE IN CANADA they have their beliefs THEY SHOLD LIVE IN THEIR CONTRY is how i see it


Active VIP Member
Apr 18, 2007
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the day i get pulled over by a police officer wearing a towel OOPS i mean turbin i will have a major issue with it ( jail for sure) what makes them think they can ruin other cultures and force theirs on others if we went to their country and tried that we would be dead so with that said why do our governments let them do it we NEED TO FIX THIS AND FAST bullets are cheaper . sorry i seem bitter but i have my beliefs THAT IS WHY I LIVE IN CANADA they have their beliefs THEY SHOLD LIVE IN THEIR CONTRY is how i see it

I agree well not the part about going to jail but it does blow my mind that they get away with it thats for sure, in time they will out number the people allowed them into our free country and they will dictate again, why do they leave the country they suposed to hate or dislike and them come here and do the exact same thing just silly, again this is not all but seems to be the majority...


Active VIP Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment that you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.

Not saying good or bad maybe just different?

'Mormon temple garments' and/or the "Jew cap" (called a Yamica) both seem a bit odd to me too?!?!

I understand what you are saying but this is deeper,,

fresh news from the President of France, at least someone has some balls to say something

Burka sign of subservience, not religion, says French president

Full-body gowns that are worn by the most conservative Muslim women have no place in France, President Nicolas Sarkozy said Monday.

22/06/2009 11:15:04 AM

CBC News

Speaking to a joint session of parliament, the French leader said wearing the burka or the niqab isn't about religion, but the subjugation of women.

"In our country, we cannot accept that women be prisoners behind a screen, cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity," Sarkozy said to extended applause in a speech at the Chateau of Versailles, southwest of Paris.

He said the burka - an all-concealing traditional dress, with built-in mesh covering the eyes - is "a sign of subservience, a sign of debasement."

"I want to say solemnly that it will not be welcome on our territory," he said.

Dozens of French legislators have proposed a parliamentary commission to study the small but growing trend of wearing burkas and niqabs.

In France, the terms "burka" and "niqab" often are used interchangeably. The latter is a full-face veil, often in black. Unlike the burka it does not obscure a woman's eyes.

On Friday, government spokesman Luc Chatel told French television the commission could propose legislation aimed at banning the burka in public if it is found to be degrading for women.

In 2004, a law banning the Islamic headscarf and other highly visible religious symbols from French public schools sparked a heated debate on the issue.

Proponents insisted such a ban was necessary to ensure France's schools remain strictly secular, while some Muslims countered the law specifically targeted them and unduly punished Muslim girls.

With files from The Associated Press


Active VIP Member
Sep 30, 2008
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well boys quit rubbin out to youporn and start spreddin it around, I know I am. I have one kid now and WILL have another one, Chit man I would have 10 if I could but if I have anymore than 2 I am afraid I couldn't afford it and that right there is kind of sad in itself. Due to lack of help from the government funding for Daycare and ect. Our Daycare cost alone is our second biggest expense other than our Morgatge. I am curious on how much our government spend on immigration though...

P.S. Check out my last couple of posts on my CT money thread, if anyone is intrested..!


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Nov 9, 2008
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Just remember this, when they get here and get a taste of freedom, they won't be to quick to let it go. All religions that control their people lose that control once people are free, we are free.


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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bonnyville alberta
thats certainly an eye opener...but do they have the ability to survive in albertas climate? just saying..unless helle hansen makes....dresses and pjs...i think well be the last place for

but seriously...thats scary...maybe they should do like china and limit family size, how do they affordl 8 kids? And i agree with the funding immigrants..

dont get me wrong, im all for the love one another stuff...but its damn time our government pulls their head out of there orfice :nono:and looks after our country..first...our seniors,,our health care, our, industry,....before they go giving away boatloads of money to who every knocks on the door...

and if theres money left after that, they could put it somewhere usefull,,like into our military.....which is a joke...perhaps oneday the military will not have jackets with targets on. and be sent in to get slaughtered......That will insure the continuation of our race and freedom....:rant::rant:

I feel sorry for the next generation..:(...and my own family and future grand kids.....

just my 2 cts
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