Active VIP Member
Concerning all the naysayers condemning sledding during this Covid-19 outbreak..."Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones"
I can almost guarantee that 'You' people condemning other people for going sledding could also be condemned by a section of society that would find some wrongdoing in your own daily activities or actions. Are all of the 'holier than thou' actually doing the bare minimum to survive?...IE shopping for groceries or receiving treatment for a life threatening illness. If you are doing anything other than shopping for groceries or receiving treatment for a life threatening illness...well, you are being reckless and selfish in some peoples eyes.
Here is an example...I have a friend from Calgary who has been very critical of some peoples actions and a lot of his criticism is valid. In particular, one item was concerning some people we know who were returning from overseas trips and going into full party/socializing mode upon their return to Fernie. I would also agree with his criticism in this particular issue
Problem is, I mentioned to him that a friend of his was sending out emails with advice about protecting from Covid-19 and one piece of advice was that big city dwellers should not be heading to small resort areas like Fernie, as it has the potential to create an overburden on our small towns medical facilities. My friend chose to ignore that advice and spend his time at his second home in Fernie. Criticizing some people all the while ignoring other peoples advice. That's his choice to make...not mine.
I'm pretty sure all of the current group of sled condemners could also be condemned by more extreme members of society.
PS: I made it back from two days of local riding and did not require any SAR or medical care...I used disposable gloves at the local fuel depot, brought food from home, rode in my truck by myself, used sani-wipes on my truck door handles, keys and steering wheel, had a couple of beers with the guys (6 feet apart) at the end of the day and all is good...I also saw a couple of families out enjoying themselves and that was nice to see.
I can almost guarantee that 'You' people condemning other people for going sledding could also be condemned by a section of society that would find some wrongdoing in your own daily activities or actions. Are all of the 'holier than thou' actually doing the bare minimum to survive?...IE shopping for groceries or receiving treatment for a life threatening illness. If you are doing anything other than shopping for groceries or receiving treatment for a life threatening illness...well, you are being reckless and selfish in some peoples eyes.
Here is an example...I have a friend from Calgary who has been very critical of some peoples actions and a lot of his criticism is valid. In particular, one item was concerning some people we know who were returning from overseas trips and going into full party/socializing mode upon their return to Fernie. I would also agree with his criticism in this particular issue
Problem is, I mentioned to him that a friend of his was sending out emails with advice about protecting from Covid-19 and one piece of advice was that big city dwellers should not be heading to small resort areas like Fernie, as it has the potential to create an overburden on our small towns medical facilities. My friend chose to ignore that advice and spend his time at his second home in Fernie. Criticizing some people all the while ignoring other peoples advice. That's his choice to make...not mine.
I'm pretty sure all of the current group of sled condemners could also be condemned by more extreme members of society.
PS: I made it back from two days of local riding and did not require any SAR or medical care...I used disposable gloves at the local fuel depot, brought food from home, rode in my truck by myself, used sani-wipes on my truck door handles, keys and steering wheel, had a couple of beers with the guys (6 feet apart) at the end of the day and all is good...I also saw a couple of families out enjoying themselves and that was nice to see.
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