Required: Sense of humor


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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch

ready for st. paddys day


Active VIP Member
Mar 16, 2010
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Princeton bc
[SUB][SUB]New Idea for the Airlines[/SUB][/SUB]
[SUB]Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in
the first place.... Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell - they don't serve food anymore, so what's the loss?

[SUB]The strippers would triple the alcohol sales and get a 'party atmosphere' going in the cabin. And, of course, every
businessman in the country would start flying again, expecting to see naked women.

[SUB]Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money. The tips would be so good we could charge the 'ladies' for working the plane and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and "special services."[/SUB]

[SUB]Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of
seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues.

[SUB]This is definitely a win-win situation if we handle it right -- a
golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset.

[SUB]Why didn't Bush or Obama think of this?[/SUB]
[SUB]Why do I still have to do everything myself?[/SUB]


[SUB]Bill Clinton[/SUB]


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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I was in a pub in Bismarck, ND last Saturday night, when this really brutally ugly girl came up to me, squeezed my arse and said, "Give me your number, sexy."

I replied "Have you got a pen?"

She smiled and said, "Yes."

I replied, "Well you better get back to it, before the farmer notices you're missing."



Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2009
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We had a power outage at my house this morning and my PC, laptop, TV, DVD, iPad & my new surround sound music system were all shut down.
Then I discovered that my iPhone battery was flat and to top it off it was raining outside, so I couldn't play golf.
I went into the kitchen to make coffee and then I remembered that this also needs power, so I sat and talked with my wife for a few hours.
She seems like a nice person.


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2009
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DO NOT shampoo your hair in the shower, as the shampoo runs down your body when you are rinsing off your hair...

I'm so relieved to finally get a health warning that is useful!!! This IS A WARNING to all of us!

I don't know WHY I didn't figure this out sooner! I use shampoo in the shower! When I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, "FOR EXTRA BODY AND VOLUME." No wonder I have been gaining weight!

Well! I got rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Dawn Dishwashing Soap. Its label reads, "DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE."

Problem solved!

If I don't answer the phone, I'll be in the shower!


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2009
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The Cow, the Ant and the Old Fart

A cow, an ant and an old fart are debating on who is the greatest of the three.

The cow said,
"I give 20 quarts of milk every day and that's why I am the greatest!"

The ant said,
"I work day and night, summer and winter,
I can carry 52 times my own weight and that's why I am the greatest!"

Why are you scrolling down?
It's your turn to say something.


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2009
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I ain't much for shopping,
Or for goin' into town
Except at cattle-shipping time,
I ain't too easily found.

But the day came when I had to go -
I left the kids with Ma.
But 'fore I left, she asked me,
'Would you pick me up a bra?'

So without thinkin' I said, 'Sure,'
How tough could that job be?
An' I bent down and kissed her
An' said, 'I'll be back by three.'

Well, I done the things I needed,
But I started to regret
Ever offering to buy that thing -
I worked me up a sweat

I walked into the ladies shop
My hat pulled over my eyes,
I didn't want to take a chance
On bein' recognized.

I walked up to the sales clerk -
I didn't hem or haw -
I told that lady right straight out,
'I'm here to buy a bra.'

From behind I heard some snickers,
So I turned around to see
Every woman in that store
Was a'gawkin' right at me!

'What kind would you be looking for?'
Well, I just scratched my head.
I'd only seen one kind before,
'Thought bras was bras,' I said.

She gave me a disgusted look,
'Well sir, that's where you're wrong.
Follow me,' I heard her say,
Like a dog, I tagged along.

She took me down this alley
Where bras was on display.
I thought my jaw would hit the floor
When I saw that lingerie.

They had all these different styles
That I'd never seen before
I thought I'd go plumb crazy
'fore I left that women's store.

They had bras you wear for eighteen hours
And bras that cross your heart.
There was bras that lift and separate,
And that was just the start.

They had bras that made you feel
Like you ain't wearing one at all,
And bras that you can train in
When you start off when you're small.

Well, I finally made my mind up -
Picked a black and lacy one -
I told the lady, 'Bag it up,'
And figured I was done.

But then she asked me for the size
I didn't hesitate
I knew that measurement by heart,
'A six-and-seven-eighths.'

'Six and seven eighths you say?
That really isn't right.'
'Oh, yes ma'am! I'm real positive -
I measured them last night!'

I thought that she'd go into shock,
Musta took her by surprise
When I told her that my wife's bust
Was the same as my hat size.

'That's what I used to measure with,
I figured it was fair,
But if I'm wrong, I'm sorry ma'am.'
This drew another stare.

By now a crowd had gathered
And they all was crackin' up
When the lady asked to see my hat,
To measure for the cup.

When she finally had it figured,
I gave the gal her pay.
Then I turned to leave the store,
Tipped my hat and said, 'Good day.'

My wife had heard the story
'fore I ever made it home.
She'd talked to fifteen women
Who called her on the phone.

She was still a-laughin'
But by then I didn't care.
Now she don't ask and I don't shop
For women's underwear.


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2009
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Mick and Paddy were fishing on the Irish shoreline when Mick pulled out a cigar. Finding he had no matches, he asked Paddy for a light.
'Ya, sure, I tink I haff a lighter,' Paddy replied and then reaching into his tackle box, he pulled out a Bic lighter 10 inches long.
'My God, man!' exclaimed Mick, taking the huge Bic lighter in his hands. 'Where'd yew git dat monster?'
'Well,' replied Paddy, 'I got it from my Genie.'
'You haff a fecking Genie?' Mick asked.
'Ya, sure. It's right here in my tackle box,' says Paddy.
'Could I see him?'
Paddy opens his tackle box and sure enough, out pops the Genie.
Addressing the Genie, Mick says, 'Hey dere! I'm a good pal of your master. Will you grant me one wish?'
'Yes, I will,' says the Genie.
So Mick asks the Genie for a million bucks. The Genie disappears back into the tackle box leaving Mick sitting there waiting for his million bucks.
Shortly, the Irish sky darkens and is filled with the sound of a million ducks flying directly overhead.
Over the roar of the one million ducks Mick yells at Paddy, 'What the hell? I asked for a million bucks, not a million ducks!'
Paddy answers, 'Ya, I forgot to tell yew dat da Genie is hard of hearing. Do yew really tink I asked for a 10 inch Bic?'


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
As it's no longer politically correct to direct a joke at any racial or ethnic minority, try this one:

An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Ghurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, a German, a Yank, an Egyptian, a Jap, a Pakistani, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Jordanian, a Kiwi, a Swede, a Finn, a Canadian, an Israeli, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, a Singaporean, an Italian, a Norwegian, an Argentinean, a Libyan, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist and an African went to a night club.

The bouncer said, "Sorry, I can't let you in without a Thai.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
An elderly British gentleman of 83 arrived in Paris by plane. At the French customs desk he took a few minutes to locate his passport in his
Carry-on bag. 'You have been to France before, monsieur?' the customs officer asked sarcastically.
The elderly gentleman admitted he had been to France previously.
'Then you should know enough to 'ave your passport ready,' the customs officer said.

The elderly gentleman replied, 'The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it.'

'Impossible! The British always have to show their passports on arrival in France !'

The Man gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained;
'Well, when I came ashore on the Beach on D-Day in 1944, I couldn't find any f*******g Frenchmen to show it to !'


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The lawn mower

A preacher was making his rounds on a bicycle, when he came upon a little boy trying to sell a lawn mower. 'How much do you want for the mower?' asked the preacher.
'I just want enough money to go out and buy me a bicycle,' said the little boy.
After a moment of consideration, the preacher asked, Will you take my bike in trade for it?'
The little boy asked if he could try it out first, and, after riding the bike around a little while, said, 'Mister, you've got yourself a deal.'
The preacher took the mower and began to crank it. He pulled on the rope a few times with no response from the mower.
The preacher called the little boy over and said, 'I can't get this mower to start.'
The little boy said, 'That's because you have to cuss at it to get it started.'
The preacher said, I can't cuss. It's been so long since I became a Christian that I don't even remember how to cuss.'
The little boy looked at him happily and said,

'You just keep pulling on that rope. It'll come back to ya.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Two Newfoundlanders, Larry and Doug,
are sitting at their favourite bar drinking beer.

Larry turns to Doug and says,
'You know, I'm tired of going through life without an education.
Tomorrow I think I'll go to the Community College
and sign up for some classes.'

Doug thinks it's a good idea and the two leave.

The next day, Larry goes down to the college and meets Dean of Admissions, who signs him up for the four basic classes:
Math, English, history, and Logic.

'Logic?' Larry says. 'What's that?'

The dean says, 'I'll give you an example. Do you own a weed eater?'


'Then logically speaking, because you own a weed eater,
I think that you would have a yard.'

'That's true, I do have a yard.'

'I'm not done,' the dean says. 'Because you have a yard,
I think logically that you would have a house.'

'Yes, I do have a house.'

'And because you have a house,
I think that you might logically have a family.'

'Yes, I have a family.

'I'm not done yet. Because you have a family,
then logically you must have a wife.
And because you have a wife,
then logic tells me you must be a heterosexual.'

'I am a heterosexual. That's amazing,
you were able to find out all of that because I have a weed eater.'

Excited to take the class now, Larry shakes the Dean's hand
and leaves to go meet Doug at the bar.
He tells Doug about his classes, how he is signed up for
Math, English, History, and Logic.

'Logic? ' Doug says, 'What's that?'

Larry says, 'I'll give you an example.
Do you have a weed eater?'


'Then you're a queer.'


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Four old retired guys are walking down a street in Yuma , Arizona . They turn a corner and see a sign that says,
"Old Timers Bar - ALL drinks 10 cents." They look at each other and then go in, thinking, This is too good to be true.
The old bartender says in a voice that carries across the room, "Come on in and let me pour one for you! What 'll it be, gentlemen?"
There 's a fully stocked bar, so each of the men orders a martini. In no time the bartender serves up four iced
martinis - shaken, not stirred - and says, "That 'll be 10 cents each, please."
The four guys stare at the bartender for a moment, then at each other. They can 't believe their good luck. They pay the
40 cents, finish their martinis, and order another round.
Again, four excellent martinis are produced, with the
bartender again saying, "That 's 40 cents, please." They pay the 40 cents, but their curiosity gets the better of them.
They 've each had two martinis and haven 't even spent a dollar yet.
Finally one of them says, "How can you afford to serve martinis as good as these for a dime apiece?"
"I 'm a retired tailor from Phoenix ," the bartender says, "and I always wanted to own a bar. Last year I hit the Lottery jackpot for $125 million and decided to open this
place. Every drink costs a dime. Wine, liquor, beer - it 's all the same."
"Wow! That 's some story!" one of the men says.
As the four of them sip at their martinis, they can 't help noticing seven other people at the end of the bar who don 't have any drinks in front of them and haven 't ordered anything the whole time they 've been there.
Nodding at the seven at the end of the bar, one of the men asks the bartender, "What 's with them?"

The bartender says, "They 're retirees from Hot Springs Village. They 're waiting for Happy Hour when drinks are half-price!


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Billy and Susie were young and in love. They had been dating for quite awhile and Billy thought soon they would take it to the "next level" Billy, though inexperienced when it came to sex, knew he should get some protection.

Billy went to the drug store and walked way back to the pharmacist's counter and nervously said "I, I, I, would like to buy some condoms please". The pharmacist said "you're in luck, we are running a special, 3 for a dollar". Billy thought if I get lucky once I may get lucky 3 times. So he said "I will take your special" The pharmacist rang him up and said "that will be a dollar 6 including tax"

Billy exclaimed "Tacks!!, why do I need tacks!! I thought they stayed on by themselves!!"


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2009
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Distraught husband filing a report on his missing wife:

Husband: My wife (Misty), she went shopping two days ago and still has not returned home.

Officer: What is her height?
Husband: I never noticed.
Officer: Slim or healthy?
Husband: Not slim, can be healthy.
Officer: Color of eyes?
Husband: Never noticed.
Officer: Color of hair ?
Husband: Changes according to the season.
Officer: What was she wearing?
Husband: Pant suit or dress..... I don’t remember exactly.
Officer: Was she going in a car???
Husband: yes.
Officer: Tell me the make, model, color and license number and any outstanding details of the car ? . . . . . .

Husband: Black Audi A8 with supercharged 3.0 liter V6 engine generating 333 horse power teamed with an eight-speed tiptronic automatic transmission with manual mode. And it has full LED headlights, which use light emitting diodes for all light functions
license IS HAS-GO! and it has a very thin scratch on the left front door.….and then the husband started crying...

Officer: Don't worry sir, we will find your car...
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