Active VIP Member
Has anyone ventured in there yet this year? Or is it still to early?
Went in yesterday, 5 of us, met up with 2 others up there ahead of us. Snow was very good for the middle of Nov., probably one of the best trips in quite sometime. Can ride from the parking lot, little sketchy till the 8 km bridge as the road was plowed for some bridge work it looks like. We parked just past the bridge about 8.5 kms and had about 8-10 inches on the road. The road up had lots of snow, never touched any rocks going up, deactivation ditches were still open going up, but freezing over on our way out. Snow was level with the cabin deck, for the most part 3-4' all around, deeper in the trees as usual. We went over the staircase with no trouble, no rock strikes, and played around the falls in the back side, climbing lots of hills with no worries. The other fellas we seen had gone over the saddle and played in that direction. Everyone used up every bit of gas, a few gas lights on when we hit the trucks. Got lotsa a pics and video that will be posted tonight when I get home. If your heading out you won't be disappointed, really good base 2-3' with about 10 -12 inches of powder on top of it yesterday.
Sledding season is on for this group!!!!!!!!!
Cabin needs abit of repair, animals chewed a hole in the floor that needs to be covered up.
Riding Renshaw this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! :d :d