Active VIP Member
Hopfully at christmas somewhere around the 27-30. How about you?
hopfully at christmas somewhere around the 27-30. How about you?
will be back out after xmas..... Can't wait .......... ABOUT THE SAME TIME AS YOU...... WE'LL HAVE TO HOOK UP OUT THERE AT THE GIGGLIN' GRIZZ.......
I sacrificed 5 Calgary Flames fans for this
14 Day Trend: McBride, British Columbia - The Weather Network
i sacrificed 5 calgary flames fans for this
14 day trend: Mcbride, british columbia - the weather network
the boys have gone up bell this morning to test out ron's sled.
+5 in town and snowing on the top 2/3 of the mountains so they may see some powder up there. We still need more snow down lower but is supposed to be on it's way the next few days.
They will be posting reports when they get back tonight. Stay tuned.
we should start a poll to see if he even makes it up to the cabin, without a breakdown or damage?? Lol
who all is staying there judy?
we should start a poll to see if he even makes it up to the cabin, without a breakdown or damage?? Lol
who all is staying there judy?
we should start a poll to see if he even makes it up to the cabin, without a breakdown or damage?? Lol
who all is staying there judy?
He didn't even get to the cabin and problems. No turbo at all, what a cluster -----. All day trying to make it work but not a turbo mec. so no luck. Half the nite at Glen's, found alot of problems and fixed, got turbo working but mapping was screwed so he borrowed my truck this am and off to Sicamouse. The boys down there are waiting for him and have promised to have it fixed, dinoed and on his way in a couple of hours. I am not going to comment at this time about what was wrong as that is up to Ron. I am not at all impressed with what I saw. Tomorrow should be a good day. Still snowing up top today and hoping for a good dump of snow. Bell was fun in the trees and burn blocks, lots of good snow there, no pic's sorry but when not trying to fix a sled rode hard to burn my alloted fuel. LOL