If anyone has to ask about avy conditions on here...


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
so far this season im impressed. travelling through the well marked avalanche alley "do not stop" area of allan creek there was no tracks on any of the faces until your out of the valley. as of last weekend anyways. which i think is pretty good condidering how far we are into the season.

usually there is some guy that makes a climb right to the top or a guy that lays down a sick sidehill long enough to kill everyone.


Active VIP Member
Dec 21, 2008
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Prince George, B.C.
I have noticed a big shift in the last year, people just getting smarter with the choices that they are making. I think avalanche awareness is at an all time high right now, and that is why perhaps we are not seeing the tragedies that we have seen in the last couple years.

Clubs are certainly helping push this awareness, by putting in beacon checkers and training parks. Avalanche training is definitely BIG, and I think more and more sledders are getting proactive in this respect. The CAC is getting some big donations this year as well, which in turn helps the sledders in getting accurate avy conditions for their area. However, some work still needs to be done.

For example, in our riding area (The North Rockies) the CAC doesn't have a forecaster for our area, so we are relying on areas near us like the Cariboo, which may or may not have the same snow conditions. We have to be even more aware of conditions, and this is where asking others about conditions might come in handy.

There is lots of knowledge on these forums, it doesn't hurt to ask others for their observations, BUT you still have to be responsible and check the forecast before you head out.
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