2021 175 turbo doo vs 174 turbo pro (7lbs)

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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here’s the pro against Paul’s sidewinder stock tune but CR straight pipe so +200 hp ish. I was running more boost that day, but to put things in perspective it’s probably in the 180 hp range at 7 lbs. Works good enough for an antique.
good video ta learn from ... Polaris the SnoT - rocKeT woulda had a better chance from a standing start ... Not a rolling starT... race ended the way iT should have 4-6 length s for the aHa- maY lol ... Wonder what kinda gears aha- maY runs in them sleds cause there generallY slow from a standing start butt all in all the snoT - rocket can hold er own .... Ho !! Ho !! Ho !! WhaT the SLeD- HeaDs waNNa see is the snoT - RocKeT race the FLuTTeR- BuG up hiLL... BuTT with both sleds at 7 psi of BoosT ... LeT the sled- HeaDs see who can Dooo the besT JiTTeR - BuG Ta the Top ... The crowd will be a BuzzZZZ !!! WHaM wouLD be ProuD !!! LoL ya no ya WaNNa maKe a ViDEO... QuacK !! QuacK !! Wake me uP... before Ya GO GO LMAO
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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So if the turbo Doo is 165hp @ elevation what really is the power/pound on these other kits? I understand that not everything is equal with all the different mechanical stuff such as track 15”, 16”, track type, weight, overall weight, 800, 850, turbo size, maps etc ... there’s a lot of variables but my point is the Doo T is one hell of a sled if in facts it’s 165. This again brings me back to my other point that not everything is equal some kits will only make 4-5 Hp/1lb other 5-7 and HO 8-10... for the record I’m not bashing any kit it’s reality. Engineering, Efficiency & design is something that Doo has done. I’m kicking myself a bit for selling my 2021 T Doo but there’s always next year.
weLL I Like Ta thinK of things in LaYman terms ... Cold air maintains creates Hp .. HoT air which I seem Ta have ah LoT of lol deteriorates decreases HP and I'm not talking about the sauce omg ozone focus ... Now leTs use forresT gump and usain BoLT both r 13 years old ... Forrest is wearing a size 8 shoe but his feet r onlY size 5 now when the FlYinG NuN ( saLLy FueLd ) sent a pair of Forrests size 8 shoes Ta usains dad ( LiGHTninG BoLT ) ... DaYs later when the shoes showed uP in Jamaica and LiGHTninG boLT picked them up and gaVe them To Usain ... The shoes Adidas ( all daY I dream about sex ) size 8..,weLL Usians fooT was size 11 as much as usain tryed they didn't t fiT .. Usain gave them back to his dad ( LiGHTninG BoLT ) LoL !! Be right back ta finish ... Vacuum sales man at the doors... WeLL how bout that Dyson guy Doug talked mY ear off abouT the differences between turbines and turbos... AnY hoo usain managed Ta fiT into those adidas size 8 running shoes buT when he started running he Blew a hole right through the fronT of the runneRs ... WeLL bY luck usain s brother ( nuTTsoN ) caught up to him and seen whaT happened ... NuTTson asked if he could have the adidas ( all day I dream about sex ) runners... Usain said no problem Man ... Well NuTTsoN went home and cut the material back further and made a pair of yes SaNDaLS ouTa them... So every time nuTTsoN wore them while on the beach wiT the sun going down all he could thiNk about was sex on the beach lol .., moral of the story well usain wenT on to be sponsored by niKe and win gold while his dad (LiGHTning BoLT ) ReTiReD to the us TaMPa Bay area... lol and his brother NuTTson opened a stripp club called nuTTsoN n BoLTs.. LMao ... So for the earlY TurBoo guYs they were cracking a few eGGs TrYinG Ta maKe an omelette buTT iT wasn't perFec... some TuRBoOs were to small but the housing ( guTs ) were to big but overall the TuRBoO / housing was to big for a 800,850 cc 2 stroke motor .... Volumetric eFFicency was in Question... so what u would end up wiT was n INeFFicienT TuRBoO ....turbo would only make 4/1 boost Ta hP eVen tho it was SET at 7 pounds of BoosT .... beeP !! beeP !!! Hmmm thinK abouT uSaiN boLTs size 8 shoe ( turbo ) and think now about uSaiNs size 11 fooT ??? Yaa MaN... PuFF !! puFF !! Well nuTTson improvised and made the Adidas size 8 RunneRs into sanDaLs... While someTHings change otheRs sTaY the SaME... change moVes us forward and a neW GeneraTion comes aLong and life's LeSSoNs are pasT on..noT bashing here ... Builders of the TuRBoO kiTs that have gone bY the wat side for whaT eVer reason like Twisted TuRBoS impulse aero charger boosT iT and those that r on the bubble McXpress powder LiTes have moved over to make room for BD siLber force turbo and redLine to name a few then u have the factory BRP turbo... R examples of momenTs of undersTanDing And LeaRNinG that coNNecTs aLL of us
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Drinking the Doolaid
Sep 30, 2008
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Red Deer Alberta
Wow good thread, I have been away from S and M for a bit, to answer some questions, rear skid has the HD doo springs with plastic inserts and I pulled the front of it up a half an inch, probably the best mod done so far period. During that day we all felt that the doo was the better sled in the deep especially and in that race it was a close comparison and yes maybe my part of the hill was steeper but it got steep at the end for both of us and his sled has a better skid for that forsure. I have done some clutching and gearing and have gained 5 kms per hour from stock so now the no Bullsh!t number is 77 kms per hour track speed. I feel that I got lucky with my clutching combo and will be tweeking with it some more on my next few trips to see what I can do, wanna get it up to 80 k track speed which will be pretty deadly for a 175. The thing is I do still like to climb here and there but we still love the meadows and I want to keep it playful which it is, as for Chrisco and Bennys sled, very impressive and are definitely faster in the low snow days, Chrisco is only running 4 pounds boost and that sled has so much potential once he gets traction and can keep that front end down, I won't be able to keep up much longer and Bennys is only an 800 running 5 pounds boost and it is fast as well with a great track, it just can't compete in the deep against the 175, we all try to criticize each other in a positive way and it helps us improve our sleds constantly, but the surprise is the doo forsure and yes I am now liking it quite a bit and am quite comfortable on that chassis, not gonna lie though the Winder was a fantastic sled but I will miss it less every ride.


Active VIP Member
Mar 14, 2009
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Great thread! Just wondering the cost of all these sleds? Are the Polaris and Cat sleds with aftermarket turbos in the same ballpark as a Doo factory turbo? Are they pull and go?
You can build a layover 800 polaris turbo for quite a bit less than a doo turbo. The 850 turbo polaris will be similar to the doo. Haven’t seen a cat turbo run so can’t comment on it, but should be able to build one for $20000 ish. The only with warranty will be the doo.


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Terrace B.C.
You can build a layover 800 polaris turbo for quite a bit less than a doo turbo. The 850 turbo polaris will be similar to the doo. Haven’t seen a cat turbo run so can’t comment on it, but should be able to build one for $20000 ish. The only with warranty will be the doo.

When you say 'build' is this installed by a reputable shop or do it yourself?


Active VIP Member
Mar 14, 2009
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Wow good thread, I have been away from S and M for a bit, to answer some questions, rear skid has the HD doo springs with plastic inserts and I pulled the front of it up a half an inch, probably the best mod done so far period. During that day we all felt that the doo was the better sled in the deep especially and in that race it was a close comparison and yes maybe my part of the hill was steeper but it got steep at the end for both of us and his sled has a better skid for that forsure. I have done some clutching and gearing and have gained 5 kms per hour from stock so now the no Bullsh!t number is 77 kms per hour track speed. I feel that I got lucky with my clutching combo and will be tweeking with it some more on my next few trips to see what I can do, wanna get it up to 80 k track speed which will be pretty deadly for a 175. The thing is I do still like to climb here and there but we still love the meadows and I want to keep it playful which it is, as for Chrisco and Bennys sled, very impressive and are definitely faster in the low snow days, Chrisco is only running 4 pounds boost and that sled has so much potential once he gets traction and can keep that front end down, I won't be able to keep up much longer and Bennys is only an 800 running 5 pounds boost and it is fast as well with a great track, it just can't compete in the deep against the 175, we all try to criticize each other in a positive way and it helps us improve our sleds constantly, but the surprise is the doo forsure and yes I am now liking it quite a bit and am quite comfortable on that chassis, not gonna lie though the Winder was a fantastic sled but I will miss it less every ride.
BRP stock closed today at A yearly HiGH of $86 Canadian dollars dec 28 2020 from its covid 19 LoW oF jusT south of $25 canadian dollars mar 15 2020 ... Wow caTman10 u know how to moVe the neeDLE ... youR review was righT on poinT ... KooLBeaNS !!!
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o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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He clearly states in this message he smokes hash hahahah
hahaha: I LiKe the WaY u THiNK .. U musT be relaTed Ta SiR - sTucK - A - LoT ... or is iT thaT YouR aLwaYs McsTucK in The DriVe Through aT micKeY DDss... McsTucK87... I'm LuVin it ... HeYman xXXxTra KeTchuP for me HasH BrowNs ... Oh and if yer guNNa make an omeLeTTe ya GoTTa Crackk a few good EGGs ...
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Active VIP Member
Jan 30, 2020
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hahaha: I LiKe the WaY u THiNK .. U musT be relaTed Ta SiR - sTucK - A - LoT ... or is iT thaT YouR aLwaYs McsTucK in The DriVe Through aT micKeY DDss... McsTucK87... I'm LuVin it ... HeYman xXXxTra KeTchuP for me HasH BrowNs ... Oh and if yer guNNa make an omeLeTTe ya GoTTa Crackk a few good EGGs ...

Well although I do love me some McDonald’s . The name is because I’m known to be Stuck on the hill. Digging to China with my damn track . Lol

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Well although I do love me some McDonald’s . The name is because I’m known to be Stuck on the hill. Digging to China with my damn track . Lol
McsTucK87 sounds like ya goT a case of the Dick - DOO disease... Your eGG McMuFFin sTicKs out further then your DicK - DOO ... Hahaa... Maybe sTick wiT a couple eGG roLLs and a 11 piece sushi and then TaKe a BiG DumpLing before ya hiT the HiLL... LMaO... ConFucius saY... When conFused.. sTaY conFused !!! pass the choP -stiXX and soYa Sauce .. Ho - Lee - waNNaShihTTs wouLd be Proud .... LmaO ...hahahaaaa HoTSaucE !!! Bruce Lee... EnTer the DraGoN... What a great MoViE ... HiGH - Ka - ChiNG - Gahhh !!!
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