Turbo Doo Track Length


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Spruce Grove
I had a Boost It kit on my 2017 x165 and absolutely hated it. Worst sled I ever rode. I put HD springs, spring spacers and set the back end up as stiff as I could and it was just wild to ride on anything half steep. I sold it and bought a 175 N/A the next year. The 165's need some kind of a coupled skid in my opinion but then I'm not young anymore and lovin talking to my skis when they are in my face. Lol

I run 2 up springs with a Mountain Magic skid. 205 hp 135 ft lbs torque and I cant get my skis 4 inches off the ground on hard pack at 2000 ft above sea level.


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2008
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Spruce Grove
HeYman iTs noT called TuRTLE MounTaIn for noTHiNG LHF ... oh thaT RiGHT indidnT recognize the other week in the ParKInG LoT ... thaT smeLL of perfume com in from your sled was maKinG all the liTTLe BeaVers HornEY for a TasTe of youR man Hood ... buT come on man shave thaT hairY BusH...!! iTs the least Ya can dooo ... jera- mY -A- YoR -john-sin..WTF... LHF did u jumP in thaT iceCoLD turTLE LaKe again heY someone geT LHF the pee!! pee !!plunger again .. what s that LHF..??.. thaTs all Ya GoT .. weLL then puT that weaPoN bacK in youR paNTies ... thaT depends o zone .. hey LHF those depends sure look good on u whaT size are those ..asking for a friend .... GrizZzLeY adams would be prouD ..LMAO HoTsauce !!! .. at leasT giVe the ladies a chance ta puLL youR 2 stRoKe a few times before u Blow youR load of c12 all oVer the place ... !! your mom throw away your besT porno mag ... PARRRTTTyyyyyy !!!

I haven`t done hairy since 1984. Sucks to be you. If it`s hairy I kick them out.


Active VIP Member
Nov 11, 2008
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the vieWs on anY giVeN DaY ... silenT pass >>> aWeSoME PaWSoME ... this place... oler1234 noT sure what i did here on the compuTer ..im sTiLL leaRning ...
No where near Silent or Silver Mines, but both are great as you know. The old girl still gets me where i want to go. 174/5 is the only way for me trying to chase OLER1234


Active member
Nov 20, 2018
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Red Deer
100% The 165 is the perfect balance of length to power.

im going to play devils advocate here. Ive spent considerable time on all 3 turbo track lengths. I find the 175 is a little on the boring side, it is slow and not nearly as playful as the 165. Granted, MUCH better than the past year models with no turbo and no expert tunnel. That being said there are some folks working with clutching and gearing combos that can certainly narrow the gap between the two. Clearly the 175 will go uphill better in deep snow thats a given and one factor the 165 will not match.175s are in a class of their own, in any brand a 165 will not climb where a 175 goes. They just stay planted. I find the 165 is the ultimate weapon, it will sidehill wherever the 175 will but yes you will have to be a little bit more on the ball as the 175 has more holding power with its length. But this 165 just performs technical maneuvers better and is no slouch. With the limiter on short and your body weight forward it will climb some serious walls. These are things on the 175 you dont have to do though. The 165 will climb and climb until it stops climbing, at which point it will come comletely over backwards with ease. I like this because you can whip it around and try again, or get yourself out of a tight situation fast. The 175 will not do this. CHoose your weapon. Both great sleds but the 165 is the ticket for me, Speed, style and maneuverability.

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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I haven`t done hairy since 1984. Sucks to be you. If it`s hairy I kick them out.
HeYman i remember that movie back in 1984 ... u done plaYed long taLL SaLLy..... and as for HaiRy weLL he was a biT of ...beauTy and the beast ... liVing underGound and all washed up ....wiT no place ta go ... down and out in bever -Lee hiLLs that is ... i swear your a relative of jeth -Roo - bo -DeaN .. cause u talK s LiKe ellie -MaYDaY ... and u s rocKs the KazZz - bar Like youR GraNNies goT a gun shooting BlanKs through prince HaiRy BaLLs .. buT HeYman u bee u ands sucKs on jed -ClamPeTs PiPe for a rip roaring gooDTimES .. HoTsause .. i could go on and on buT whY would Ya wanna taKe another BLoW from the leader of the packkK !!! lmao LHF .. is that all u goTs .. lol ya know Ya wanna come hanG your baLLs bY a cheRRy tree come 1come all mar 10 - 17 revy , BouLdeR - DoME ... PREDiToRs beware the RuTTKinG is back wit a scent of c12 in the aiR ... she's pack ing a punch but no DrooLaiD please ... Its the reTurn of the sTarFiSHBoTToMs and POWERToPs GaLoRE ... we s GoTs room for FreaKs and them new GeckKs in them onsies and 2 cc .. leTs separate the guides from the scouTs cause in the end we are all ToPDoGs ..LHF now go take a piss and show the gecKs squad what a big hairY bird u goTs hiding in youR bush ... come on gecKs giVe the man some space .. or LHfF gunna kick YouR ass allover the place x specially in a RaCe CaR spelled backwards is race car ... vrrrrooooOOORRRRMMMM !! VRRRoooOOORRRRMMMM !!! HeYman i thinK my clutch is broKkE ... iTs ok i thinK your Parked jhhurskunKunT ..lmao DYna shore ^joE would be proud... omg ozone u did it again ..........wooT !! woot !! the trains a com in down the track from all sides ... chew !! cheW !!
Last edited:

o zone guy

Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2008
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See Ken, that’s what gives me all
The adrenaline is that “wild” ride
heY wiLdThing ... charle sheen would be proud !! tiger blood with a blend of prediToR adrenaline juice maKe s the world go round on the bus aLL daY LonG cheW !! cheW !!
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