Creep our facebooks TG I was also there.
fake news! It never happened!
Creep our facebooks TG I was also there.
Creep our facebooks TG I was also there.
Never done Vale early season do they let you drive the trucks up the trail? Anyone checking for chains? And when do trail passes start?
Also curious Have always done revy early
Please don’t drive up the Allan trail. It’s not worth it. If there is snow to ride from km 3 then there is snow to ride from the parking lot. You can only get a few trucks with decks there and All it does is fawks that trail up
with ruts down low with ruts. It also screws up the 3 drainage crossings which are actually smooth this year. It’s part of the reason they leave the very lower gate ( at the parking lot ) closed until there is enough snow to leave from staging area.
Curtis did us a solid by opening up that gate last weekend so we could scout up top and get some pics for everyone but that’s because we had fresh snow to ride from the parking lot.
Please don’t drive up the Allan trail. It’s not worth it. If there is snow to ride from km 3 then there is snow to ride from the parking lot. You can only get a few trucks with decks there and All it does is fawks that trail up
with ruts down low with ruts. It also screws up the 3 drainage crossings which are actually smooth this year. It’s part of the reason they leave the very lower gate ( at the parking lot ) closed until there is enough snow to leave from staging area.
Curtis did us a solid by opening up that gate last weekend so we could scout up top and get some pics for everyone but that’s because we had fresh snow to ride from the parking lot.