I guess you just need to look for snow in the not so common areas. We rode Clemina Saturday, and had fresh tracks pretty much all the time...Mind you we rode in technical terrain..
I installed a cigarette lighter type of adapter with USB adapter inside my storage compartment in my XM, and was wondering if it is suitable to plug in a USB device to charge? I am batteryless. I just don't want to fry my GoPro or cell phone if I run it.
We stay at the Day's every Turkey Day weekend for the last 15 years. This year will be our last.
The room rate keeps going up, They didn't even make the beds when we returned, They wouldn't open up the hot tub upstairs, even though it was a jam packed sausage fest in the lower one. We had a...
That shouldn't matter that much, The mid range is the hottest EGT on a rotax.
Put it this way, If I fill my muffpot with lasagna at the beginning of the day, it is hot by mid morning.
I have sleep apnea.
Provincial sleep group was great, although I could get an identical machine for 30% of the cost online, they still gave me a bunch of free stuff and they also set up my machine..
I am a moderate case.. (30 to 40 episodes an hour) that seems a lot but it is seemingly worse...
Our big group is heading up to ride Thursday to Sunday. Annual turkey day ride. Hope the rain stays low, All in all we never have had a bad trip, and that's 15 years in the making.
I dunno about venturing out onto a lake with just 3 feet of snow.... There is no way that there is a decent crust of ice on the water, its probably all slush, I'm thinking.:confused: