correct me if i am wrong but i am pretty sure you go right at the Y if you go left it just goes to a couple wel sitesin the middle of cutblocks, i think you stay right til km 27 then there is a y followed by anothe Y right after it followed byt a third y all in about 300yards lol go to the third Y and turn to the left so your facing back the way you came, there is a old well site shack and an area cleared to park beside it, you can unload anywhwere on the short section of road and ride from there. nice thing about going all the way to the third intersection and coming back into the turn around is that at the end of the day it is load up and go already facing the right direction.
The directions mare just gave are actually the same directions you gave me about 3 years ago lol. You do go left at the Y and at km 27 there's a little part cleared off and the trail starts there.
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