Active VIP Member
Governing would actually help traffic flow. Obviously a loaded truck can't maintain speed up and down grades especially those in the mountains but there's no need to struggle to pass the guy that you were stuck behind at 40 on a single lane hill or at 70 through some curves because now it's a four lane or down hill passing lane and he needs to compensate by cranking up to 110 km/h. He has now created a backup of traffic but limited all of them from getting past him. I see it all the time coming out of the curves around 3 valley gap stuck single file until Malakwa and then the drivers want to speed up to 110-120km/h so now you're doing 130+ to pass promptly and get back over so others have the chance.
I agree and I have driven trucks so I know what it’s like. My trucks were speed limited to 113 and we never tried to pass unless there was a few miles between us and the next vehicle coming from behind as a courtesy. The 10 min I might have saved between mandatory roadside checks and fuel I waisted and people I pissed off wasn’t worth it.
I get pissed every time I travel hwy 2 in Alberta and get behind some arsehole trying to pass another truck because he is doing 3km/h faster. Takes forever and backs up traffic on that busy busy hwy. Especially when I’m coming up in the fast lane and 200 yards or less away they make a lane change, throw rocks at you, etc.
Everything registered over 45 000 GVW should be speed limited to 90 in the mountains.