Very Quite Yesterday -9/11


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Hey snopro, watch the segment by redacted about 911
I’ve seen a bunch of those type of videos that dispute what happened. Until people understand how many people would have to be in on something like that , that America has never needed to stage something like this to attack another country because they do what they want to do and that metal doesn’t need to melt to become weak there will always be back and forth like this.


Active VIP Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Steel doesn't have to melt to loose it's strength, at 1100F it looses about 70% of it's strength, certainly enough for a building to collapse. We stress relieve stuff at work at 1250F, at that temperature the steel totally relaxes and and stress left in the part is released. A building wouldn't remain standing if exposed to those temperatures.
Sure it might weaken the steel, at best that may cause the building to topple, lean one way or the other and collapse toward the weak side, or something along those lines. But all the steel beams suddenly collapsing and the buildings free falling like a planned, well timed building collapse? On not 1 but 3 buidlings? Not a chance. Not to mention the video and witness testimony of guys see explosions and marble tiles in the lobby being blown up long before the buildings went down.

Pretty sure the only 3 steel frame sky scrapers ever to collapse due to fire, all occurred in New York, on that day. And the "official" 9/11 story didn't even mention building 7.

The 4 terrorists passports they found in the rubble, in perfectly good shape, cause the fire wasn't hot enough to burn paper apparently?

Stock market data shows a high probability of insider knowledge prior to the event looking at airline/ US military contractor stock calls and puts. 3-4 of the terrorists they claim were involved were found to be still alive years later. This is just scratching the surface, the official story is absurd.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Well I thought I had heard every conspiracy theory on 911 but I never knew 3 of the highjackers were still alive. Now I know another one.


Active VIP Member
Apr 27, 2011
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I’ve seen a bunch of those type of videos that dispute what happened. Until people understand how many people would have to be in on something like that , that America has never needed to stage something like this to attack another country because they do what they want to do and that metal doesn’t need to melt to become weak there will always be back and forth like this.
One common way to get around this is compartmentalization, its commonly used in military and even lots of corporate structures follow this.

But in the case of 9/11 it would likely involve intelligence agencies and secret societies. Freemasons, Jesuits, Fabian Society? They have been pulling off society changing stunts for centuries.


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Sep 10, 2013
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Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Sure it might weaken the steel, at best that may cause the building to topple, lean one way or the other and collapse toward the weak side, or something along those lines. But all the steel beams suddenly collapsing and the buildings free falling like a planned, well timed building collapse? On not 1 but 3 buidlings? Not a chance. Not to mention the video and witness testimony of guys see explosions and marble tiles in the lobby being blown up long before the buildings went down.

Pretty sure the only 3 steel frame sky scrapers ever to collapse due to fire, all occurred in New York, on that day. And the "official" 9/11 story didn't even mention building 7.

The 4 terrorists passports they found in the rubble, in perfectly good shape, cause the fire wasn't hot enough to burn paper apparently?

Stock market data shows a high probability of insider knowledge prior to the event looking at airline/ US military contractor stock calls and puts. 3-4 of the terrorists they claim were involved were found to be still alive years later. This is just scratching the surface, the official story is absurd.

It did, at least the north tower did, it began to buckle to one side and then collapsed straight down. These are massive structures, they don't fall over like a tree would. That's also not how a truss works, the Twin Towers were truss framed buildings, at least the floor trusses were, its not like a steel girder that can deflect and retain strength, once a truss buckles or a member in the truss snaps all strength is lost and as floors collapse down on one another it takes out the whole building.

The towers collapsed from the top (site of impacts) down. Even if the marble blowing out in the lobby was true, it has no bearing on the actually collapse.

There's been tons of failure and engineering analysis done on the collapse of the twin towers, in part to make future buildings safer. They collapsed due to planes impacting the structures weakening them, and the resultant fires destroying the remaining strength of the structure.


Active VIP Member
Apr 27, 2011
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It did, at least the north tower did, it began to buckle to one side and then collapsed straight down. These are massive structures, they don't fall over like a tree would. That's also not how a truss works, the Twin Towers were truss framed buildings, at least the floor trusses were, its not like a steel girder that can deflect and retain strength, once a truss buckles or a member in the truss snaps all strength is lost and as floors collapse down on one another it takes out the whole building.

The towers collapsed from the top (site of impacts) down. Even if the marble blowing out in the lobby was true, it has no bearing on the actually collapse.

There's been tons of failure and engineering analysis done on the collapse of the twin towers, in part to make future buildings safer. They collapsed due to planes impacting the structures weakening them, and the resultant fires destroying the remaining strength of the structure.
A plane hit building 7? And yes, explosions in the lobby and other lower floors is most definitely suspicious.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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A plane hit building 7? And yes, explosions in the lobby and other lower floors is most definitely suspicious.
It’s well documented that fiery debris flying out of the north tower through windows on multiple floors of building 7 caused multiple fires. A simple search shows its only 300+ ft from the north tower. No one fought the fires as obviously most of New Yorks firefighters were trying to rescue people out of the towers or died in the collapses. Building 7 burned for over 6 hours I believe before it came down.


Active VIP Member
Apr 27, 2011
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So who was flying the planes then?
I didn't commit the crime, so I don't know. And I doubt we ever will know.

According to the official story it was some dude who failed a flight test in a Cessna, but was able to pull off this advanced maneuver with an airliner under pressure, perfectly.


Active VIP Member
Apr 27, 2011
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It’s well documented that fiery debris flying out of the north tower through windows on multiple floors of building 7 caused multiple fires. A simple search shows its only 300+ ft from the north tower. No one fought the fires as obviously most of New Yorks firefighters were trying to rescue people out of the towers or died in the collapses. Building 7 burned for over 6 hours I believe before it came down.
Yes I know the official story, its hilarious. A couple random fires implode a steel building....First time in history. Steel framed buildings have withstood fires in excess of 24 hours before.


Active VIP Member
Sep 15, 2009
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I didn't commit the crime, so I don't know. And I doubt we ever will know.

According to the official story it was some dude who failed a flight test in a Cessna, but was able to pull off this advanced maneuver with an airliner under pressure, perfectly.

I heard it was a comupter program developed in Canada that flew the plane into the buildings.

Ive heard lots of other conspiracy theories.
But but this one seemed some what credible.

But ya who knows.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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I didn't commit the crime, so I don't know. And I doubt we ever will know.

According to the official story it was some dude who failed a flight test in a Cessna, but was able to pull off this advanced maneuver with an airliner under pressure, perfectly.
What happened to the Muslims in question ? They were located in video lineups getting on to the planes after the fallout of the day . Did they go down a separate flyway and out of the airport? There is no video of them on the plane obviously
as there isn’t cameras in planes. Obviously the CIA agents that took over the plane and flew it into the towers were very committed to the agency to die for the cause.


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Yes I know the official story, its hilarious. A couple random fires implode a steel building....First time in history. Steel framed buildings have withstood fires in excess of 24 hours before.
A 767 full of jet fuel plowing into a building at 500mph is some random fires? Now you are really making your self look silly.


Active VIP Member
Apr 27, 2011
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A 767 full of jet fuel plowing into a building at 500mph is some random fires? Now you are really making your self look silly.
Stay with me here.... We were talking about building 7, it wasn't hit by a plane.....

And believe it or not, the twin towers were actually built to withstand an airliner impact, hurricanes, etc.
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