Active VIP Member
Thats why some of us ride with roll cages now. No more dirt bikes and quads.
I agree .. my surgeon still wouldn't however.
Real story he made a joke about driving his new Porsche because of people like me.
And lots of dif victim's in the edmonton glenrose (spinal recovery hospital) i met a kid who was caught in a jeep roll over and more than a few who were in UTV's also.
To be fair most were some kind of disorder .. like spinal strokes etc or some weird nerve degeneration or worse.
But i met my share of all types of OHV patients in my 3 months in there learning how to walk again.
I wont lie i was just pinning it when i ended up landing there myself.
Doc told me from how it happened it looked like the seat smacked me hard enough to crush 1 - break a 2nd and fracture/chip the 3rd vertebra thankfully no twisting occurred nor articulation that happens from landing somewhere.
just saying be careful with the pin it motto .. it was once my own.