Teenage Daughter Problem


Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
another thing I forgot to mention earlier, never let your guard down when it comes to boys dating your daughters in their teens. I know some parents say "oh how cute" etc etc which we were "sort" of like that....... in the beginning. But that can quickly turn into a bad dream that you want to wake up from. Always try to instill that you are commander and chief and dont f&^k with me. Sounds harsh and controlling but your could be raising your grandchild.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
My 16 year old daughter is a beauty. Strong and just amazing. She has droolers around her all the time. She does have a B friend, who is the same age as her. I love him, I call him my work son, and he goes sledding with us. Phenomenal kid..

That being said he knows I'm half azzed, or Batchit crazy as some people call me. I turn into a freakin Grizzly bear when it comes to my kids. Brook is very very open with me. I let her know what is appropriate at this age, and what isn't. We've had very very in depth talks. Now because Jimmy has seen me sledding, he knows that I am capable of inflicting severe bodily harm. One day the 2 of them were in the back seat of the truck as we were riding home from a road trip. I looked back and saw horn dog eyes on his little head.. I made it perfectly clear that I would rip his MOFOSOB eyes out of his head if I ever saw that again.. he later asked Brook if I would hurt him, her reply, "um.... like you have to ask".. She knows what will happen if a line is crossed, and they have a wonderful friendship kind of thing. They do group activities, and spend lots of time with our family, sledding, dirt biking, etc.. One on one with a waterpark, your beautiful daughter in a bathing suit, I probably would say no, but there are plenty of things they can do that don't involved exposed skin. I don't have all the answers.. and this is FREAKING me out, but we're rolling with it, and we have a wonderful guy in our family that sharpens lawnmower blades and has no problem coming over to help us with the garden, cleaning the chicken coop, and picking up horse poop. If he's willing to do that, then he can date my daughter. He's also wonderful with my other 3 kids. At 13 Brook had interests in boys, but waited till she was 15 to have a "boyfriend" and now at 16 she seems to be following the rules.
If this changes, I have no problem bringing a little bit of whoop azz bat ch!t grizzly momma into the picture.. grrrrr
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Active VIP Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
hate to say it but you had better come up with a better strategy as that doesn't work. Good luck though :)

Like I've always said. If I have a daughter first thing I will do when a boy comes over is show him my guns, then tell him I've got friends who are more than willing to go back to jail.


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
I have no kids of my own, but I do have 11 niece's, 6 nephew's. As MANY other 's have already said, and I can only reitterate on that.

Communication, Communication, Communication..............

The best of luck to you, and I sincerly hope your daughter prevails. In a situation, I myself would/wouldn't like to face.

northern bear

RIP May 30,2022
Jun 17, 2007
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Barrhead, Alberta
There's something afoot here. Seen lots of young kids using the family change room at the waterpark. First time I seen they had a common change room I thought "Damn where was that when I was a teen".


Active VIP Member
Jan 14, 2009
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I think you might be late to the party. The fact that they want to go as a couple and not in a group sets off an alarm to me. Invite the young lad over for an afternoon and a BBQ and check him out and see how they relate to each other.

You could also whisper in his ear your right as her Father, anything he does to your girl, you can do to him, that thought should slow him down a bit ;)


Active VIP Member
Jan 16, 2010
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Well the crap hit the fan when momma told her no last night!It was 2 hours of dance music blasting from her room and the crying!!Told momma there was 3 years difference between me and the wife (I was 24 and she was 21 and we met in a bar)!!!!Huge difference!!!!She never came right out and said a word to me about this trip deal because she said if mom said no I would too!Also I'm not ok with her 'dating' at 13!She had a 'boyfriend' her own age before that they were allowed to go places with a group of friends but never just the 2 of them!!But with this 16 year old it doesn't seem like the innocent(my head in sand,happy place) dating she did before!She doesn't seem to see the horny guy that I see!!I remember being 16 and chasing anything that moved!But back then we never chased anything that was that young!We would have got our asses kicked and been called names for even thinking about chasing a 13 year old when you were 16!!I think this kid is fugged up for even thinking about it!Back then if you were 16 and going out with a 15 year old you were pushing it!And yes he is from Neerlandia and they are the biggest hipocrits!All the church elders are guys I used to party with and I'm amazed they can close the closet doors with all the skeletons in there!!I don't need my daughter 'labelled' and being accused of leading this good little church boy astray!Also this little prick broke into my old house that was empty for a few years when he was younger and broke some windows and crap!So he is kinda scared of me already!I know his parents because they bought an acreage beside some of my land and then it started!!First week,mommy and daddy quad through my pasture scared the crap out of my cows,leave gates open,then ask me for directions on how to get out!That fall my crop gets snowed under and they go sledding through it, in and around my combine and trucks covered in snow(it ruins the crop by sledding over standing crop)!Following season they go through my crop with quads to chase their horses that got out(no phone call even)!Everytime the tracks led right to their yard!They didn't like it when I followed their sled tracks to their yard and I loosened their lawn up with my 156"track!They wanted to send me a bill for the lawn till I said how much the bill for the crop damage would be!So I guess I have no use for the whole family!But the wife is gone to work so it's dad turn to have a chat with my little girl!So this kid wants to meet me and I'm going to ask him whats wrong with him chasing a 13 year old!This is the time when I wished I only had boys so someone else would have to scare the crap out of them!!But any more helpful hints would be great on this situation!!
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Active VIP Member
Feb 5, 2010
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DA Moose B.C
All I have to say is that is some good reading right there. My daughter is 12 and now way in Hell would that fly.

By the way I went to highschool in threehills ( town part ) .... The girls in the bible college where the hornyest, most messed up chicks ever ( fun for a young guy ) ...

So u can't go off a good church guy or girl at all. Don't think there is such a thing.

sent from my htc
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Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
I have no kids of my own, but I do have 11 niece's, 6 nephew's. As MANY other 's have already said, and I can only reitterate on that.

Communication, Communication, Communication..............

The best of luck to you, and I sincerly hope your daughter prevails. In a situation, I myself would/wouldn't like to face.

see you have had that little talk with a few fathers already eh.


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
Well the crap hit the fan when momma told her no last night!It was 2 hours of dance music blasting from her room and the crying!!Told momma there was 3 years difference between me and the wife (I was 24 and she was 21 and we met in a bar)!!!!Huge difference!!!!She never came right out and said a word to me about this trip deal because she said if mom said no I would too!Also I'm not ok with her 'dating' at 13!She had a 'boyfriend' her own age before that they were allowed to go places with a group of friends but never just the 2 of them!!But with this 16 year old it doesn't like like the innocent(my head in sand,happy place) dating she did before!She doesn't seem to see the horny guy that I see!!I remember being 16 and chasing anything that moved!But back then we never chased anything was that young!We would have got our asses kicked and been called names for even thinking about chasing a 13 year old when you were 16!!I think this kid is fugged up for even thinking about it!Back then if you were 16 and going out with a 15 year old you were pushing it!And yes he is from Neerlandia and they are the biggest hipocrits!All the church elders are guys I used to party with and I'm amazed they can close the closet doors with all the skeletons in there!!I don't need my daughter 'labelled' and being accused of leading this good little church boy astray!Also this little prick broke into my old house that was empty for a few years when he was younger and broke some windows and crap!So he is kinda scared of me already!I know his parents because they bought an acreage beside some of my land and then it started!!First week,mommy and dad quad through my pasture scared the crap out of my cows,leave gates open,ask me for directions on how to get out!That fall my crop gets snowed under and they go sledding through it in around my combine and trucks covered in snow(it ruins it by sledding over standing crop)!Following season they go through my crop with quads to chase their horses that got out(no phone call even)!Everytime the tracks led right to their yard!They didn't like it when I followed their sled tracks to their yard and I loosened their lawn up with 156"track!They wanted to send me a bill till I said how much the bill for the crop damage would be!So I guess I have no use for the whole family!But the wife is gone to work so it's dad turn to have a chat with my little girl!So this kid wants to meet me and I'm going to ask him whats wrong with him chasing a 13 year old!This is the time when I wished I only had boys so someone had to scare the crap out of them!!But any more helpful hints would be great on this situation!!

If they're angry and hate us once in a while, it means we're doing something right lol.


I'm doo-ing it!
Dec 2, 2008
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beautiful, downtown Salmon Arm, BC
Not that it relates to the direct situation but we had 4 boys. I used to joke that we sent the girls back didn't want the grief!

I've read every post and there is some great advice. Two or three points stand out: communication, keeping the kids busy, and being involved. I liked the idea of you or your wife driving, of sort of chaperoning, and "being there". In my mind that wouldn't be wandering the mall, it would be actively participating. Keeping the teenagers busy is very important; they should be involved in sports, the arts, work or chores, and just too busy to wander far from the path you prefer. The communication advice is probably the best. One has to keep the communication channel open and that is with honest, open, and frank "talks" not the full of fire shouting and yelling (unless of course the ch!t has hit the fan and you are really pissed at their actions) talks that some have everyday. There has to be respect in the communication moment(s)!

I used to preach, so to speak, to "my students" everyday it seemed about CPR. It was a phrase I coined and used in various ways through my 30 years of teaching; Choices, Priorities, and Responsibilities. Hell, I even built a graduation speech or two around that beauty. To me it is quite self explanatory but for every action we pretty much have a choice (that should follow values and morals, the law(s), the wishes of our peers, subordinates, or family), then comes the priority part (like how how high on the priority list is this action) and finally the responsibilities one has with the aftermath of the decision. With today's teenage generation, I would have to insert something in there about consequences. We didn't really have to back then 'cause they friggin' knew there were consequences everywhere.

Good luck with your trip through life and keep seeking help and advice from wherever it makes you comfortable.

One more point and I said this for years (sometimes it was in jest but most of the time it was real), I was very happy that all I had to worry about with 4 boys was one little prick and not the whole neighbourhood! But I know, I did have to doo it 4 times, hahahaha!

Ms. Swimmer

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Mar 18, 2008
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Medicine Hat
The other thing about letting him drive if they make it to the "pool" and don't end up parked on some back road for the afternoon playing touchy feely, if things get out of control and your daughter becomes uncomfortable suddenly he holds all the cards so to speak. He is her ticket home so she may feel she has to go along with his wishes even though she may not want to to get a ride home ie he holds all the power. I don't know I may be off base just something to think about.

Like Momma said when you hear "I hate You" "You never let me do anything" "you're so unfair" pat yourself on the back cause you ARE doing your job!!!!
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Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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I have no kids of my own, but I do have 11 niece's, 6 nephew's. As MANY other 's have already said, and I can only reitterate on that.

Communication, Communication, Communication..............

The best of luck to you, and I sincerly hope your daughter prevails. In a situation, I myself would/wouldn't like to face.

Fortunately for you, there isn't many women who wanted to procreate with you, unfortunately for us, Tex found someone who would...hopefully his daughter takes after her mother! :rolleyes:


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Well the crap hit the fan when momma told her no last night!It was 2 hours of dance music blasting from her room and the crying!!Told momma there was 3 years difference between me and the wife (I was 24 and she was 21 and we met in a bar)!!!!Huge difference!!!!She never came right out and said a word to me about this trip deal because she said if mom said no I would too!Also I'm not ok with her 'dating' at 13!She had a 'boyfriend' her own age before that they were allowed to go places with a group of friends but never just the 2 of them!!But with this 16 year old it doesn't seem like the innocent(my head in sand,happy place) dating she did before!She doesn't seem to see the horny guy that I see!!I remember being 16 and chasing anything that moved!But back then we never chased anything that was that young!We would have got our asses kicked and been called names for even thinking about chasing a 13 year old when you were 16!!I think this kid is fugged up for even thinking about it!Back then if you were 16 and going out with a 15 year old you were pushing it!And yes he is from Neerlandia and they are the biggest hipocrits!All the church elders are guys I used to party with and I'm amazed they can close the closet doors with all the skeletons in there!!I don't need my daughter 'labelled' and being accused of leading this good little church boy astray!Also this little prick broke into my old house that was empty for a few years when he was younger and broke some windows and crap!So he is kinda scared of me already!I know his parents because they bought an acreage beside some of my land and then it started!!First week,mommy and daddy quad through my pasture scared the crap out of my cows,leave gates open,then ask me for directions on how to get out!That fall my crop gets snowed under and they go sledding through it, in and around my combine and trucks covered in snow(it ruins the crop by sledding over standing crop)!Following season they go through my crop with quads to chase their horses that got out(no phone call even)!Everytime the tracks led right to their yard!They didn't like it when I followed their sled tracks to their yard and I loosened their lawn up with my 156"track!They wanted to send me a bill for the lawn till I said how much the bill for the crop damage would be!So I guess I have no use for the whole family!But the wife is gone to work so it's dad turn to have a chat with my little girl!So this kid wants to meet me and I'm going to ask him whats wrong with him chasing a 13 year old!This is the time when I wished I only had boys so someone else would have to scare the crap out of them!!But any more helpful hints would be great on this situation!!

I'll give you some advice if you want it. Considering your history with the family make sure you have someone else there when you have the talk with this kid. Kids could say things that never happened and then you are the one in big trouble.Just my 2 cents.
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