Active VIP Member
Thanks for the info maxwell. They weren't quite stock tho, close but not quite. Was the clutching bone stock out of the box on both? I wonder why anyone buys a polaris when apparently the Bomby smashes it consistently. Is this what everyone else is finding too?
Seems like BRP is the obvious choice.
highmarking isnt everything. but i wont even get into the technical riding aspect of it. i guess you would have to witness it. burandt can make it work so really what i say is invalid about technical riding i supose.
yes clutching was bone stock on both. and yes both sleds were stock. remember the 2012/13 xps sleds now come with the same track i had on the 2011 xp so how is that not a fair comparison? pro hasnt changed its track and i was running the doo 2012 version of the track. so seems pretty fair to me.