Recession just around the corner?

eagle eye

Active member
Oct 31, 2011
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When you guys say you want tips and advice what are you asking for? Im pretty big into stocks etc so I watch everything that makes them move like a fox so I don't get wrecked are you looking for stock tips or general speaking about the market?


Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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When you guys say you want tips and advice what are you asking for? Im pretty big into stocks etc so I watch everything that makes them move like a fox so I don't get wrecked are you looking for stock tips or general speaking about the market?

Hey. You offered, all information is valuable, I assume gleaned from either your huge successes, or failures !


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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are you the guy that can predict lotto numbers but has never won?
When you guys say you want tips and advice what are you asking for? Im pretty big into stocks etc so I watch everything that makes them move like a fox so I don't get wrecked are you looking for stock tips or general speaking about the market?


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
Might not have an relation to a forthcoming recession/depression, but news last night said Food Bank use is up 48.2% since 2008, that housing costs are the biggest stress and people are choosing to pay for a house over food. Many also cited a minimum wage lower than anyone in AB can realistically survive on. 42.9% of the Food Bank user are children!

I also found it interesting that our Bank of Canada governor - Poloz - told an auditorium of unemployed university graduates that they should work for free to beef up their resumes. What an idiot. That has never existed in my lifetime! From the day I got my very first job we have ALWAYS been paid for work. What an idiot..........and this corporate backed guy, is the one who calls a lot of the shots regarding the stability of our economy. Doesn't say much.

Poloz is only pointing out what is expected in todays world... i have had two different career changes... both of them required working for free! I kept track of my hours and it was insane but now well worth it... is it wrong? YES! But competition makes it that way....


Active VIP Member
Apr 22, 2011
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High Prairie
interesting internet article i found... and it's the internet i have no idea who these guys are or if any of this is true... so read with a grain of salt

[h=1]Buffett's $55 Billion Gamble is a Bet on
U.S. Collapse, Warns CIA Economist[/h]
By MONEY MORNING STAFF REPORTSDid Warren Buffett just make a $55 billion bet on an imminent market crash?A single financial document has emerged that may hold the answer.According to a new SEC filing, Buffett is sitting on $55 billion in cash through his company Berkshire Hathaway. This is highly unusual behavior from a man often called "the world's greatest investor."It's the biggest cash hoard the company has ever amassed, in the 40 years he's been in charge.At a cost of $29 million every single day he keeps his money out of the markets, from all outward appearances, this is a risky and costly gamble. Unless Buffett is sure a Wall Street crash is at our doorstep.Shocking: See the chart that may have caused Buffett to bet on a U.S. collapse.
But he's not the only famous investor who fears a dangerous correction is coming.Jim Rogers recently admitted to Yahoo! that he is staying far away from U.S. stocks.New filings also revealed billionaire George Soros' massive short position on the S&P 500.Previously, Soros allocated 3% of his portfolio to shorting the S&P. It's a common practice major investors use to insure their positions against unforeseen pullbacks.But he just increased his short position on the S&P 500 over 5X fold, taking it to 16% of his entire portfolio.That is an alarming sign that Soros is betting on a market collapse. And given his track record of predicting these events, it's one we should not ignore.So the question remains: Why are some of the "greatest investors alive" betting against Wall Street?According to Jim Rickards, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, they are taking emergency measures now before a historic economic meltdown strikes - one he, and many of his colleagues at the U.S. Intelligence Community, fear is unavoidable.In an exclusive interview with Money Morning, Rickards warned, "The signals we've been tracking are quite clear, a 70% stock market crash is imminent.""Think of the market down 70%. If Buffett has that $55 billion in stocks, he loses $38 billion," he explained.Rickards, a three-decade veteran of Wall Street's biggest hedge funds and investment banks, knows billionaires like Buffett are well-connected to both the financial markets and U.S. government.​
Over 2X More Dangerous
Than the Great Depression

Does this chart prove a 70% stock market crash is imminent?
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So it's logical they'd have the luxury of receiving an advanced warning of a coming catastrophe similar to what his work with the CIA is forecasting."Every business in the world whose back is to the wall, they're distressed, they go to Warren Buffett" asking for a bailout, Rickards explained. "Think of the information he has. He sees everything.""I think Buffett is seeing the same things my colleagues and I are."Rickards stepped forward to take part in thisexclusive interview so average Americans could receive this early warning as well.During the discussion, Rickards shared a series of dangerous economic patterns that have recently appeared that he and those in the highest ranks of the intelligence community have been tracking.What they reveal is an economy that has reached what he refers to as a "super critical state.""Everybody knows we have a dangerous level of debt. That's no secret," he said. "But all signs are now flashing bright red that our chickens are about to come home to roost."Frightening: Single chart reveals which banks could collapse (and how soon). If your life savings is in a major bank, please look at this now.
Rickards focused on five "flashpoints" the Intelligence Community is closely monitoring that they believe will soon ignite this collapse."This nearly instantaneous 70% stock market crash is just Phase 1. From the outside, nobody will see it coming," Rickards explained."Once it becomes clear that it's not a flash crash – it's a systemic meltdown in the economy itself, that's when the gravity of the situation will sink in. And there will be no digging out from it.”He went on to explain how a $100 trillion meltdown would quickly unfold in the aftermath. Then he used five words to describe what this was all leading to.“A 25-year Great Depression,” Rickards warned.Editor's Note: Money Morning has released their exclusive interview with Jim Rickards to the public. And it's a must-see for every American who is concerned about our country and their financial security. Click here to view it.
Rickards warnings are a part of a growing wave that have begun to appear from areas of our government who are not historically known for making their findings public.Recently, a sensitive report containing the consensus view of all 16 branches of the U.S. Intelligence Committee surfaced.These agencies, which include Rickards' CIA, as well as the FBI, Army, and Navy, have already begun to jointly estimate the impact of, as the report stated, "the fall of the dollar as the global reserve currency."​
Details of Government's
"Day After Plan" Emerge

Warning: Measures have already been put "in play" for this 25-year Great Depression.
Click here to continue...

And our reign as the leading superpower being annihilated in a way "equivalent to the end of the British Empire in the post-World War II period."The nightmarish endgame presented in this report involved "a worldwide economic breakdown and an extended period of global anarchy.""Look at it this way," Rickards stated near the end of the interview. "Americans are standing at the bottom of a very tall mountain - Mt. Everest, Mt. Kilimanjaro... they look up and see an avalanche barreling down."Determining the one snowflake that started this chaos shouldn't be our focus. Recognizing the severity of the situation and moving to safety should be."Buffett, Soros, and Rogers may be prepared for anything, but few individual investors are.That's why Rickards is now urging Americans to ask themselves a simple question."What if we're right?"Editor's Note: For a limited time, you can view Rickards' interview and claim a free copy of his New York Times best selling book, The Death of Money. Click here to continue...




Active VIP Member
Sep 11, 2012
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Buffet, soros and T Boone Pickens were the guys that said to get out of oil and into alternative energy back in 2008 and 2009. Sell your oil stocks because we reached peak oil and buy into solar and windmills.
What they didn't tell you was that they had already bought into the green energy stocks and needed a bunch of suckers to buy to raise the share prices. When they went up, the three wise men sold and made a killing.
Theyre all sitting on cash now because they wanted to see how the mid term elections went. Now that their buddy Obama has been rendered irrelevant they're no longer able to direct the economy as easily as before. They're waiting to see what the republicans do before they commit. With keystone approval now likely soon and the regs changing so that the U.S. can sell natural gas outside of the states they'll be quietly buying back into oil. Now that the anti business democrats are ousted you'll see investment go back into the u.s. As long as they can control inflation by sensibly managing interest rates things will proceed reasonably. IMHO.

eagle eye

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Oct 31, 2011
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Like I said im into stocks so it's the same thing just im piling money into this vs just worrying a about job, house etc. For the most part the guys who are in a unsafe place in their careers already know it whether they admit it or not is another story. Look at the s&p 500 and the Dow Jones they are at all time highs. The usa keeps printing money and when that money comes back home it's going to wreck the usa once again. To be honest in this market there's a very few companies with special stories that i would buy into which are somewhat "safer". My big play right now is DVG divergent energy services they have a linear pump they are getting ready to start testing next week in the Bakken in southern saskatchewan and from what im hearing it's with one of the biggest oilfield companies in Canada. The pumps already been tested and it works it's been in the works for 10 years. It is perfect for our wells up here and will cut the cost of the old jack style pumps down drastically (I think 30% I forget off the top of my head). I have had some good runs this year with SEV, ENA (quick flip), and OEC and I decided to pile everything I have in this one. I plan on buying another 100,000 shares shortly if it don't ramp up in the next week im waiting on some other money.
Aside from that 2 more that I'm keeping an eye on is the hvu (scare meter) and jnug. Jnug will be a nice play im waiting till it drops more though it's such a sketchy market. If I was guessing I would say this market will go to about may 2015, there's only so many times banks etc can be bailed out.
The way of the world is always don't do anything until after the fact but like I said earlier the elastic band is stretched to the max right now but I do believe we have a bit of time although things can change overnight.


Active VIP Member
Sep 27, 2014
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Strathcona County
Like I said im into stocks so it's the same thing just im piling money into this vs just worrying a about job, house etc. For the most part the guys who are in a unsafe place in their careers already know it whether they admit it or not is another story. Look at the s&p 500 and the Dow Jones they are at all time highs. The usa keeps printing money and when that money comes back home it's going to wreck the usa once again. To be honest in this market there's a very few companies with special stories that i would buy into which are somewhat "safer". My big play right now is DVG divergent energy services they have a linear pump they are getting ready to start testing next week in the Bakken in southern saskatchewan and from what im hearing it's with one of the biggest oilfield companies in Canada. The pumps already been tested and it works it's been in the works for 10 years. It is perfect for our wells up here and will cut the cost of the old jack style pumps down drastically (I think 30% I forget off the top of my head). I have had some good runs this year with SEV, ENA (quick flip), and OEC and I decided to pile everything I have in this one. I plan on buying another 100,000 shares shortly if it don't ramp up in the next week im waiting on some other money.
Aside from that 2 more that I'm keeping an eye on is the hvu (scare meter) and jnug. Jnug will be a nice play im waiting till it drops more though it's such a sketchy market. If I was guessing I would say this market will go to about may 2015, there's only so many times banks etc can be bailed out.
The way of the world is always don't do anything until after the fact but like I said earlier the elastic band is stretched to the max right now but I do believe we have a bit of time although things can change overnight.

Somebody's a salesman. ;)

eagle eye

Active member
Oct 31, 2011
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I was asked so I told i don't come to snow and mud to push my stocks jackass. I can see you will be one of the people with no house or food from your ignorance. Play what you like buy what you like if anyone has any better stock or market advice im all ears. I bought SEV at .35 look what it's at right now.95 and climbing. Technology is safer at getting in then oil and gas Etc. You can tell me im wrong but the market always jumps back into gold and silver metals etc in a crash because it's safe and when the rest of the world is hurting i plan on swooping in and picking up stocks that got wrecked for pennies on the dollar. The market blows right now it's not the time to buy anything unless you really know what your doing. Nobody can predict the end with the government bailouts happening all the time but it has to happen it's impossible for it to not happen.


Active VIP Member
Sep 27, 2014
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Strathcona County
I was asked so I told i don't come to snow and mud to push my stocks jackass. I can see you will be one of the people with no house or food from your ignorance. Play what you like buy what you like if anyone has any better stock or market advice im all ears. I bought SEV at .35 look what it's at right now.95 and climbing. Technology is safer at getting in then oil and gas Etc. You can tell me im wrong but the market always jumps back into gold and silver metals etc in a crash because it's safe and when the rest of the world is hurting i plan on swooping in and picking up stocks that got wrecked for pennies on the dollar. The market blows right now it's not the time to buy anything unless you really know what your doing. Nobody can predict the end with the government bailouts happening all the time but it has to happen it's impossible for it to not happen.

Whoa! Take it easy there big fella. Don't get your lacy panties in a knot. I put a winkie face after my comment, so you wouldn't take it to heart. Didn't work, I guess. Hope you didn't need an ambulance ride for your heart attack there partner.

eagle eye

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Oct 31, 2011
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Nope just don't like ignorance. You tell me what to buy then and in 6 months let's see who was right, fair enough? Im not telling anyone to buy anything im telling you what im buying. Remember in 08 when everyones financial advisors said no worries it will correct etc and peoples pensions mutual funds etc got wrecked? Im not taking that chance with others playing with my money if I play this out right on the fall I could be rich off a relatively small investment that's better then my money sitting at 1% interest a yr till im 65.

eagle eye

Active member
Oct 31, 2011
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I thought this was a thread about a recession? Good thing you got your less then useful .02 in now you can feel like a big man.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
Whoa! Take it easy there big fella. Don't get your lacy panties in a knot. I put a winkie face after my comment, so you wouldn't take it to heart. Didn't work, I guess. Hope you didn't need an ambulance ride for your heart attack there partner.



Active VIP Member
Jun 13, 2009
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I thought this was a thread about a recession? Good thing you good your less then useful .02 in now you can feel like a big man.

Well i hope you do ok on your stocks and retire early, by yourself, somewhere else, on an island, not near people, cause trees and rocks might put up with your $hitty attitude. Thanks for the tips, me, I'm gonna pass on following your advice, so call me and taunt someday from your mansion, maybe you can spring a few bucks loose on personality lessons, or at least rent a sense of humour.
We'll all watch for your name on the Fortune 500 list. LOL.

eagle eye

Active member
Oct 31, 2011
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Well i hope you do ok on your stocks and retire early, by yourself, somewhere else, on an island, not near people, cause trees and rocks might put up with your $hitty attitude. Thanks for the tips, me, I'm gonna pass on following your advice, so call me and taunt someday from your mansion, maybe you can spring a few bucks loose on personality lessons, or at least rent a sense of humour.
We'll all watch for your name on the Fortune 500 list. LOL.

Im just trying to get by like the rest of the world and my attitude was fine until someone started beaking. I have 0 attitude and I don't think I have all the answers if anyone has good input im more then happy to listen someone tossing stupid comments at me is unnecessary. Not sure why you felt the need to jump in and defend him he said it im pretty sure he can answer responses on his own.
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