Active VIP Member
i have one. give MPI a call they will fix you up. Anything over 7lbs will require 50/50 or you will run into problems. The superchargers pull real hard too, you will surprise alot of turbo's.
if you are riding it everyweekend you will go through aprox 30l of race fuel per weekend, depending on how much you ride and how hard. the s/c sleds use a ton of fuel. the rb3 will help your fuel situation huge. i would still run race fuel even if head shim. at altitude you probably will not have a problem but on the trails you will burn it down.some people i know tryed the cheap way out and cost them a mint to rebuild the eng. as far as i am concerned race fuel is cheap insurance. I have beat the crap out of my sled, stage 2 17psi, head shim, bov and recent rb3(still tuning) and i have yet to have issue. i just free poor the 110 to it.Before the rb3 i fought with the gems programmer and it never ran good and i know my a/f were out to lunch very lean and very rich and sled is still alive. if you need help tuning the rb3 let me know, i have some good base maps for stage 1
Modman, Shiznitt100. Thanks for all of your input. I unstand that it is better to spend the little extra on fuel than to bo sorry. But just so I have this straight say your riding 5000 to 8000 ft with 10 psi boost you could be running premium fuel? with head shim. Or am I totally wrong. Shiznitt100 are u pretty hapy with yours and do you run a blow off valve?
Is this rb3 you speak of a MPI product?