Fernie snow, thank you for your guidance to wranglers cabin....we hhad a good day. Where is coal summit from the cabin, we rode the pipeline a bit and had some fun in the trees (going slow to avoid the dreaded stump repair).
Thanks again for the guidance and grooming. We did stop in and get our trail passes and maps at Ghost Riders. The snow is so minimal in MT, we are enjoying Fernie!
Another groom last night.....3 times this week! The main trail is baby butt smooth. The bottom has a few bumps (up to Matheson) as one can't groom ice, the rest is awesome. The new trail through the Rolling Hills is rough. We are making a plan and will get something done before next weekend. We need some snow on top of the stumps so we don't snag the blade every 20'.
For an up-dated grooming report and conditions report go to:
Thats gotta be hard on the groomer and blade hooking those stumps to. I bet the groomer floor is saturated with Timmies and garlic shrimp as well. Lol.
Hi FS, I am wondering about wondering about Morriesy? How far are they driving in?
BTW we think you groomers rock!
Thanks FS, we did know that but it was forgotten as we did not make it down to Fernie at all last year. Any fresh stuff coming down?? We heard some rain in town but I am hoping for some fresh stuff as my 15 yo is borrowing my new sled this weekend to go riding with his Dad..I think I get Mom of the year for that one