i realize it takes large brass ones to pull something like that off. but just like back in the day when i rode moto-cross. if ya cant stick the landing and stay on your machine...you just lost 1/2 the merit for the trick in my opinion.
the next guy to pull that off and "stick" with his machine and not get blown off i think is a completed attempt
Yup.....just like it say's in the video. Look at what Carey Hart went through many years ago. I have tons of respect for ALL those guy's, wether they ride away or not!!!
props to ALL those riders past and present wether they walk away or not..99% of us watch from the sidelines wether by sanity or lack of life insurance..LOL
they do what some people consider the impossable for sure.
man the adrenaline pump after the stuff they do at times must almost be blinding