Credit Check


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Westend, Edmonton, Ab
Does anyone know how to get a free credit check? I`ve looked on the internet for the free ones and they are all BS. They`ll give you a free week if you sign up with a credit card for $29.95/ month, what a joke.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Company you are looking for is Equifax. They hold all the info on your credit history and rating. They have to offer the report to you FREE. Actually it's a good idea to get the report every couple years and check it for errors. They too make mistakes that can effect your life.


Active VIP Member
Nov 10, 2006
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here is a link for a free equifax credit report, just print page and follow instructions. it will get mailed to you in 5 to 10 days.


Active member
Jan 5, 2008
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Devon, AB
You can also get a free report from TransUnion. Both Equifax and TransUnion only allow one every year. If you get one from both you can pull it every six months without paying for it. Most credit card companies report every three months so it is wise to check it every six months.

By checking our report we found that Amex had screwed up our report big time and the sonner you get it rectified, the better.


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Jan 5, 2008
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Devon, AB
Another thing to mention is, the more your credit bureau is pulled (not by you) the worse your score gets. It looks as though you are credit seeking and lenders don't like that. I would advise against getting the bank to pull it for you, as this would apply also. You can find out your credit score (beacon score) through Equifax but you have to pay for it. It doesn't come on the free report.


Active VIP Member
Dec 6, 2006
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In my head
Another thing to mention is, the more your credit bureau is pulled (not by you) the worse your score gets. It looks as though you are credit seeking and lenders don't like that. I would advise against getting the bank to pull it for you, as this would apply also. You can find out your credit score (beacon score) through Equifax but you have to pay for it. It doesn't come on the free report.

I think that's something they should teach in high school. Everytime you apply for any credit it affects your "credit score". Catch 22 is if you have offers from card companies for lower interest rates, you have to "apply" for their credit which effects your score. Scary.


Active VIP Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Calmar, AB
Another thing you should know is that "transunion" and "equifax" are both distinct services - and they do not share their data.

They usually do not contain all the same information. Many institutions report your credit results (results of successful repays or defaults) to both but you will find not all do, or not all do both for all things. Consequently you likely will find a few differences between the two.

In some cases, something "bad", or something "wrong" may only be recorded with one of them. And what you are looking for in this case may only be one bad thing or one little hint of information. So you "need" to always check them both.

To complete this little discussion, you should also know that some lenders will often only use one when computing your score. So you might check one, think you are one way, then your lender using the other may think something different.

The good news is, in Canada, there are only those two and no others.

PS: I guess another important thing, for those un-initiated into credit fraud, one big warning sign you are looking for is something easy to miss: it's an application for credit or even a credit check that you think you did not cause yourself. What you are looking for is someone trying to apply for credit in your name. These will not show up as a red flag, but an easily over looked item. They are also hard to diagnose since it is difficult to remember and understand what you might have done to legitimately cause them. (don't freak at first if you find one you can't remember, sit and think for a while)

Also, having an institution check my credit reduces my score: this is correct, however applying say 2-5 times per year does not have much of a negative affect, it has to be more than that, or like 15 times over 3 years then it can go down. I would get them myself though if I was just checking for fraudulent activity.

And also: pay the money and check them both every few months for a few years if you have been a victim of fraud.

Wow, that was a lot longer than I thought it would be...

-Former fraud survivor.
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