Aboriginal protests in Canada.


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Mar 19, 2012
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I am not a supporter of the roadblocks. But who knew Mother Nature would support Idle No More. lol Main route to Fort McMurray closed, but secondary highway open - Edmonton - CBC News. And for those that dont know Idle No More does not support the roadblocks either they were called for by a few Chiefs in support of Idle No More.

So what does the rally hope to accomplish? What do the First Nations people think that our country should do for them. Do they think that we should continue to keep them weak and oppressed and relying on the scraps like pigs? Letting them fight with each other and steal from each other and living like animals? Because that is what we are doing by paying them off to keep them out of our communities. We don't have enough room in our prisons if we were to cut off the blackmail money. They don't know how to live off of the land any more. They can't make a living on their own. The public outcry would be huge if we took them off the pay checks now because the guys would end up living on the streets and robbing and mugging people to stay alive or on drugs or drunk. The money spent looking after these guys if they were loose in our communities would be way more than the money we spend to keep them alive and on the reserve where they can't harm any one but them selves. It's sad but true. It is very rare that a First Nations person has the courage to leave the oppressed to find the pride that they are missing living like a burden on society. This is a culture thing guys. To make this change would be impossible. If you started today, it would take multiple generations to change anything worth changing.


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May 5, 2007
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stony plain
So what does the rally hope to accomplish? What do the First Nations people think that our country should do for them. Do they think that we should continue to keep them weak and oppressed and relying on the scraps like pigs? Letting them fight with each other and steal from each other and living like animals? Because that is what we are doing by paying them off to keep them out of our communities. We don't have enough room in our prisons if we were to cut off the blackmail money. They don't know how to live off of the land any more. They can't make a living on their own. The public outcry would be huge if we took them off the pay checks now because the guys would end up living on the streets and robbing and mugging people to stay alive or on drugs or drunk. The money spent looking after these guys if they were loose in our communities would be way more than the money we spend to keep them alive and on the reserve where they can't harm any one but them selves. It's sad but true. It is very rare that a First Nations person has the courage to leave the oppressed to find the pride that they are missing living like a burden on society. This is a culture thing guys. To make this change would be impossible. If you started today, it would take multiple generations to change anything worth changing.

I have spent the better part of my free time the last 3 days and I for the life of me cannot find out what the big deal is! All I hear or read is bill c-45 and bill c38 from what I have read their is nothing in their that is that bad! I have not read it all so don't loose your chit educate! The only thing that I read about first nations people was that they can now sell their land IF THEY WANT!!! Or it is easier now! So their has to be more to it then that.
If it is about government help they should be told to pound sand or go talk to your chief. Looked up some # their are 704851 first nations treaty natives in Canada in 2002 and the government has given them 1500000000000$ that is 1.5 trillon which works out to 2, 128, 109.34$ each!
That is what I read if a culture burns through more then 2 million for each person and still live in poverty. WTF oh and it is tax free! And they can still have a job on top of that! So if I was you ( first nations person) I would stop blaming the Canadian government for not helping you cuz you can't help your self and look at your own leader and say WTF!
Just what I have learned!


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May 5, 2007
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stony plain
Maybe we stood just burn the city's and roads and all the houses to the ground move south and let them have their land back. Dought they would make it for very long in a teepee in the mid of winter!


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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They did 150 years ago. I am sure they could now. If I was a bettin' man I would think that some things that the old folks taught the younger ones.

I think they would have been better off without the white man ever being here. Generally speaking.

I am starting to think it was a treaty that looked like a sweet deal back then, but not now. It just kept moving on from a sweet deal that slowly deteriorated to something that became a thing that was taken for granted. Many have no control over what happens to their brothers.

Anyways, I think the solution is a long process that will need to be painstakingly executed. You can't just cut off the people from government support. They will get worse. As a responsible government, they have to deal one on one with the native leaders to come up with a plan to slowly change the ways in a form that the culture is still intact, yet integrated into modern day civilization. It is a troubled people unfortunately.
Baby steps, decades and generations would make a plan like this work. A co-op. Both sides have to be on board and both sides have to be good leaders to convince their people that this has to happen.

To cut the cord.. You will just see more rebellion and get no where. Petition or not, I am sure the government knows what they have to deal with. Notice that they are not responding publicly? There is a reason. It's a delicate situation that requires complex strategy.

No sense loading up the bases if the home run slugger isn't ready.

Maybe we stood just burn the city's and roads and all the houses to the ground move south and let them have their land back. Dought they would make it for very long in a teepee in the mid of winter!


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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
exactly, start at making them accountable for the money they get now. it becomes super easy to have money disappear if there in no accounting for where it went. that would be a start to a big improvement. businesses in wetaskiwin, ponoka, calgary love treaty days. there biggest money makers.


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May 5, 2007
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stony plain
They did 150 years ago. I am sure they could now. If I was a bettin' man I would think that some things that the old folks taught the younger ones.

I think they would have been better off without the white man ever being here. Generally speaking.

I am starting to think it was a treaty that looked like a sweet deal back then, but not now. It just kept moving on from a sweet deal that slowly deteriorated to something that became a thing that was taken for granted. Many have no control over what happens to their brothers.

Anyways, I think the solution is a long process that will need to be painstakingly executed. You can't just cut off the people from government support. They will get worse. As a responsible government, they have to deal one on one with the native leaders to come up with a plan to slowly change the ways in a form that the culture is still intact, yet integrated into modern day civilization. It is a troubled people unfortunately.
Baby steps, decades and generations would make a plan like this work. A co-op. Both sides have to be on board and both sides have to be good leaders to convince their people that this has to happen.

To cut the cord.. You will just see more rebellion and get no where. Petition or not, I am sure the government knows what they have to deal with. Notice that they are not responding publicly? There is a reason. It's a delicate situation that requires complex strategy.

No sense loading up the bases if the home run slugger isn't ready.

I 100% agree with you but I think people need to know how much money the band's have got in the past. I am from wetaskiwin and I have a friend thats family owns liquor stores in town and they love natives prime sorcerers of income! The natives need to be healed accountable or governed and they want no part in that! I say not a dime more tell they open their books to the public cuz it is our money.50000 from every man women and child in Canada has gone to first nations people! $50, 000 each enough is enough! I believe they do not want to be Canadian do not want to be a apart of our society just blame us for their problems and be leaches! Cuz we took their land ( I never saw the title in there name) except reserves! And what a well managed send taken care nice of lantern that is. I know that no one native can own land or house on the rez but the native way is to be a family or community and take care or eachother and respect the land ( wow look at the mess they left after the road blocks, I was hunting last year and came across a native hunt camp they were slaughtering moose and I came back in to the area the next week , the mess they left was sick I called the fish cops and he told me he knows where when and who but nothing he could do cuz natives did it. If I left that mess I would be in jail! So don't tell me this is about respect for the land!
How do you help people that don't think they need help only want handouts! That stood be able to help them selves.


Active VIP Member
Jan 21, 2007
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True, they need to be accountable like every other citizen.

To lay blame, only sparks further animosity. That goes BOTH directions. The facts have to be laid onto the table and dealt with, governed by their own representatives.

I 100% agree with you but I think people need to know how much money the band's have got in the past. I am from wetaskiwin and I have a friend thats family owns liquor stores in town and they love natives prime sorcerers of income! The natives need to be healed accountable or governed and they want no part in that! I say not a dime more tell they open their books to the public cuz it is our money.50000 from every man women and child in Canada has gone to first nations people! $50, 000 each enough is enough! I believe they do not want to be Canadian do not want to be a apart of our society just blame us for their problems and be leaches! Cuz we took their land ( I never saw the title in there name) except reserves! And what a well managed send taken care nice of lantern that is.

I know that no one native can own land or house on the rez but the native way is to be a family or community and take care or eachother and respect the land ( wow look at the mess they left after the road blocks, I was hunting last year and came across a native hunt camp they were slaughtering moose and I came back in to the area the next week , the mess they left was sick I called the fish cops and he told me he knows where when and who but nothing he could do cuz natives did it. If I left that mess I would be in jail! So don't tell me this is about respect for the land!
How do you help people that don't think they need help only want handouts! That stood be able to help them selves.


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2011
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exactly, start at making them accountable for the money they get now. it becomes super easy to have money disappear if there in no accounting for where it went. that would be a start to a big improvement. businesses in wetaskiwin, ponoka, calgary love treaty days. there biggest money makers.

Yes they have to be held accountable for the monies. All those places are to close to reserves that have oil revenues. For the most part alot of reserves have no revenue. Myself i went once to treaty days on my reserve in northern saskatchewn. Had alot of fun for the most part but i found it insulting to stand in a line to receive my treaty money from the Queen which was handed out by an RCMP on her behalf. You want to know how much money i got and what would get every year if i drive the 10 hours there. And yes i blew it all. I spent the whole 5 dollar bill on a bannock burger.


Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2011
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so one day i was driving down the road and i picked up this native girl hitchhiking ! so we were driving along the road and she say's your so passion it your so passion it YOUR SO PASSION IT ??? so i said WHAT ? and she say's the "liquor store" u are passing it ...

Thats a good one heard it a long time ago. Sorry if you thought my other comment was mean. But mean would be poking you in your one good eye.


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Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
seems to me that money for betterment of the reserves is being wasted in bucketfuls. that is why they need accountability, as sending more money just seems to be getting lost. nothing changes,and definitely not the answer. i'm thinking things are coming to a head quickly.


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Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
Seems to me all the honest people are to busy working to protest anything.
That goes for natives,pipelines or any other fawkin bullchit cause....


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Nov 1, 2010
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Armstrong BC
maybe its time the reserves and all the money that gets allocated should be accountable just like a large corporation that needs to be responsible to the shareholders (the Canadian tax payer). Run it like a business, pay dividends to the people and profit sharing plus bonuses to the leaders that have done a good job. Each reserve should have a board of governors consisting of first nations, and non first nations. In other words, use the money given to generate more and have the community prosper from there.


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Oct 12, 2008
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Moyie B.C.
I dunno. Why don't we just give the money to the people instead of the chiefs....band councils....whatever? Maybe once they see what they're "supposed" to be getting they're ideas will change.


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod

After reading ALL the post's as well as ALL the links, and being the second MOD to post in this thread! ( Sumx54 being the first)
People need to learn to read the LINES and, in between the lines!
Now... as a person, and not a MOD for this site.
Racial jokes................ :confused:
PHUCK OFF!!! I'm German, Russian, and English. If a racial joke bothers you in person or on the net, You REALLY have problems that you need to work out with yourself!!!

Oh....... if anyone wants to correct my grammer....... Phuck off again!!!

As far as the thread goes.... I'm stuck!!!
I will just keep reading and learnig from all of you, and post my opinion when I can justify want I want to say on this topic.


Active VIP Member
Jan 8, 2007
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Prince George
Same kind of behaviour shows at funerals when money is involved, do they know they are doing wrong?? Does it stop them?? What does the rest of the family think of them for years to come?? In their mind or lack of it they are totally right.


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Jan 26, 2011
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Prophecy of Chief Crazy Horse*
"Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled w...ith broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center
within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one."

***This is a statement of Crazy Horse as he sat smoking the sacred pipe at Paha Sapa with Sitting Bull for the last time, four days before he was assassinated (Sept 1, 1877)


Active VIP Member
Nov 9, 2006
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Prophecy of Chief Crazy Horse*
"Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled w...ith broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota who will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center
within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one."

***This is a statement of Crazy Horse as he sat smoking the sacred pipe at Paha Sapa with Sitting Bull for the last time, four days before he was assassinated (Sept 1, 1877)[/QUOTE

"All men shall be created equal"..........................GOD (before he was crucified for all mankind)
Was no mention of tax sharing in the book.
Nice recitals, but not much on topic with the protests, just history.

Don't piss him off cause he said he is coming back.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 26, 2011
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"I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again" Crazy Horse

All men shall be created equal"..........................GOD

Sounds the same to me
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