Aboriginal protests in Canada.


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2009
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spruce grove, alberta
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1358351677.074460.jpg and they think there gonna get what they want by doing stuff like this? This guys profile had a cover photo about weed too

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Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2007
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Sherwood Park, AB/Vernon, BC
Fawk. This gets my blood boiling.

First - I am going to preface this with the statement that I have enough native in me to get a card. That being said, I will go to my grave without doing so.

So - they are a "nation within a nation" and are going to "bring the economy to its knees".

Quid pro quo. The "restless Indians" blockade, the Feds better start witholding transfers to the reserves. I bet you it takes three days without cash for liquor and smokes that this whole thing blows up in the "warriors" faces. It is economic terrorism, pure and simple and if Harper had the balls, he could end this pretty quick. He has the tools. Most other countries in the world - these demands for ancestral rights would just end you up with a bullet in the head. Russia, Serbia, Croatia - I can go on and on of so called "civilized" societies. Wonder how far I would get if i went back to the Ukraine and demanded back the land that was "confiscated" by the Communists from my great grandfather? Likely a bullet in the back of the head and fed to the fish in the Black Sea.

These bucks keep on bringing up how well they did at Oka, etc. Pretty easy to fight when the other side (the military) is told not to do anything.

Historical injustices are that - historical. You want to live in a fantasy world of your golden days of approximately 60 years (after they got the horse up here and before the "white man" came) - go ahead. What it appears to me is what they want to do is sit on their azz with greater government handouts.

You know what is driving this. “First Nations” Private Ownership Act and Bill S-2 "Family Homes on Reserve and Matrimonial Interests or Right Act". So the Harper government is taking steps to do what it has promised. Private ownership on reserves. Giving women who marry natives an interest in the matrimonial home on the reserve. This threatens the power base of the acting chiefs and the First Nations bureaucracy. Give them a chance to become self-sufficient and "poof", their pensions, golden parachutes and expense accounts go away.

Just follow the money. Then it is pretty easy to see that this is just a smokescreen by the incumbent power base to protect their economic interests. All wrapped up in "protection of the environment" and their treaty rights.


Active VIP Member
Nov 23, 2009
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spruce grove, alberta
And I doubt they will shut down 63 and it will last, the first guy to come through in his jacked up rig rocket itching to get to site will make quick work of their roadblocks lol

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Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Years from now the history books will reveal that the Chiefs were the Knights, Rooks and Bishops, the poor buggers living in poverty were the pawns, the government of Canada the Queen and The New World Order the King in a big elaborate chess game of money laundering. LOL.
WW3 - What is the New World Order (NWO)?


Active VIP Member
Mar 11, 2008
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I sent this to the MP for my Area this morning. Everyone needs to send some like this to thier local MP's so that the message is loud and clear- Enough is enough!

Hi Kelly, I just wanted to pass along my thoughts to this movement and situation our country is currently facing.

My Canada is being held for Ransom by various Native groups demanding “their fair share”. What Fair Share I ask?? Who are First Nations people?? the People who came from Asia across the Bering Sea way long before the current day “First Nations”?

I was born on Canadian soil in Saskatoon and have been born and raised here in Saskatoon for over 38years. I owe no one anything. I am as much First Nation as any other person in Canada. This is the only nation I have ever Known.

I live in my community, I work in my community, I volunteer in my community, and I feel it is an obligation for every citizen in this country to do the same and not hold honest and hardworking people hostage because they do not want to.

It is time to abolish the Indian Act and make every person in this Country equal in every way. Hold on to your values, beliefs, traditions,and culture as many other different ethnic cultures in this country do, but now is time for there to be accountability and equality for everyone.

It is my wish that Prime minister Harper does not bow to the Idle no More movement, and the Indian Leaders trying to protect their cheating,un accountable, stealing ways from their own people. I hope he takes a hardline against this and does what is right for Canada.

Let the Natives take their issues to the Crown and the Queen, let her look after her people. Treaties signed over 100years ago are not something that I recognize or believe in.
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Active VIP Member
Jun 8, 2008
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I sent this to the MP for my Area this morning. Everyone needs to send some like this to thier local MP's so that the message is loud and clear- Enough is enough!

Hi Kelly, I just wanted to pass along my thoughts to this movement and situation our country is currently facing.

My Canada is being held for Ransom by various Native groups demanding “their fair share”. What Fair Share I ask?? Who are First Nations people?? the People who came from Asia across the Bering Sea way long before the current day “First Nations”?

I was born on Canadian soil in Saskatoon and have been born and raised here in Saskatoon for over 38years. I owe no one anything. I am as much First Nation as any other person in Canada. This is the only nation I have ever Known.

I live in my community, I work in my community, I volunteer in my community, and I feel it is an obligation for every citizen in this country to do the same and not hold honest and hardworking people hostage because they do not want to.

It is time to abolish the Indian Act and make every person in this Country equal in every way. Hold on to your values, beliefs, traditions,and culture as many other different ethnic cultures in this country do, but now is time for there to be accountability and equality for everyone.

It is my wish that Prime minister Harper does not bow to the Idle no More movement, and the Indian Leaders trying to protect their cheating,un accountable, stealing ways from their own people. I hope he takes a hardline against this and does what is right for Canada.

Let the Natives take their issues to the Crown and the Queen, let her look after her people. Treaties signed over 100years ago are not something that I recognize or believe in.

Thanks i think i will be writing to my MP also


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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The guy did a great job! You could see he was calm, wanted to say his piece and the protesters were trying to provoke him making him look like he was the one in the wrong. Kudo's to the woman who pushed her way through with her truck. What they are doing is not right blocking a major roadway. They may find the going a little rougher north of Edmonton when they run into a different clientele heading to Fort Mac when they protest on that highway.


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
Just heard on local radio they are blocking oilfield roads out in Little Buffalo. guess who has a load going out that way tomorrow?

<---------- This guy.

I will bring my camera and make a full report. Maybe I'll make a sign...lol


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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View attachment 147137 and they think there gonna get what they want by doing stuff like this? This guys profile had a cover photo about weed too

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It will be interesting to see what becomes of this guy and his threats. If this was the USA I can guarantee the secret service would be all over that guy within a couple hours. They don't take kindly to death threats on there president.
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