Thats an absolute garbage rate if you have to drive on any gravel roads or put fuel in it anywhere north of Edmonton. We get paid anywhere between $0.50- $0.58 depending on an averaged monthly gas charge. It just takes one $500.00 bill, and you'll never recover your costs.
Rotary dial phones,party lines............... Had punch cards you had to feed into the computer to get it to run. I miss the XJ mobile phones the most.
A British engineer has just started his own business in Afghanistan. He's making land mines that look like prayer mats. Its doing well. He say's prophets are going through the roof.
Well here goes. The Athabasca Trail Consevation Society ( don't let the name fool you, we're 95% off highway bikers and 5% quads ). has been trying to get a desinated staging area for the past 2 years or so. Did all the paperwork, environmental studies, Aboriginal consultation, legal survey etc...
881 is can be a real challenge if your not paying attention. The shoulders are narrow, there are only 2 small pullouts between Heart Lake Truck stop and Conklin, plus once you hit where the House River fire went through,the wind polishes the road pretty quick. Yes, theres lots of idiot drivers...
What happened with Barcia? I thought he ended up 3rd, then I see on the MXA website they have Dungy 3rd and Barcia 7th ( I didn't watch the podium crap at the end ).
I always love the look on the operators face when I ask " And the reason why you dont have the tow cable in a place were YOU can get to it easily is.........."
Excellent point, thats covered under our companies safety plan when working on ice. Through personal experience, I have found that the fat person is the anchor even if they are the consultant! ;)