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  1. G

    120 kms today Social distancing

    wish I was there good for you guys
  2. G

    Do snowmobile dollies work well?

    Newer guy here, never had these: Do they work as advertised? The whole track is concentrated on a 7" X 7" pad, is that okay for the lugs for a whole 7-8 months?
  3. G

    Official Cataract Creek Snowmobile Area Thread for 2019/20 season

    Thanks for the update. I have really used and enjoyed Cataract this winter and thank the CSC for the trail maintenance. It seems a shame to close even a few days early as there was plenty of good snow when I was last there Thursday. And very few people so zero concerns about covid. A small...
  4. G

    Official Cataract Creek Snowmobile Area Thread for 2019/20 season

    I'll be staging at Etherington around 1030 a.m. Tuesday
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    Official Cataract Creek Snowmobile Area Thread for 2019/20 season

    BTW the snow was great - what is the normal life expectancy of ride-able snow out here?
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    Official Cataract Creek Snowmobile Area Thread for 2019/20 season

    So I was out yesterday (Feb 27) and dumb azz me rode with my tunnel bag open and lost a hatchet and collapsible shovel (In a scrunched up drybag). If a member happens to have collected please let me know and I will make an arrangement to pick it up from you.
  7. G

    Retired and bored

    If you lived in Calgary this also retired guy would gladly head out to the trails with you.......there must be a club near you that you could check out?
  8. G

    Official Cataract Creek Snowmobile Area Thread for 2019/20 season

    I've ridden Valley Bottom several times in and out of Etherington there is a small creek near Etherington that is no problem to get past. Was out to Cataract today, grooming is in progress, nice job guys. I'm new here but am thinking it is a pretty great year for snow on this system.
  9. G

    Official Cataract Creek Snowmobile Area Thread for 2019/20 season

    I got the bug and was out three times last week so I guess I can me most trails have enough snow to ride but coming out of both staging areas it is bumpy. The trail straight west of Cataract staging area has scant snow for the first couple km but gets better. Baril Loop is...
  10. G

    Official Cataract Creek Snowmobile Area Thread for 2019/20 season

    I went out to Etherington today to try out my new Polaris and to see if I still know anything about sledding since it's been almost 30 years. Had a great time! Ran into three guys coming from Cataract and there were two more at Etherington as I was leaving at 215 pm. It is easy to see the work...
  11. G

    New guy no clue - Cataract

    Thanks, I did join online the other day. Wish I could have helped out at the trail clean-up today.
  12. G

    Sled Insurance

    My renewal came in the mail today. $415 for the whole package and depreciation coverage. Very happy with this. I do have two motorcycles on the same policy so that helps.
  13. G

    New guy no clue - Cataract

    Thanks Tucker_98 for the great info. I can't get out on the weekend but Monday is for sure. Looking forward to riding my new machine and checking out the Cataract system for the first time.
  14. G

    Sled Insurance

    Full coverage on my new Polaris Indy $605 ($2 million/comprehensive/collision). Blue Circle has been great to deal with for motorcycles and now this new snow machine. Will probably drop collision in a year or two and cut $200 off the bill.
  15. G

    New guy no clue - Cataract

    Thanks guys for the quick responses, great clarification. And I think I have a handle on the staging area thanks for checking. Would love to get out on the weekend but have other obligations........but am retired so depending on what is reported for conditions I am likely to head out Monday...
  16. G

    New guy no clue - Cataract

    Hi so I've never snowmobiled in Alberta, really have no idea. Is there people sledding at Cataract Creek trails yet? Is there a specific day it "opens"? Is there enough snow there yet? I'm curious but don't want to drive 200 km there and back just for basic information. I just want to get my...
  17. G

    New guy from Calgary

    Hi all, after an absence of close to 30 years I am hoping to ease back into snowmobile trail riding. I grew up in Manitoba and trails are what I'm familiar with and enjoy. I will be on the lookout for retired guys like me who may want to meet up and ride together, I could use some guidance and...
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