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  1. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    The question is will you be switching to the 174
  2. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Looks great, Cod is going to have fun.
  3. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Looks great one off the list and 4 to go, how are the others coming. Should be out of Rome before Xmas, can,t wait to try the new ride.
  4. Max

    Sled Skiing

    A Whisper Creek log bridge would look nice
  5. Max

    Sled Skiing

    Curtis, You are a great Rep for Sleding & Valemount you should ask your boss for a raise, keep up the good work.
  6. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Should be eazy to check as Cod is upside down quite often, LOL
  7. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Should be eazy to check as Cod is upside down quite often, LOL
  8. Max

    Hey lhf!!!

    I thought you sold that sled for me, must say it has a great motor and did not require a rebuild every year.
  9. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Looks good, you will be able install then with your eyes closed. So wiil the big guy be happy & able to give Cod a a view of his tailight now.
  10. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Go eazy on the old guy, without him we would not have the amazing facilities to enjoy the sport we love.
  11. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Sean, Thanks the sled looks great with the extension and the black & no more scares from tagging you & the MXZ. I do like the 2 - 8" billets that you did on Codys can you add those to the bill.
  12. Max

    Summer Mod Projects

    Hi Sean, Can you get me a cluch kit for my sled & the pieces to fix the the damage from when I tried to run you over. Vinnie had mentioned he had some spare parts for my sled. I am melting in the heat in Rome, around 40 C, can,t wait for the powder. Tks
  13. Max

    Valemount 2009 and 2010 Conditions

    Still waiting for Vinne to confirm $$$ for a new short block, I seem to have curse & need a rebuid every 2k on the XP - Are you going to order the 174 for Cod & I & do the mod, let me know I will send $$ Try not to bounce off any more trees
  14. Max

    Valemount 2009 and 2010 Conditions

    Thank You Curtis for a great season of sledding, off to Italy for 3 mths see you in fall
  15. Max

    Valemount 2009 and 2010 Conditions

    It was ugly, I went to stop behind the group turned the steering & the throtle stuck wide open. Nailed the back of a sled & had Maxwell traped under the sled when I hit the kill switch, lucky he was ok. Not sure if the goldfinger stuck or some other issue.
  16. Max

    Valemount 2009 and 2010 Conditions

    All Sleders should be aware that Petro Can & A&W are currently not supporting VARDA
  17. Max

    Valemount 2009 and 2010 Conditions

    Wow, looks great the other place would be even deeper. Got room for one more
  18. Max

    Hi Sean, What is the best exhaust sys for my XP, should I go with the SLP as some note that the...

    Hi Sean, What is the best exhaust sys for my XP, should I go with the SLP as some note that the can weight is quite high
  19. Max

    Valemount 2009 and 2010 Conditions

    Thanks Sean. , Good Pic,s. Out of shape & lack of sleep, but no place you would rather be. Are you going next wkend
  20. Max

    Valemount Facebook Group

    I know of a few sleds & computers that could use your help to improve your cash flow
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