Again Y2Y is releasing another poll of their supporters and passing it off as a poll on general population poll on Global today.
They appear to have re-released another poll to push ahead on the NDP/Y2Y push the narrative to close out bighorn access and park closures. Make out the stoppage of the closure is a PC change, like it is so bad to follow the current laws and guidance plans out in place by all stakeholders. (With of course the negative connotation attached by left wing media.)
Then John Q. Public goes we should do something, without having any knowledge of what actually goes on, then doing something makes another park, closes off general access, this in turn funnels all motorized users into smaller and smaller areas which leads to over use of those areas and then govt comes in and say the areas are in danger from over use.
This conveniently includes resource development like energy sector or forestry access as well.
Many of these “do something” supporters can’t actually find the areas without support or have even walked /hiked camped in the area to see how vast it actually is.
Just one more cut of a thousand cuts.
Rant over
They appear to have re-released another poll to push ahead on the NDP/Y2Y push the narrative to close out bighorn access and park closures. Make out the stoppage of the closure is a PC change, like it is so bad to follow the current laws and guidance plans out in place by all stakeholders. (With of course the negative connotation attached by left wing media.)
Then John Q. Public goes we should do something, without having any knowledge of what actually goes on, then doing something makes another park, closes off general access, this in turn funnels all motorized users into smaller and smaller areas which leads to over use of those areas and then govt comes in and say the areas are in danger from over use.
This conveniently includes resource development like energy sector or forestry access as well.
Many of these “do something” supporters can’t actually find the areas without support or have even walked /hiked camped in the area to see how vast it actually is.
Just one more cut of a thousand cuts.
Rant over