Wild Fire 2024


Active VIP Member
Oct 7, 2007
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Roma, Alberta
The wind shifted and fire is going north east, away from me but towards Peace River. Sounds like a few houses lost this evening. I can hear the screaming jimmys in the nodwells from my deck as of 5 minutes ago. It'll be an all nighter for a lot of those fellas.


Super Moderator
Nov 16, 2008
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Fort Macleod
Hoping all the best for you guys there. Hopefully the weather people are wrong and you get rain soon


Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Northern AB & BC
I’m in town, doing good so far.
They did evacuate the correction centre last night.
Looks like the wind is at 9kph coming from the east.
They are calling 20-40 kph from the west today.
They were dropping fire retardant from the air tanker and water from choppers yesterday. See what happens today.


Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Bonnyville Alberta
I’m in town, doing good so far.
They did evacuate the correction centre last night.
Looks like the wind is at 9kph coming from the east.
They are calling 20-40 kph from the west today.
They were dropping fire retardant from the air tanker and water from choppers yesterday. See what happens today.
Keep safe and keep us posted.
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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Dang fires,,, a person needs too make a water storage celler's/ fire depressor system for homes on out buildings if were running into the dry years...

The one fire in the 1900's burnt from Just North of Waterton National Park too Just bellow Missouri ...

100 too 125 miles wide in parts and 900 miles long ...

Wiped out10's of 1000's of settlers and 100.000's of thousands of head of live-stock

Lightening strike in the trees along the foot hills followed by relentless stong winds ....

They didn't call it climate change back then,,, they called them Prairie fires...

Western Canada was once the North pole,,, they think the polar cap has moved 7 times from as far as they can tell,,, Western Canada was the Equator at 1 time as well with rotational twist...

Jungle,,, dry lands,,, ice age,,, Monsoon,,, Tropical jungle.,,, Semi-erred,,, back too what we might cincider normally,,, time and time again...

Humans didn't worry much about forest and Prairie, fires back then because they lived in caves and tree shelters...

If the shelter bunt down they'd walk for hundreds of miles too the next forested area and build new...

We refer too it as """Build back Better""" now days...

At least We can get fire insurance these days,,, but it dosen't seem too replace everything """unless""" a person adds too there policy...

The new generation will pay carbon tax out the Ying Yang and the Country will still catch on fire like it has for 12.8 billion years...

Humans act like this catching on fire is a new thing yet they forget that its been going on for ever...

There are millions apon millions of humans displaced by fires,,, floods,,, war and poverty every year...

Either it works out for us or it doesn't,,, sad state of affairs either way i guess...

All of it sucks no matter what...

Fire guard the best We can,,, take out insurance and hope for the best...

Be careful out there gang,,, most of Us know thers more devastation around the corner...

Not good at all


Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Northern AB & BC
Dang fires,,, a person needs too make a water storage celler's/ fire depressor system for homes on out buildings if were running into the dry years...

The one fire in the 1900's burnt from Just North of Waterton National Park too Just bellow Missouri ...

100 too 125 miles wide in parts and 900 miles long ...

Wiped out10's of 1000's of settlers and 100.000's of thousands of head of live-stock

Lightening strike in the trees along the foot hills followed by relentless stong winds ....

They didn't call it climate change back then,,, they called them Prairie fires...

Western Canada was once the North pole,,, they think the polar cap has moved 7 times from as far as they can tell,,, Western Canada was the Equator at 1 time as well with rotational twist...

Jungle,,, dry lands,,, ice age,,, Monsoon,,, Tropical jungle.,,, Semi-erred,,, back too what we might cincider normally,,, time and time again...

Humans didn't worry much about forest and Prairie, fires back then because they lived in caves and tree shelters...

If the shelter bunt down they'd walk for hundreds of miles too the next forested area and build new...

We refer too it as """Build back Better""" now days...

At least We can get fire insurance these days,,, but it dosen't seem too replace everything """unless""" a person adds too there policy...

The new generation will pay carbon tax out the Ying Yang and the Country will still catch on fire like it has for 12.8 billion years...

Humans act like this catching on fire is a new thing yet they forget that its been going on for ever...

There are millions apon millions of humans displaced by fires,,, floods,,, war and poverty every year...

Either it works out for us or it doesn't,,, sad state of affairs either way i guess...

All of it sucks no matter what...

Fire guard the best We can,,, take out insurance and hope for the best...

Be careful out there gang,,, most of Us know thers more devastation around the corner...

Not good at all
@ferniesnow can you confirm the fire from the 1900’s?


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
Man, you are sharp today.
In answer to your question, some think that i am as old as dirt but in reality it is misinformation. I was born in the 1900’s but much closer to the middle of them (on the lower end or the higher end is still up for debate).
i heard there was no dirt on that day mr Doug. just a few rocks and a couple trees! haha. heard you showed father time how to set his clock! ha, great thing about your age mr Doug, it's a small club of members, so you are special! a good friend!
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Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Just Google """The worst record fire on earth."""

Russia hold the world record at 55 million acres...

The Western Canada fire made the list...1919 fire...

There were 2 more before that...

250.000 cattle sir come their fate between the 2 earlier fires...

Western Canada has always been a hot bed...

Lem Lamb

Active VIP Member
Apr 5, 2010
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Lacombe AB
Here's 1 link of the many too choose from...

There have been so many fires that they can't record them all,,, alot of them happen before humans even knew about writing things down on rocks...

There was no paper back then,,, they say it caught on fire... lol


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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Can’t even see the water at my place lake isle.
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