Who do you ride with?


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Nov 4, 2010
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Calgary, AB
Hey ladies! I'm new here and have been riding for about a year now. I'm wondering who you all ride with? My fiancé and I are finding it really hard to find anyone to ride with this summer. My bestie who rides has been too busy working to get out with us at all and we don't know many people who we would like to go out riding with. So do you have a big crew you go with, or just your hubby and his friends? We are a little bummed that nobody has been wanting to get out and ride hard with us :(


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
You guys sound exactly like me and my hubby.. although we haven't been out as much this year as we would have liked, we bought a new house and had a lot of other obligations this summer but now that things are settling we are itchin' to get out like we used to.. we've done several weekend trips here and there this season but haven't done any weeknight or day trip rides. Its too bad your not closer to us! We are thinking about hitting up McLean this weekend though for a little day trip we're thinking about coming down to cowtown to visit my folks for the weekend..I wanted to hit up blackfoot track but my hubby is not as interested in tracks as I am so we're considering McLean..do you ride out there often? we could use a tour guide! LOL last time we went out there we had a tough time finding good bike trails...Iknow there out there though!


New member
Nov 4, 2010
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Calgary, AB
No I've only been out to Mclean a couple times and didn't venture too far in. The one good trail I've ever heard of there is the Widowmaker but I don't know how you get there. I've been more south down by Indian Graves, Bob Creek and Livingston areas. We quad but the fiancé has a dirtbike too, but his riding partner sold his bike moved to BC in the winter :( We're taking his family riding down there one day this weekend and putting a hunting camp in way down south in the mountains so won't be able to make it out for a day ride to Maclean. Going to rain tomorrow and Wednesday though so there might be some mud


Active VIP Member
Nov 14, 2008
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The Kootenays
For Dirt Stuff I ride with my Husband and my kids... Snow stuff.. Mostly My husband, Deaner and Toad. We usually keep the same core group. Kind of know what each other is doing... They always know where to find me... eg.. In the biggest tree well around... By the largest Spruce that just had all the snow knocked off of it.... :p If it's just a fun day we'll take the kids sledding/skiing. My older kids will be ready for more adventureous riding this year.


Active VIP Member
Nov 27, 2009
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My favorite people to ride with are my husband, and my family in Smithers. I also love to rip it up with the girls from the Betties Powersports Network (and their boys!) Another of my favorites is Skinnybitch from Central Alberta: she is a real cool chick and a great rider. Alot of what I have learned was due to the patience of Skinny and her husband Pat. As I type this, I am realizing what a great 'sledding family' I have. I am continually inspired by Keuran Lindley, Dallas Sirois and Linden Nelson: three young boys who have two-stroke oil flowing through their crazy boondocking veins!! And, I can't forget the Thunderstruck crew. On any given day I am proud to look around and see the likes of Tyler and Cam Hicks, Tina Thomas, Randy Swenson, and Brett Coupal showing me the way up!! I am truly blessed to share the backcountry with so many talented souls. Most of these same people have a summer bike or quad, and getting out with them passes the time until winter arrives again :)

One day, my favorite riding companions will by my kids: My three girls are all pretty little yet, but I dream of one day racing across a powder-filled meadow with them by my side as fingers of sunlight reach down from the sky :) **SIGH** One day...


Active VIP Member
Dec 1, 2010
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I've had to bounce around with my riding groups a ton. i have a group back home that really showed me the ropes and they're kinda two different groups that i would switch it up with whenever one or the other group got tired of me tagging along! then I moved and was forced to find all sorts of new people to ride with. i met people off the forum and a LOT of ladies at the annual ladies ride (an event started down here in the states years ago by brandy Floyd which grew into a whole online community of ladies that hang out at Throttle Chix | An online community for female powersport enthusiasts!. The forum is a place for us all to support each other and line up rides when we don't have our normal crew to ride with -or to make the ladies on the forum your 'normal crew!')

Having bounced around from group to group I would say my biggest advice for anyone feeling they need to do that or are new to an area is to be VERY honest and open with your riding ability. learn how to describe things that work for you and things that don't. ALSO< be very honest with YOURSELF about those things as sometimes you can get into situations where you are WAY over your head and it was just because you weren't willing to admit it to yourself or the group. When you head out in the back country it really does carry some responsibility to be open and honest with your group. It's easier when it's people you know but it's even more important when it's people you don't know as well!!

Also, get to know your machine and your safety gear and ALWAYS know where you're at. If you're someone who doesn't com by it naturally then work at it. My GF nikki used to be SUUUUCH a flake in the BC and always just looked to her hubby to get her out. no good! She took it upon herself to LEARN how to route find and know where she was at. She bout a GPS unit and downloaded maps and STUDIED them before and after to make sense of it all and finally things really started to click for her so that now she does quite well without all the tricks!! You really can learn so if you don't have that innate sense that some have don't give up!! (I've seen a lot of people just throw out there that they stink at directions and that's that, they give up... not good!!)

Another bit of advice. Work yourself into it slowly.... Even if you're a SUPER advanced rider you probably should work your way slowly into a new community and feel things out. Some of these old boys that hole up in the mtns can flat out RIDE and you would NEVER know it because they don't blab on and on about it!! But if you kinda of work your way into the community people will be suggesting you meet so and so and it will grow and soon you will have a whole network of people you can ride with if you show yourself to be competent, knowledgeable and independent! Remember a day out riding with a novice group is better than a day sitting on the couch! If that's all you can line up until the higher-ups take notice of you then go out and work on your basic skills which will make you even better when you get the word that 'maybe you should call so and so, they always go on advanced rides and you seem bored riding with us!'

Good luck, it's pretty easy to find new people to ride with if you're open to it! Even if you're a chick. There are some people who won't take a chick riding by herself but whatever, you probably don't want to hang with guys like that anyway. As long as you're not planning on sleeping your way through riding groups that are married then just be open and up front that you just want to ride and are ready to work hard to fit into their team!!

Go get em girl!!

(oh, just realized you said this summer! well, same thing goes!! just a little less crucial that you know your machine and back country survival techniques -still important on dirt though as you can cover ground way faster on a machine than you can on foot and can get pretty far out there!!)

but don't be shy to use these forums and to post in the general sections too!! They see a lot more traffic and you never know who you're going to find who has a similar riding style, or who knows someone at about the same level, who would be a great riding buddy for ya!

Sled Betty

Dec 4, 2008
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McCall, Idaho, United States
Yeah, hard to find other couples to ride with no matter the season! Luckily, we have several local guy friends we can ride with but my husband and I will go out by ourselves to often. I actually love our small groups (like when its just 3 or 4 of us) because we can really cover some ground! Sometimes we get bigger groups that cover ground quickly too though.

Going on ladies rides will really help you find other couples or women to ride with. And all these various forums that have ladies sections is a good place to meet other lady riders. Local club rides and events are a great way to meet others as well!


Active VIP Member
Mar 13, 2008
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No I've only been out to Mclean a couple times and didn't venture too far in. The one good trail I've ever heard of there is the Widowmaker but I don't know how you get there. I've been more south down by Indian Graves, Bob Creek and Livingston areas. We quad but the fiancé has a dirtbike too, but his riding partner sold his bike moved to BC in the winter :( We're taking his family riding down there one day this weekend and putting a hunting camp in way down south in the mountains so won't be able to make it out for a day ride to Maclean. Going to rain tomorrow and Wednesday though so there might be some mud

Here are the co-ordinates for Widowmaker Hill. You can access the trails near the hill, on the left or right.
N 50.81251646477855, W 114.6257535623847

Its the green arrow, not the read balloon.


Active VIP Member
Aug 12, 2010
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This summer was our best season of quadding ever !!!! We met lots of couples right from S&M and would meet at different spots for the weekend. About 25 of us ended the season together out by Caroline September Long Weekend. My husband and I were having issues finding people who enjoy quadding as much as we do .............that's why we joined this site and are certainly glad we did !!!


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
This summer was our best season of quadding ever !!!! We met lots of couples right from S&M and would meet at different spots for the weekend. About 25 of us ended the season together out by Caroline September Long Weekend. My husband and I were having issues finding people who enjoy quadding as much as we do .............that's why we joined this site and are certainly glad we did !!!

you talkin about me willis? should be a good summer next year. will have to clean the mud off by then. hehe


Active VIP Member
Aug 12, 2010
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you talkin about me willis? should be a good summer next year. will have to clean the mud off by then. hehe

Yes, your one I am talking about crackadoo :p I honestly can't wait till next summer !!! We truly enjoyed our summer and met some of the best down to earth and fun folks ever !!!! Can't wait to see what kinda trouble ya get yourself into next summer lmao!!
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