old mountain man
Active VIP Member
Chickadee creek south of highway?
Chickadee creek south of highway?
Was planing on going to Whitecourt today, as wife is at a womens only horse clinic....could have rode with ya....
Stayed home tryed riding here it was a crusty ride as well...
Now my daugther asked to go to Bruderhiem for dinner....so should be fun...
Riding tomorrow???
that one is on the fox creek trail just past the 4km mark down the hill...
If I had of been with the crew I probably would have run it... there was what looked to be about 2' of water running over the packed ice... just had bad visions with being by myself...
Well lots of snow but a short ride only 3km of riding in about 3 hours.To much time digging out stuck sleds.
Where did u guys start from? Gonna try getting out for a couple more rides once i get off work
No pics what the *#%^ . How was it Ron? Is Doo doo all better?I know where there is a ton of snow no picts thou. Just got back.
No pics what the *#%^ . How was it Ron? Is Doo doo all better?
Ya i know you wernt there for any stuck picts and crapy weather. Never took the doo just the ladies machine XP the kid never come. Going back this week soon as i find a coolant leak in the T.
Some of us locals call it the Silver Triangle. A very nice ride!