here's one of the 120 breaking trail for the turbo yamaha. lol
entertain you!!!!! come here and you can dig me out! LMFAO!
Ray Ray is stuck himself. How can he come dig you out?
lok at that little guy go your gonna have a good run when she gets older
i dont get stuck anymore. i sold the xp. lol
lol. I should be home from work by the weekend so I will see if Dave wants to ride and maybe we will meet you up there.
i couldnt figure out why i lost all my boost! 7-8 psi because of iced up intake lol........but got that fixed thanks to senorjeem and his great tools!.......i should have uped the boost for the nuts but even at 14 psi when it is there.... It carves nice nuts!
wow....... Ok13 you know our buddy senorjeem? Small world. You must know rene, and raymond then?
:dget's more interesting each episode, don't it?