What was your scariest moment on a quad?


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Jan 28, 2008
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Makwa, Saskatchewan
My scariest moment and still makes me sick to my stomach just to think about it happened last july. I was out with a group of friends riding west of Loon Lake Saskatchewan. I was climbing a steep sand embankment roughly 50 feet high. Got just about to the top and started to spin out (in 2 wheel drive). Have a 2 inch lift on my bike and it is very tippy both side to side and front to back. I knew that the bike was going to roll over backwards so instead of trying to stop it i dove of the back and tried to get out of the way. TRIED being the operative word. As the bike rolled over backwards the front rack caught my face and absolutely destroyed my nose...took 3 plastic surguries just to re-atatch it to my face. My nose was literally hangin to my face by a piece of skin between my eyes. The impact also shattered my eye socket and broke my cheak bone and caused many bad lacerations on my forehead and eye sockets. I am going to admit to all of you now that i was NOT wearing a helmet and that it was a HUGE mistake. I always wear a helmet when out riding and for some reason i was not wearing one that day. The impacts of this accident will effect me for the rest of my life as it changed my appearance quite a bit, and cause nerve damage in my face that will never go away. Not preaching, but just giving some advice...wear a helmet, its always worth it! I was in the hospital for 5 weeks but have made a pretty decent recovery and am back sledding and quaddin like always :)

Iron Horse Racing

Active VIP Member
Dec 23, 2008
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Sherwood Park, ALberta
AC4Life....Glad to hear that your recovering and havent given up on ridding...

Oh and I think you have earned the right to preach....On the race track I see so many riders not wearing all the proper gear and theres nothing telling them they have to , other then coomon sense and self preservation.

Use your experence to hopefuly get throught to others....


Active VIP Member
May 25, 2009
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Being doubled on my sons 700 grizzly witha 2 up seat and going over backwards climbing a steep hill.I remember looking up at the sky with the quad about to roll on top of me .I scrambled to get clear and tore my left bicep as I thought I was going to die. I traded that quad in[gave him mine] on a new Camo rhino and have never looked back


Timber King
May 22, 2007
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NE Edmonton
Last year before the campout went to go up an average hill wasn't steep wasn't huge went up about 1000 hills that looked like it before. At the bottom you had a bout 10' of mud to cross so no run at the hill started climbing hill the hill had a little mud on it from other quads. I felt it starting to spin a bit well my tire must have full of mud and it threw the mud off then got traction and started to stand up on end got out of the throttle the front came down sideways rather than risking it going over sideways a barrel rolling down I punched it to ram it into the bush so the trees would catch me. Well I shot through what little trees where there and tried to ride it out I felt it go up on 2 wheels tried to steer downhill and over it went. It did a half roll and pinned me underneath it wedged against a log. The worst part was the wife was on behind me I thought it threw her off but she was pinned under there with me and her head was kinked over between the armrest and the ground. There was 6-7 people that ran to us to get it off us. I was fine bike was fine but the wife rebroke a rib that she broke 4 weeks earlier. She had a little rest sucked it up jumped back on and we went back to camp she drank and partied all weekend the following week she finally went into the hospital to get some pain killers


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Clyde, AB.
Last August, near Nordegg, got my Outlander snorkled went through the Blackstone Creek, water fairly fast and deep,I drove into a hole about 6 feet deep the current flipped my over into a barrel roll,came up and the handle bars went into my pocket in my hoodie, second barrel roll, came up again with goggles filled with water and freezing cold, holding on to the back of my quad it took me about 500 feet down the creek before I got the wreck under control. Took a few minutes to get my bearings, winch wouldn't free wheel so I had to spool it out about 300 feet before I could winch it out of the creek. I had to pull the plugs out and crank the engine over a while to get the water out, it took seven oil changes to get all the water out of the engine! My buddies watched me do all this before they could ride over to me, nice guys lol. The scary part was the second roll with the bars in my pocket! One other thing, goggles are not scuba approved! A quick lesson, always bring a case or two of oil so you don't have to pay $100 for a case of 10w30 at some gas station!:):d:d


Active VIP Member
Dec 13, 2007
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Valemount/St. Albert
I have always brought enough for one change, but seven changes of amsoil would be silly. I will start bringing a box of cheapo stuff for just such occaisions....or perhaps I could sell it for $90 a case to some poor chap. ;)


Active VIP Member
Dec 13, 2007
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Valemount/St. Albert
My brother is still trying to dig up the photos of moutain park in the "half pipe". I can't find my copies, which really sucked. It was sure fun looking at the old photos I did find.

I gotta take more pics...
Jan 5, 2009
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Thunder Bay, ON Canada
Me and a couple of other guys were out for a ride one day after we had some very heavy rains, which caused a lot of the roads to be washed out. We were flying down this bush road and came up to a corner. Just around the bend there was a creek that crossed the road and was washed out. it was about a 4 foot deep trench by about 5 feet across. My brother and another buddy were ahead of me and noticed it in time, but I was staying behind because it was really dusty! I of course didn't see it in time and hit it doing about 80 kms/hr. It laucnhed me about 8 ft high and around 20 ft in distance. I remember looking down at my brother and almost landing on top of him!!! Very scary!!! When I landed, my thumb hit the throttle and I headed straight into the trees..... I thought it was all over! It was quite the rush being 8 ft in the air on a BF 750 I must say!!!


Active VIP Member
Dec 22, 2008
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Clyde, AB.
Mr.Morgan, $100 bucks for the oil is just some of the costs for good times had!Fairly cheap entertainment.


Active VIP Member
Aug 23, 2009
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sherwood park
out riding the brule lake sand dunes on my 420, whent up a tree lined hill when i started running out of power and hill. Had to try and sidehill trying to find another route down when i started sliding sideways down and hit a dirtbike rut. my tires caught and my quad whent to roll so i jumpped off and looked up to see my quad teetering on two wheels waiting to see if it was going to roll down the hill into the trees and crush me or sit back down. so i quickly scrambled back up to it pulled down on the rack and walked/ slided her down. that was the first time i actually thought my quad was going to crush me and get totalled.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Whitecourt, Ab
Couple of weeks ago, out with brew_doo, no bad days and 162 wizzy and a couple of other guys. Went to climb a steep little ridge (4-5' high) got to the top, gave it a little gas, hit a log at the crest that popped the front wheels up and it just kept going over backwards. Rolled completely over me. Lucky thing the ground behind me was relatively smooth. Big box on the back kept me from getting squished too bad.My back was a little sore and I proved what I had always thought: A guys knees should NEVER touch his shoulders. Glad I ws wearing a lid, back of the head hit fairly hard.

northern bear

RIP May 30,2022
Jun 17, 2007
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Barrhead, Alberta
Probably the one that resulted in an ambulance ride last summer. Had a couple coronas to many and decided it would be a good idea to go for a rip around the yard. Came over my sewer mound pulling a wheeling, forgetting that on the otherside the trench had sunk where the line was dug in. Front wheels landed right there causing me to dislocate my shoulder and black out, then gravity took effect as i tumbled into the dirt. Big oops, busted up for a while on that one.


Active VIP Member
Oct 18, 2007
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almost got caught in a forest fire, three quads stuck and flames about 25 feet from us, water bombers put out fires and we peeled out of the bush as fast as we could. it was to close for all of us,thank god know one was hurt.


Active VIP Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Was quading with the family and on the way back and turned to sharp on a corner....bike rolled about 5 times with my best friend and I on it. I woke up after hearing the motor turn off to us in the middle of a mud puddle. Im asking if shes okay and yelling for help the whole time no answer from her just crying....so I run for help, losing my shoes in another mud puddle because the trailers are right there and i got no time to run around. Get there to tell whats happened. Apperently face just gushing with wounds, after the get her we are rushed to the rocky hospital and told not to sleep for 24 hrs just incase.....funny part the dr. was named dr.assman


Active member
Jan 29, 2009
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My scariest moment was one I didn't take serious enuf... Riding for a short haul out at the lake, I was leading and ended the trail with some time to spare... Went to whip a nut and I'm staring at my machine on its handlebars.... Caught an edge on those rubbers and THWACK I'm on my face skidding for a bit.... Love those helmets.....

Why is it, if you are sore, full of dirt and broken pieces... You will flip your machine onto its wheels as fast as u can?( must be a bit o pride)

Some arent so lucky.....


Active VIP Member
Nov 20, 2008
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one time driving the atv into the box of my truck and the ramps went out with the rear tires almost in the bed and i flew back on to my back knocking the wind out of me then i look up and with in a split second the quad came back after me and i covered my face with my arms and kicked my feet up to stop it from crushing me, and luckly it landed on the rear rack and my feet kicked it away and then it swung away on to the rack and rear tires and stood there.


Active VIP Member
Jan 2, 2009
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Red Deer
I dont really remember what happened but I know that I was going fast and it hurt. Last winter on the blindman I came around a corner flat out & I guess the 1000 studs in the tires hooked up a little to much . When my buddies caught up to me I was flat out on the ice & the quad was upside down wheeels spinning on top of me . When I finally wolk up noticed that there was something really bad wrong with my shoulder . A trip to the big h confirmed cracked ribs , 3rd degree seperation on shoulder , concusion , and lots of bruises . Plus a bunch of white marks in my plastics that wernt there before .. ouch !!!:confused::confused::confused:
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