Wet’suwet’en LNG ptotest


Active VIP Member
Nov 28, 2008
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I cannot understand how someone can claim they want sovereignty and to completely govern themselves and “their” land while at the same time take money from the governing body of the country in which they live. The hypocrisy seems to be endless and this is not going away anytime soon. If the government does not step in and control the situation we are going to end up in a very bad place, and with this government stepping in I fear we will end up in the same bad place.

This could close CANADA for business for good.


Active VIP Member
Apr 13, 2008
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"GoFundMe is becoming the new way to live off the land"

Just about spilled my coffee when I read that


Active VIP Member
Dec 19, 2014
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grande prairie
Love it. Coastal gas link is going thru. Tonnes of Canadians have already been paid for there property, rights ways, lay down yards blah blah. The protestors are waisting time and money of the working people. Go home. It’s over. It’s going thru.


Active VIP Member
Aug 26, 2014
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half the people do not even know what they are protesting about. The rcmp and CN police are being spineless... anyone else that did this would have been arrested long ago... 1 or 2 so called hereditary chiefs that are not happy with the decision are creating this issue the others are happy to have the pipeline come through... Defacing the canadian flag like some of these protesters have done should have them in Jail that is just plain disrespect for canada... Look around the bands that are solid and care about their members have running businesses that help support the band. Where they live looks like any other neighbourhood clean showing they take pride... Then you look at others bands that have every family members broken car in their front yard, homes are in disrepair and the band keeps any money away from the band and do nothing to better the band. This is one of those bands.... they have not even stepped foot on all this land they claim is thiers in decades until the pipeline was to come through or any other industry that needed access to the area and then they build something and start blockades... Look at their history.. Pisses me off to no end that they are allowed to get away with costing the economy and businesses millions of $$ blocking off things.. What did CN do to them, What did the truck drivers do to them? They are all doing their job and providing for their family's and yet now allot of them find themselves layed off due to this? These protesters should be responsible for paying back every single Penny they have cost these business and individuals.. If they will not or can not pay it back put them in jail and make them work it off until its payed back.. Plain and simple


Active VIP Member
Jan 17, 2009
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If the protesters have to pay money back that means they will paying it back with our money that the government has given them
half the people do not even know what they are protesting about. The rcmp and CN police are being spineless... anyone else that did this would have been arrested long ago... 1 or 2 so called hereditary chiefs that are not happy with the decision are creating this issue the others are happy to have the pipeline come through... Defacing the canadian flag like some of these protesters have done should have them in Jail that is just plain disrespect for canada... Look around the bands that are solid and care about their members have running businesses that help support the band. Where they live looks like any other neighbourhood clean showing they take pride... Then you look at others bands that have every family members broken car in their front yard, homes are in disrepair and the band keeps any money away from the band and do nothing to better the band. This is one of those bands.... they have not even stepped foot on all this land they claim is thiers in decades until the pipeline was to come through or any other industry that needed access to the area and then they build something and start blockades... Look at their history.. Pisses me off to no end that they are allowed to get away with costing the economy and businesses millions of $$ blocking off things.. What did CN do to them, What did the truck drivers do to them? They are all doing their job and providing for their family's and yet now allot of them find themselves layed off due to this? These protesters should be responsible for paying back every single Penny they have cost these business and individuals.. If they will not or can not pay it back put them in jail and make them work it off until its payed back.. Plain and simple


Active VIP Member
Aug 26, 2014
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Yes... that's why they should be in jail... work it off in the worst jobs that can be provided
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