Golden Boy
They are waiting for you to call.operating?
They are waiting for you to call.operating?
They are waiting for you to call.
i was there in sept, he had the lodge partially rented out but that i believe was till end of December , so before than would be a cabin rental only. Can call Terry anytime for update .Thanks, I will wait for an update... be a while yet for my crew.
I'm told that the pipeline work will go on for up to 3 years in Valemount. This is not just the installation of the pipeline but reclaiming the land afterwards, pump stations maintenance and startup.
There is a camp however a fair amount of workers get an allowance and have chosen to find alternate accommodations. Speaking with real estate people and the local notary in town many families have chosen to buy houses or land in town. This is not just due to the pipeline but also due to people wanting to get away from the bigger congested areas. Some of the local B&B's or Cabin accommodation company's have lost some available space. But found that hotels are still available. There is a new hotel in town to which increases capacity. I'm not sure on restaurant availability, there is a few in town.
I would presume the covid restrictions will exist in local restaurants which will lead to even myself trying to pack some meals before prior to my trips. Nice to get out and spend the evening with your buddies in the local restaurant or at the Best Western at the lounge, but I don't think there will much of that this season. I'll post once I start going to town how things are. Probably start the 2nd week of December.
3 years and thats if they're ever allow to put pipe in the ground. Death by 1000 delays and permitting excuses is the name of the game with the government heading this project. I know a few guys that are beating their heads against the wall with TMX.
So the whole project is down til the new year for a 'safety reset.' Which companies are getting skidded besides Macro Spiecapag?