Back sitting in line for sand bags post.
Today again too?
Sent from my kickass HTC Desire because Apple sucks!
No need for a gym at all, just move thousands of sand bags....
50 minutes in line, 3 trucks in head of me still. Won't be long now.
How many bags you haul? I'm guessing they're around the 50lbs mark?
Sent from my kickass HTC Desire because Apple sucks!
I have no idea. A lot . Lol. I wld guess 50-100 and yes 50-60 lbs
I obvisouly can't count. I had over 200 bags in my truck. Lol
Good morning all. Fawk am I sore.
Sissy hahaha
Sent from my HTC Hero because it sucks donkey balls
Oh dang! Right on! quadboy55 (19) , Mike270412 (14) , Bogger (14) , underdog (13) , polarice (13)
Sent from my kickass HTC Desire because it sucks!
Yeah... At a total of 20 posts.
better play catch up. you're a little behind in total posts. :d