A multi-day episode of very cold wind chills is expected.
A prolonged period of extreme cold temperatures and wind chill values.
Locations: Muncho Lake, Dease Lake, Watson Lake, Cassiar Mountains, South Klondike Highway and Haines Road.
Time span: Now through late this week.
Threat: Bitterly cold temperatures and dangerous wind chill values.
Remarks: Arctic air has settled into the region and it will remain extremely cold through Friday.
Extreme cold puts everyone at risk.
Cover up. Frostbite can develop within minutes on exposed skin, especially with wind chill.
If it's too cold for you to stay outside, it's too cold for your pet to stay outside.
Outdoor workers should take regularly scheduled breaks to warm up.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to BCstorm@ec.gc.ca or tweet reports using #BCStorm.