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Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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Last one thy called me at 8am and asked if I had bought any jewelry in Singapore in the middle of the night? I said hell no. They said they would investigate and have 2 cards to me in 5 days. Hard to believe they have peeps watching peoples accounts? Gotta be some kind of computer algorithm me thinks that looks for weird spending habits? Gotta be a few billion visa cards on the planet to watch?


Active VIP Member
Aug 25, 2008
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Last one thy called me at 8am and asked if I had bought any jewelry in Singapore in the middle of the night? I said hell no. They said they would investigate and have 2 cards to me in 5 days. Hard to believe they have peeps watching peoples accounts? Gotta be some kind of computer algorithm me thinks that looks for weird spending habits? Gotta be a few billion visa cards on the planet to watch?
My credit cards have bought plane tickets out of Saudi, random purchases in a Walmart in South Dakota, and other random things in random places. I narrowed it down to a couple places I went to in Jasper regularly. Stopped going there and it quit happening. Found out few months after the one spot had an employee with a skimmer. Talking with my main bank Jasper is on their radar lol. All rectified within 48hrs.

Only one that didn't get flagged by my seconday bank was a savings account that I use to move money into my brokerage. I don't use the debit card ever, I don't even know the pin lol. But they grabbed money for some weird school in onterrible 3 times. This took 3 days on the phone to get started to rectify and 2 months to get the money back after a bunch more phone calls waiting on hold 3 hrs everytime..was strike 1 for this bank. They are up to 3 strikes now lol.
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