The Alberta SRD


Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
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I am getting what your laying down. and yes if the mud hole or skeg hole is untouched and off the beaten trail stay out of it but if its on the trail its fair game.


Active VIP Member
Dec 16, 2007
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cars and trucks generally operate better if they stay on the road, yes.
excess beer drinking works better at the camp, yes.
sleds should stay out of the powder, in unopen areas, yes
quads should stay out of the mud, off trails, yes.
you will not have any fun , if they shut down riding areas, yes.

you don't seem to get the point, ride responsibly = no problems
drinking and driving = fines
tearing up wet areas = no riding areas
staying on existing trails = open riding areas
quiet quads and sleds = open riding areas
acting like a horses ass = big fines
if your not having fun = your doing something wrong (maybe). that is between you srd, police etc.

the point is enjoy yourself do your part to keep area's open, some people are disgusted with the way things are being done in various riding areas, and things need to change or they will be shut down. try sledding west of the forest trunk road good luck

you picking up what i'm laying down.

I'm wondering what common sense means these days??

Can somebody explain to me why they think if they buy something, they have the right to do whatever they want with it? Just because a quad can do whatever, does not make it reasonable to do this. The only reason you think this is possible is because the government doesn't have the money to put into inforcement of rules and the general public isn't willing to pay for it.

Rally's and what not are put together poorly and show irresponsible use by OHV users. The organizers are to blame for this. Worse yet, this is often in the publics view which shows poorly of OHV use.

Bottom line is your opinion doesn't matter. Simple as that. What matters is the public's opinion. They are the majority and they are what influence change.

So the responsible thing to do is act appropriate to those who make the decisions. No argueing, not saying they are wrong, no thinking you are right. You'll never win.

What does this mean? (I sound like a broken record here, but once I was the only making these points, it sounds like our numbers are growing)

1) Stay out of the mud/water. Especially moving water.
2) Ride responsibly. If this involves ditching beer till you are done with your machine, quit being a baby. Boose /= fun.
3) Follow the rules. Stay off trails marked for other vehicles, have an insured and registered vehicle, don't run from the F&W, and respect closures.
4) Join a club that both fights for the areas to remain open, works to keep areas open by doing trail improvements, and voices your concerns in a way that does get some attention by SRD and the public.
5) At the very least, be good in the public's view. This includes speeds down, out of the water/mud, and make exhaust quiet or shut off vehicle.
6) Dont litter.

Simple really? If we go about the way it's been going, we'll lose everything. I have seen change and progress in recent years with our club and hope that all clubs can do the same.

From reading some of the responses here stating "this is making me sick, etc", I have no doubt you guys are very ill informed about our current situation and what's happening. Inform yourself, join a club and go to the meetings, read, follow what they are doing, and you never know. Maybe we'll see you out on volunteer days clearing trail, picking garbage, and improving what we have and hope to keep.

BTW, you opinion will not change my view of carrying a helmet cam and camera to catch irresponsble users. Don't think I'm the only one either. Lots and lots of riders are doing the same thing to control what the goverment can't afford. Win-win on both sides.


Active VIP Member
Dec 16, 2007
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BTW, skeg "holes" are nature's filtration system.

You rip them up, you're basically chitting in the water supply. So you'll say "fack that, that water isn't going into the water supply", but you try to tell the public and government that.

Once again, your opinion doesn't matter.

Just don't do it. Simple.
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Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Down by the Bay
Drinking,ripping up trails, Muskeg for example. Boy are we ever putting a good image to our sport. Just Saying Right Bogger

It just angers me that it automatically points to the guys who stop to have a beer, you've seen me at rides, do I look drunk??? NO... am I over .08??? YES in a lot of cases...Do I ride within my abilities and condition???? YES, I am not an agressive driver to begin with, I like slow deep sticky TRAILS.

speeding and jay-walking are traffic offences, not criminal offences....are you drunk right now Bog?

I run into and speak with the peace officers regularly when out on the trails, do they know I have beer and am stopping to drink it? I would bet yes they do. BUT I do not flaunt it nor am I falling down drunk. I would not jump in my 1 ton truck and wheel it down the highway @ 110KM/h among the general public after more than 3 beer over a few hours... I will however get on my 400lb foreman and put thru the bush & mud. whether you agree with my actions or not don't matter much to me, there are 100's of other members on here who feel the same as I and practice the same logic.... I just tend to be more vocal because I could give a chit what people think...I am who I am...

.08 is legally impaired, most people that is 3 beers in an hr and i every hr after. except bogger. the jist is that most problems are with drunk riders, acting like marooon's(moron's). it seems that only had a few is the national anthem or buzz word for those that crash cars on a fri or sat night.

you picking up what i'm laying down.? :d

It's been my experience that for the most part the guys who are out drinking on the trails while they ride are keeping a pretty low profile and you would never guess... some people don't need to be drunk to be an idiot, and because they are not drunk there is no need to hide the fact that they are an idiot... now like everything else there are always the obvious idiots... I see the same thing on the boats in the summer.... I drink out on the lake but I also like to just float and put put around....common sense tells me if I'm out there acting a fool and cruising my 24' cabin cruiser @ 40mph there is a good likelyhood I will have to answer some tough questions to some enforcement types... it's the sobre guys doing 50 mph on the seadoo speedboat crossing 15' off my bow while I'm on anchor, or the guys on jetskis who use our anchored boats like race bouys who scare the hell outta me...

K back on topic... It's all been said, pick up after yourself, and although it is not always possible to leave no tracks, we should all be as un-intrusive as possible....

See you on the trails.... stop by for a beer...:beer::d


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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This issue of ripping up muskeg is WAY overblown. True, some is ripped up, but if you look at the VAST areas of muskeg in a given area, the areas along the trails are a VERY MINUTE part of that area. I don't believe the small amount along the trails upsets the area ecololgy much because the amount is so small. I'm not claiming to be an expert ecologist or biologist, but it only seems to make sense. If someone is going to argue the point that no muskeg or mud should be disturbed EVER by quads, etc., then that is extreme. The argument should then be made that there should be NO areas disturbed period, and that is the extreme radical environmental group argument. Where do we draw the line as to when disturbance is okay and not? If you compare the amount of disturbance that Industry does, oilfield and the timber, mining industries as well, recreation such as lodges, resorts, roads into these areas, etc. mud holes along quad trails are a grain of sand on the beach. Let's get some perspective on this for pete's sake. Yah you can argue that the public is against this, and SRD is going to shut down all areas down, but society is trying to ban everything nowadays anyway regardless of any sane arguments put forth from the other side. If the only way to keep areas open is to conform to a very stringent set of rules with everyone watching you and taking pictures of you, videos, etc., then what's the point of being out there? I get out in the bush to get away from it all, from all the stupid rules of society. You may not agree with my attitude, but I don't care anymore. I'm really getting tired of the Gov and those that support them always telling me what to do, and with this talk of reporting, pictures, etc. this is really getting to sound like Soviet Russia, where everyone was looking over their shoulder and ratting on their fellow man. If you think that me going through a mudhole is bad and wish to take a picture or video of me in order to report me to the Government, then go ahead, but have the balls to tell me you are doing so. Otherwise you are a spinless coward. Again, if you are going to do so, then you had better make sure your own behavior is irreprehensible, otherwise you are no better than me.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
can see your mad? not sure why though. If you are being sensible, not doing anything blatantly wrong can't see you having any problem, and no one was pointing a finger in your direction that i can see.

if no one knows you are drinking, you have no problem, start showiing off your beer cans and liquor bottles you may. if you have a few good for you, i have no problem, neither do most on here. problems start when the showing off happens.

so, if someone were on a trail ride just minding there own business has had a couple wobbly pops and crosses a trail at a slow speed, one of your kids comes over a rise and gets t-boned by said easygoing quadder, you are okay with that, only had a few beers, going slow, really no ones fault. guy is okay, kid not so much. I don't see a friendly outcome.
can't agree with most guys keeping a low profile, as this thread may never have been started. as stated before generally most quadders are good, you just seem to notice the significant few.
the public seems to see and remember the actions of the clowns way more than the average rider. they just don't like the rip and tear guys much at all and are becoming vocal about it.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
can see your mad? not sure why though. If you are being sensible, not doing anything blatantly wrong can't see you having any problem, and no one was pointing a finger in your direction that i can see.

if no one knows you are drinking, you have no problem, start showiing off your beer cans and liquor bottles you may. if you have a few good for you, i have no problem, neither do most on here. problems start when the showing off happens.

so, if someone were on a trail ride just minding there own business has had a couple wobbly pops and crosses a trail at a slow speed, one of your kids comes over a rise and gets t-boned by said easygoing quadder, you are okay with that, only had a few beers, going slow, really no ones fault. guy is okay, kid not so much. I don't see a friendly outcome.
can't agree with most guys keeping a low profile, as this thread may never have been started. as stated before generally most quadders are good, you just seem to notice the significant few.
the public seems to see and remember the actions of the clowns way more than the average rider. they just don't like the rip and tear guys much at all and are becoming vocal about it.
My last post didn't mention drinking, but I will ask you something, what if that easygoing quadder was stone cold sober, would that make it any different? Are you saying in your scenario that the quadder was drunk? I don't have any use for stone cold crappy riders any more than I do drunk ones. They are both just as bad. If the public is going to start creating policy in the bush because of a few, then we're screwed anyway, because you will ALWAYS have a few that act up. You'll never get rid of ALL abusers. I won't work with a Government that makes policy on that basis.


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
This issue of ripping up muskeg is WAY overblown. True, some is ripped up, but if you look at the VAST areas of muskeg in a given area, the areas along the trails are a VERY MINUTE part of that area. I don't believe the small amount along the trails upsets the area ecololgy much because the amount is so small. I'm not claiming to be an expert ecologist or biologist, but it only seems to make sense. If someone is going to argue the point that no muskeg or mud should be disturbed EVER by quads, etc., then that is extreme. The argument should then be made that there should be NO areas disturbed period, and that is the extreme radical environmental group argument. Where do we draw the line as to when disturbance is okay and not? If you compare the amount of disturbance that Industry does, oilfield and the timber, mining industries as well, recreation such as lodges, resorts, roads into these areas, etc. mud holes along quad trails are a grain of sand on the beach. Let's get some perspective on this for pete's sake. Yah you can argue that the public is against this, and SRD is going to shut down all areas down, but society is trying to ban everything nowadays anyway regardless of any sane arguments put forth from the other side. If the only way to keep areas open is to conform to a very stringent set of rules with everyone watching you and taking pictures of you, videos, etc., then what's the point of being out there? I get out in the bush to get away from it all, from all the stupid rules of society. You may not agree with my attitude, but I don't care anymore. I'm really getting tired of the Gov and those that support them always telling me what to do, and with this talk of reporting, pictures, etc. this is really getting to sound like Soviet Russia, where everyone was looking over their shoulder and ratting on their fellow man. If you think that me going through a mudhole is bad and wish to take a picture or video of me in order to report me to the Government, then go ahead, but have the balls to tell me you are doing so. Otherwise you are a spinless coward. Again, if you are going to do so, then you had better make sure your own behavior is irreprehensible, otherwise you are no better than me.

yes you are right total area is small, but that is what the general public see's, the area you just rode through. rules of society are always evolving, not for the individual but for the sake of the majority, whether we like it or not. a few members have stated they would take pics, mainly of flagrant stupidity, i suppose their idea of what is right may not be yours. i 'm not sure where i sit on this idea. the srd survey is over, the outcome may have been finalized already but rules will be coming. did you complete the survey?


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Yes I did the survey. Carefully though as most of the questions were loaded questions. Hope it will help, but I'm not convinced because if some in SRD have an agenda they won't listen anyway.


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I'm wondering what common sense means these days??

Can somebody explain to me why they think if they buy something, they have the right to do whatever they want with it? Just because a quad can do whatever, does not make it reasonable to do this. The only reason you think this is possible is because the government doesn't have the money to put into inforcement of rules and the general public isn't willing to pay for it.

Rally's and what not are put together poorly and show irresponsible use by OHV users. The organizers are to blame for this. Worse yet, this is often in the publics view which shows poorly of OHV use.

Bottom line is your opinion doesn't matter. Simple as that. What matters is the public's opinion. They are the majority and they are what influence change.

So the responsible thing to do is act appropriate to those who make the decisions. No argueing, not saying they are wrong, no thinking you are right. You'll never win.

What does this mean? (I sound like a broken record here, but once I was the only making these points, it sounds like our numbers are growing)

1) Stay out of the mud/water. Especially moving water.
2) Ride responsibly. If this involves ditching beer till you are done with your machine, quit being a baby. Boose /= fun.
3) Follow the rules. Stay off trails marked for other vehicles, have an insured and registered vehicle, don't run from the F&W, and respect closures.
4) Join a club that both fights for the areas to remain open, works to keep areas open by doing trail improvements, and voices your concerns in a way that does get some attention by SRD and the public.
5) At the very least, be good in the public's view. This includes speeds down, out of the water/mud, and make exhaust quiet or shut off vehicle.
6) Dont litter.

Simple really? If we go about the way it's been going, we'll lose everything. I have seen change and progress in recent years with our club and hope that all clubs can do the same.

From reading some of the responses here stating "this is making me sick, etc", I have no doubt you guys are very ill informed about our current situation and what's happening. Inform yourself, join a club and go to the meetings, read, follow what they are doing, and you never know. Maybe we'll see you out on volunteer days clearing trail, picking garbage, and improving what we have and hope to keep.

BTW, you opinion will not change my view of carrying a helmet cam and camera to catch irresponsble users. Don't think I'm the only one either. Lots and lots of riders are doing the same thing to control what the goverment can't afford. Win-win on both sides.

Once again you have stumbled onto the wrong forum , this is snow and MUD...
I believe your looking for amateur video and / or have you hugged your tree today....


Active VIP Member
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Calgary and Rocky Mtns
Once again you have stumbled onto the wrong forum , this is snow and MUD...
I believe your looking for amateur video and / or have you hugged your tree today....

Or you could join "Sit and Rust" because what else are all of our toys going to do when all the local riding areas are shut down?

Then maybe "Whine and Complain" will be the next big thing, a forum for all the former dirtbikers, atv, sxs, and jeepers who can't understand why all of the local areas are closed and it's illegal in every county to ride anywhere other than on the track.
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Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
ok ok whine and complain about the quaders but how much gets said about the sledders that go rip up untouched mountian areas on their 2 stroke sleds. I aint haten cause i love sleding but it all has a environmetal impact. But every one wants to have fun and enjoy themselves thats why we do it. If you dont like it park your truck, your sled, your quad and ride a dam pedal bike. you all know that complaining about it sending photos to cops and srd isn't going to make anything better, just worse.

silver fox

Active VIP Member
Oct 15, 2007
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rocky mountain house alberta canada
Hmmm, last time I sledded I don't remember leaving any ruts in the ride quads and dirt bike, there is no comparison as to the impact on the for what I see west of MY back yard(because I live in a riding area), it's a frikin mess!! Areas such as Southfork, Rig Street, Chambers Creek are a disaster..and alot if it is because there are just so many more peeps coming out and riding these areas..unfortunately there are so few giving back ie:trail maintenance. As for taking pics, why not?? If it makes people think twice, it's worth May long, large groups leaving garbage, dumping their sewer tanks as they leave camp, on the cutline, I have witnessed it many a time, and the crazy thing is their friends turn a blind I ride around and also take video..all of a suddenly the messes aren't there, the sewers aren't dumped, hmmm, maybe there is something to this..maybe "the people" need to police this themselves..most peeps have no idea what is actually going on out in point, Sept long weekend, Bighorn Dam, an area that we're VERY lucky to be able to ride in as it was to be closed FOREVER..thanks to local volunteers it has been kept open, anyways, we stop for a break at the meadows, and there's a bunch of "stupids" ripping thru the must be Stupid!!..oh and then some A-hole goes ripping up the big green hill..the same one that has signs posted all over the bottom "area closed" is he blind?? NO he just is a "stupid"..then we go cross back over the dam and low and behold, a whole bunch of "Stupids" washing their machines in the North Saskatchewan!! WTF?? Think you can ride where you want?? Think it's going to go on forever?? Well then you're just another "Stupid" ..And I will post your picture!!! I'd rather deal with "Stupid" then lose my riding priviledges in MY backyard...:rant:


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Or you could join "Sit and Rust" because what else are all of our toys going to do when all the local riding areas are shut down?

Then maybe "Whine and Complain" will be the next big thing, a forum for all the former dirtbikers, atv, sxs, and jeepers who can't understand why all of the local areas are closed and it's illegal in every county to ride anywhere other than on the track.
You know, when you and your dirt biker buddies stop ripping the sh%#t out of the hills you are climbing with your knobby tires, then you can start pointing fingers at quadders in the skeg and mud. When we construct a pipeline up a steep hill, in almost every instance, we have to put in erosion ditches, or other measures, to prevent erosion on the hill because the pipeline construction has removed the vegetation that prevented the erosion prior to the construction. This is because of the environment. Now, you seem to think it's okay to attack THE SAME steep hills on your dirt bike ripping up the vegetation that prevents erosion on that hill, yet quadders are causing all this environmental damage that is going to get areas shut down? Pot calling the kettle black here? Eliminate YOUR footprint to the environment before you start pointing fingers at quadders then maybe we'll take you seriously.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hmmm, last time I sledded I don't remember leaving any ruts in the ride quads and dirt bike, there is no comparison as to the impact on the for what I see west of MY back yard(because I live in a riding area), it's a frikin mess!! Areas such as Southfork, Rig Street, Chambers Creek are a disaster..and alot if it is because there are just so many more peeps coming out and riding these areas..unfortunately there are so few giving back ie:trail maintenance. As for taking pics, why not?? If it makes people think twice, it's worth May long, large groups leaving garbage, dumping their sewer tanks as they leave camp, on the cutline, I have witnessed it many a time, and the crazy thing is their friends turn a blind I ride around and also take video..all of a suddenly the messes aren't there, the sewers aren't dumped, hmmm, maybe there is something to this..maybe "the people" need to police this themselves..most peeps have no idea what is actually going on out in point, Sept long weekend, Bighorn Dam, an area that we're VERY lucky to be able to ride in as it was to be closed FOREVER..thanks to local volunteers it has been kept open, anyways, we stop for a break at the meadows, and there's a bunch of "stupids" ripping thru the must be Stupid!!..oh and then some A-hole goes ripping up the big green hill..the same one that has signs posted all over the bottom "area closed" is he blind?? NO he just is a "stupid"..then we go cross back over the dam and low and behold, a whole bunch of "Stupids" washing their machines in the North Saskatchewan!! WTF?? Think you can ride where you want?? Think it's going to go on forever?? Well then you're just another "Stupid" ..And I will post your picture!!! I'd rather deal with "Stupid" then lose my riding priviledges in MY backyard...:rant:
The things you're talking about I don't agree with either. I don't remember any quadder in this thread defending the actions you speak of above. But it has come to the point now that some are saying that the quadders driving through the mud and muskeg are going to get the areas shut down. What a bunch of BS!:realmad:


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Edmonton, AB
You know, when you and your dirt biker buddies stop ripping the sh%#t out of the hills you are climbing with your knobby tires, then you can start pointing fingers at quadders in the skeg and mud. When we construct a pipeline up a steep hill, in almost every instance, we have to put in erosion ditches, or other measures, to prevent erosion on the hill because the pipeline construction has removed the vegetation that prevented the erosion prior to the construction. This is because of the environment. Now, you seem to think it's okay to attack THE SAME steep hills on your dirt bike ripping up the vegetation that prevents erosion on that hill, yet quadders are causing all this environmental damage that is going to get areas shut down? Pot calling the kettle black here? Eliminate YOUR footprint to the environment before you start pointing fingers at quadders then maybe we'll take you seriously.

No disrespect fargin, but where exactly in LID's post did he mention anything about pointing fingers at quadders? Again, you are jumping down a bikers throat for no apparent reason...when they didn't point the finger to anyone...

Or you could join "Sit and Rust" because what else are all of our toys going to do when all the local riding areas are shut down?

Then maybe "Whine and Complain" will be the next big thing, a forum for all the former dirtbikers, atv, sxs, and jeepers who can't understand why all of the local areas are closed and it's illegal in every county to ride anywhere other than on the track.

sorry, but I am just confused.. I dont see anywhere in that post him pointing the finger...


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
He was responding to the comments made by RZRGADE about "mud" It hasn't been quadders that are complaining about driving through muskeg and mud, it's for the most part been the dirtbikers from what I've seen here. That's why I've made the comments I have.


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
Reaction score
Edmonton, AB
The things you're talking about I don't agree with either. I don't remember any quadder in this thread defending the actions you speak of above. But it has come to the point now that some are saying that the quadders driving through the mud and muskeg are going to get the areas shut down. What a bunch of BS!:realmad:

I honestly don't think ANYONE is saying it just quadders ripping through mud and skeg and tearing up the land, I'm pretty sure everyone who is pointing out these factors is applying it to any person/machine using the trails.Period.


Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
The only reason i brought up sleds is they are mostly 2 stroke. i know they have come a long way with technology but has enyone ever stoped to look at the puddle of oil under you exhaust after idleing in one spot. my 02. like i said i aint agaist sled i love them to. every one has to take a step back here. think of your environmental foot print. now look at quading it most likely only makes up for like maybe 1% of it, even if you tear up streams, hills, mud holes. that $75000 truck big impact, heating your house big impact, oh hell that 4 liter of milk you bought today that will end up in the trash instead of recyling it big impact. I know our sport is hurting but siting on a computer complaing about aint going to help, but any one on this site should not be on this thread putting down quaders cause i am sure at one point we have all done what every one has complained about.
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Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
I honestly don't think ANYONE is saying it just quadders ripping through mud and skeg and tearing up the land, I'm pretty sure everyone who is pointing out these factors is applying it to any person/machine using the trails.Period.
Maybe you should re-read Shibby and LID's comments and check out what they ride.
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