The Alberta SRD


Active VIP Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Fort McMurray
After catching up on the trails/area closures and how many people on this site are promoting good behaviors and being model citizens repesenting the OHV community,... what gives?
Who are the folks that are making such a mess.
One thing that is missing is a way to inform the authorities about the badasses that chew up trails, driving their machines while obviously drunk, have real loud pipes or by being a nuisance.
There are fines that can be administered (up to $402) and driver can be charged with DUI even driving a quad.
So everyone has a cell (or at least thier kids do), call the cops and take the corrective action to stop the bad behaviors.
Yeah it will be uncomfortable at first, but would anyone hestitate to call the cops if we spotted a drunk driver on the hiway?
It is our right and reponsibility if we want to clean up the image of the OV community.
My thoughts..


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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After catching up on the trails/area closures and how many people on this site are promoting good behaviors and being model citizens repesenting the OHV community,... what gives?
Who are the folks that are making such a mess.
One thing that is missing is a way to inform the authorities about the badasses that chew up trails, driving their machines while obviously drunk, have real loud pipes or by being a nuisance.
There are fines that can be administered (up to $402) and driver can be charged with DUI even driving a quad.
So everyone has a cell (or at least thier kids do), call the cops and take the corrective action to stop the bad behaviors.
Yeah it will be uncomfortable at first, but would anyone hestitate to call the cops if we spotted a drunk driver on the hiway?
It is our right and reponsibility if we want to clean up the image of the OV community.
My thoughts..
I find it interesting that your username is Skegmeister but you advocate calling the cops on riders that chew up trails. How do you get through the muskeg? What does it look like after you have been through it? What happens when you get stuck? Do you take a shovel and fill in the hole you made after you get out? Are you saying it's okay to chew up the muskeg but not trails? Would you object if I called the cops on you if I saw you driving through the muskeg and leaving ruts or tire tracks? So you are going to call the cops on someone that is "causing a nuisance"? What do you consider a nuisance? Is this what we need to do? Are we so scared of the authorities that we're going to start ratting out other riders? The drunk thing is one thing, but the other points I'm not so sure of. Can be pretty subjective and it seems if you don't like the way someone is riding you advocate calling the cops. One of the biggest problems is garbage being left in the bush. That's something that is not subjective, no one should do it and it shouldn't be tolerated.


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
Why is it that everytime we speak about trail abuse and garbage and dissrespect it ALWAYS gets turned back to Drinking....

I drink on the trails.... so do 80-90% of the folks I ride with...many many many members of the audience you are speaking too.... so do you figure that just because I decide to have a few beers I will inevidably tear up trails and randomly throw garbage around....

Other than the S&M anual jamboree ride (because alcohol is not permitted on the S&M ride so NO ONE drinks)I usually pack beer, and I pack out empty cans, both mine and often other peoples as well.

stop trying to fabricate a non existant link between alcohol and disrespectful douchebags...


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Why is it that everytime we speak about trail abuse and garbage and dissrespect it ALWAYS gets turned back to Drinking....

I drink on the trails.... so do 80-90% of the folks I ride with...many many many members of the audience you are speaking too.... so do you figure that just because I decide to have a few beers I will inevidably tear up trails and randomly throw garbage around....

Other than the S&M anual jamboree ride (because alcohol is not permitted on the S&M ride so NO ONE drinks)I usually pack beer, and I pack out empty cans, both mine and often other peoples as well.

stop trying to fabricate a non existant link between alcohol and disrespectful douchebags...
I hear yah. Someone always has to bring it up. It's one thing for the sport to try to police itself to avoid closures, but I don't think it should get to the point that everyone is calling the cops on someone because they don't LIKE what they are doing or ride faster, etc. than they do. I ride with the odd wobbly pop too. But I guess that means I'm going to leave my empty cans in the bush and my other garbage and while I'm at it, I'll probably run over some kittens or something just for fun, because I'm a bad guy and I'm ruining our sport.:rolleyes:


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
That`s right keep sending vids to SRD ,that will keep the trails open .....Has it ever ocurred to anyone who does this that they will use this against all quadders not just the bad apples . Some people on here just don`t GET IT ......


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
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Down by the Bay
some people pizz me off....

I'm going to throw puppies in the river until I settle down....


Active VIP Member
Aug 24, 2009
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Edmonton, AB
I think everyone needs to relax a little, obviously we are all concerned about the same thing, and I think in reality we are all blaming the same thing, just some people point the finger more towards one example than another, I've just been noticing a lot of threads on here recently related to this and a few of us have stated our opinions and how we feel, and to some it seems offensive or biased but really...again, we're all aiming at the same concept... eventually OHV areas are going to be shutdown, and there are a alot of factors that lead to this... some of which seem impossible to prevent..

I agree that video-taping and reporting everyone who rips through mud holes, etc isn't going to keep the areas open.. this is just going to contribute to the areas getting shutdown even faster. (IMO) but as stated before in another thread, the ripped up trails, mud holes, etc isn't going to get better by any means because there is just more and more riders getting hooked to the sport and it's nearly impossible to enforce everyone to stay out of mudholes, or not to ride a certain way, etc... i know there are a few out there who respect the land to the best they can to avoid mudholes, and riding agressively, etc and good on ya...not a whole lot you can do about the ones who don't.

I do, however support and agree with reporting people who rip around in rivers and creeks, or use them for any means other than crossing on their machine. I would also report someone who is obviously severely intoxicated and shouldn't be behind the wheel of anything.. but I think we ALL like to enjoy a few pops during a long ride...this doesn't mean everyone is irresponsible when it comes to drinking and riding. Definitley don't agree with reporting a group of riders who have a beer in their hand when they stop for a break, unless you see them acting or doing something they shouldn't be under the influence....

Garbage.. ok, so far, everyone on here as claimed to pack out what they pack in plus whatever else they can grab..this doesn't seem to be an issue here amongst the S&M crowd, but regardless, it is still an issue.. we can only hope that the other retards out there will get a clue and smarten up.. and we can certainly thank and support anyone who volunteers time to go to these places and pick up other peoples garbage left behind..clearly, these are the people who want to take matters into their own hands to try and keep the riding areas open. I wish I had a quad so that I could this as well.

Okay I think i spoke my peace on everything other than fires... well, I don't know exactly what the laws are about open fires, but I'd say they're probably not allowed unless their contained somehow, so I'm assuming it is a good idea to report anyone who starts fires on the trails too... but again, I agree that reporting people isn't going to keep places open, but maybe, just maybe..if people start having to pay fines for their actions, these actions will eventually be minimal and help keep places open longer......:confused:

Ok.. ready to hear all your bashing comments.. since this whole topic seems to be a pretty big controversy on this forum..


Active VIP Member
Jan 15, 2008
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alberta from the back porch
has bogger been drinking again, seems like he has a bee under his hat. i see you are condoning drinking and driving, yes there are a few that will have a wobbly pop on the trail 90% seems high, unless you just ride to the bar. usually 1 beer leads to another and then things happen, you can drink what ever you like, drinking and driving is a crimminal offence and get you some walking time. someone may report you and then you'll really be pissy. and the humane society may want to talk to you about your wet puppies

friggin drinking and driving


Active VIP Member
Dec 16, 2007
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That`s right keep sending vids to SRD ,that will keep the trails open .....Has it ever ocurred to anyone who does this that they will use this against all quadders not just the bad apples . Some people on here just don`t GET IT ......

Do you get it??

SRD has asked for people to report abuse because IT IS self controlling, and they know not all users abuse the system.

Suck it up. You have nothing to worry about if you are using common sense. Otherwise, watch out for my camera and helmet cam =) They work great for getting plate numbers and vehicle descriptions. :nono:


Sep 11, 2010
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Stony plain
absolutly, I accually like chewing up the trail! Booze on the trail is courage in a can, can sometimes be a little too much courage in that can. cheers!


Active VIP Member
Sep 22, 2008
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West of Toronto
I don`t think yours trials tires are gonna get you into the area i ride lol. When i said people on here don`t get , your the no . 1 example . Go get a mountain bike and hug a tree cause your in the wrong forum here , this is Snow and MUD .


Bogger of the GBCA
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Down by the Bay
has bogger been drinking again, seems like he has a bee under his hat. i see you are condoning drinking and driving, yes there are a few that will have a wobbly pop on the trail 90% seems high, unless you just ride to the bar. usually 1 beer leads to another and then things happen, you can drink what ever you like, drinking and driving is a crimminal offence and get you some walking time. someone may report you and then you'll really be pissy. and the humane society may want to talk to you about your wet puppies

friggin drinking and driving


Speeding is a criminal offence, as is Jay walking and putting a sled deck with 2 sleds on a 1/2 ton.... I won't pussy foot around or hide, when I'm heading out on the trails for the day I will pack a 6-pack, 8-pack maybe even a case depending on the length of the ride, anount of food and # of friends comming with, always have always will. Sledding I carry a few but am more cautious because sleds scare me.... my point was.... why is it every time someone talks about trail closures and garbage booze is brought up.... I like beer more than most people and will defend it's right to ride....


Active VIP Member
Oct 19, 2009
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If I had to guess:headscratch3: the booze:beer: brings out the best and worst in people.:rolleyes:


Active VIP Member
Sep 18, 2007
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Yellowknife nwt
the group of people i ride with all have few on the trail as well we dont do any damage to trails and we go out. do we go in the mud and muskeg hell yea if no trail around it got to go thrugh it:d, rallys like whitemud and harmon valley while they say no achool lets get real all that have been there have brought or seem lots of beer oin the trails,what i am saying is with in time the ralluys will be gone as they for sure do damage as the trail is nothing b ut mud and muskeg. thats whyi go its fun.


Active VIP Member
Feb 22, 2010
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Fort McMurray
Do you how hard it is to find a login name that is not already taken, Skegmeister was the best I could come with... (I wanted Mud Stud, but my wife disagreed...)
The folks that rip up trails, toss garbage and travel around "obviously" drunk during the day and sometimes at night are the culprits I want to see nailed.
Licence plates, cameras are all things we can use to build evidence to stop the bad guys from tearing the place up.
A few years ago I went with two other families to Wolf Creek to do some riding on a long weekend. We met some other other folks who went out as well, seemed like good people until finally at 2 AM, we went over to ask them politely to turn down the music and stop tearing around on their quads. We almost got our a$$es kicked because they outnumbered us 5 to 2 and they were extremely drunk.
I did call the cops and I did tell them I wanted to issue a complaint against the guys. In the morning at 10 AM, in rolls the cops, I went with them to show all of the ripping and tearing around their tracks had left around and the broken beer bottles laying around their campsite and all over the roads. We found a quad that some one had left after hitting a tree.
Long story short, the guys were charged with a couple of alcohol related chages as well as littering. Not a big deal, but at least it was something. One of the guys came over after and apologized for making such a ruckus. They figured that this campground was way out in the middle of nowhere that they would never be seen or heard. Maybe he learned his lesson.

Since then, we have avoided the popular spots to quadding or sledding just to stay away from the crowds.
As far as having a beer, I am guilty as well, but I have my kids watching me, my friends kids are watching the all the adults as we enjoy the outdoors sledding and quadding.
Enjoy in moderation and treat the environment and others with a little respect.
That is the expectation of the SRD.


Active VIP Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Do you how hard it is to find a login name that is not already taken, Skegmeister was the best I could come with... (I wanted Mud Stud, but my wife disagreed...)
The folks that rip up trails, toss garbage and travel around "obviously" drunk during the day and sometimes at night are the culprits I want to see nailed.
Licence plates, cameras are all things we can use to build evidence to stop the bad guys from tearing the place up.
A few years ago I went with two other families to Wolf Creek to do some riding on a long weekend. We met some other other folks who went out as well, seemed like good people until finally at 2 AM, we went over to ask them politely to turn down the music and stop tearing around on their quads. We almost got our a$$es kicked because they outnumbered us 5 to 2 and they were extremely drunk.
I did call the cops and I did tell them I wanted to issue a complaint against the guys. In the morning at 10 AM, in rolls the cops, I went with them to show all of the ripping and tearing around their tracks had left around and the broken beer bottles laying around their campsite and all over the roads. We found a quad that some one had left after hitting a tree.
Long story short, the guys were charged with a couple of alcohol related chages as well as littering. Not a big deal, but at least it was something. One of the guys came over after and apologized for making such a ruckus. They figured that this campground was way out in the middle of nowhere that they would never be seen or heard. Maybe he learned his lesson.

Since then, we have avoided the popular spots to quadding or sledding just to stay away from the crowds.
As far as having a beer, I am guilty as well, but I have my kids watching me, my friends kids are watching the all the adults as we enjoy the outdoors sledding and quadding.
Enjoy in moderation and treat the environment and others with a little respect.
That is the expectation of the SRD.
Certainly can't disagree with your comments today. If people won't show some consideration for others, then screw 'em and I may have done what you did. I just don't want to see this "reporting" riders thing get out of hand to where it's for any little thing that someone does that someone else doesn't like that people start videoing, phoning, etc. Hopefully that doesn't happen. I do agree with the other peeps that certain people better stop being such idiots out there, the garbage makes me the maddest, but when you go to a public restroom and see the mess people leave behind, it doesn't surprise me. Some people are just pigs, period.


Super Moderator
Nov 30, 2006
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The Trailerhood
Drinking,ripping up trails, Muskeg for example. Boy are we ever putting a good image to our sport. Just Saying Right Bogger


Active VIP Member
Dec 16, 2007
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I don`t think yours trials tires are gonna get you into the area i ride lol. When i said people on here don`t get , your the no . 1 example . Go get a mountain bike and hug a tree cause your in the wrong forum here , this is Snow and MUD .

And it's people like you too ignorant to change your ways that ruin it for everybody.

I'll leave it at that. You, and people like yourself, are the problem.

Boose is a problem because people have family on the trails. How would you feel if you ran into/over a kid. Or, your kid was ran over by somebody drunk?

People need to think about others and less about themselves.
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