myslef i will fog and fuel stabilizer for the engine. Keep tank a 1/4 or less, as mentioned earlier so you have a fresh one to burn the old stuff out. grease up the joints. Block the track is a extra, yea it help to keep the paddle curl down. What i have been doing is just run it in reverse on the ground, you get a reverse curl then. Great for climbing! Or just turn your track backwards every two years.
Some people will drain there tanks of fuel..... DO NOT!!! efi sleds, the o-rings in the injectors can dry up over time and cause problems.... same with carb sleds, gasket will dry up and can leak potentially.
Most manuals typically say to keep a half tank or more for storage, grease and fog.
i wash it,add fuel stabilizer,take the weight off of the springs,remove belt,cover it in my garage,do any maintenance during the summer so it ready for winter
I bring mine into the house, place it on the sofa in front of the 70" plasma, put 42 cases of beer beside it, and run Chris Brandt videos non stop for 6 months