Active VIP Member
Their reply to our letters was very cookie cutter and didn’t answer most of our questions
You should see what they did to the access to crusader flats. The govt said they would let the club know of any work. Not so much until we saw the aftermath.Tina is a pain In Our ass down here. she continues to head her own crusade. someone will mob a small hoe in and undo that work. I’ll find out which contractor is doing the work. She tried this crap in 9 mile (alpine) and I stirred the pot enough so now we have access again.
she was in there 2 yrs ago with her roll of ribbon, I’ll also ask our DM in Kootaney lake office.
If we stop masking we stop communismAgenda 2030 boys . If the powers that be have there way we will be lucky if we will be allowed a bicycle . Probably need a permit to leave your government approved apartment .
They took out the 2 larger (never plugging) culverts. The contractor tried to make it passable by placing large rocks to anchor the banks and flatter ones for a run in/out. The problem is, is that it was too steep of a decent to the creek to cross. Over the run off, the rocks have shifted and made the crossing a royal bitch. The rest of the way to the flats got the "huge cross ditch treatment."What went on in crusader?