Salesmen.... how do som of th m keep their jobs?


Active VIP Member
Apr 25, 2007
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Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada
i think snowmobile salesmen(not all) in particular seem to be way less familiar with the product than any other type of salesmen simply because we are so passionate about the sport and 9 times out of 10 we are walking into that store knowing exactly what we want no sales pitch required. what does drive me crazy though is snowmobile salesmen that do not snowmobile. you really need to understand each and every snowmobile offered in the lineup and possibly even ride them all. when you see a new rider show up to the cabin on a freeride......yeah good luck learning on that.

if i were going to go buy a truck tomorrow fawking rights i would want that salesman to know that truck inside and out and all the options.....because well....i dont know or care about trucks so if im buying this 60,000$ piece of equipment you better be a damn good salesman because i could walk into any other brand dealership just as easy and it wouldnt phase me


Active VIP Member
Mar 3, 2009
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i think snowmobile salesmen(not all) in particular seem to be way less familiar with the product than any other type of salesmen simply because we are so passionate about the sport and 9 times out of 10 we are walking into that store knowing exactly what we want no sales pitch required. what does drive me crazy though is snowmobile salesmen that do not snowmobile. you really need to understand each and every snowmobile offered in the lineup and possibly even ride them all. when you see a new rider show up to the cabin on a freeride......yeah good luck learning on that.

if i were going to go buy a truck tomorrow fawking rights i would want that salesman to know that truck inside and out and all the options.....because well....i dont know or care about trucks so if im buying this 60,000$ piece of equipment you better be a damn good salesman because i could walk into any other brand dealership just as easy and it wouldnt phase me
You realize if you weren't riding Trents sled all the time he would be a salesman that rides? Haha!


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Aug 5, 2008
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Davidson Sk
I used to deal with Morgan from Martin Motor Sports. He was SOOO smart and knowledgeable, handsome too i'll add. I wonder what ever happened too him. Probably off doing some amazing things with NASA or something.


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Nov 22, 2008
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Red Deer
So I'm thinking simple solution if the op new all the options and was phoning around for lowest price, should have said here's the exact spec I'm looking for could you give me your best price. The salesman likely thought a sled head trying to get a lowball in, don't really blame the salesman he may have played dumb just to get rid of non loyal shopper who he had little chance to close. With the power of the internet buyers need to do thier home work if they expect the lowest price and be prepared knowing what a realistic offer is and make that offer, if you think a stellar deal is 15,000 make the offer worst is salesman will say no but at least the game is on at that point.
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"big deal"
Jan 22, 2009
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My opinion being not valid here obviously as usual... But if you are a salesperson... And you don't know your product inside and out... You are either lazy, Or don't have a passion for what you sell. Its easy when you LIKE what you do.. watching releases and stuff.... Most of the time its equally or MORE important to know your competitors product. I know from experience if you are working a trade show and someone starts question bombing you and you flop ONE little detail... You are dead in the water. Rather disrespectful if you ask me.. To ask someone for $15,000.00 for something you don't know everything about... I would just think ahead to your delivery... How much information is going to be missed when they are going over the machine when you pick it up? Its pretty easy when you have such great friends that are willing to not buy anything and completely mile out your machines for you every year reporting back to you on everything they are satisfied/unsatisfied with.

Personal opinion... You will NEVER.... EVER..... Get as good of a "DEAL" on something over the phone as you do in person. Why is someone going to drop to thier rock bottom dollar when they know you are calling every place around throwing other peoples prices at them?


"big deal"
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
i think snowmobile salesmen(not all) in particular seem to be way less familiar with the product than any other type of salesmen simply because we are so passionate about the sport and 9 times out of 10 we are walking into that store knowing exactly what we want no sales pitch required. what does drive me crazy though is snowmobile salesmen that do not snowmobile. you really need to understand each and every snowmobile offered in the lineup and possibly even ride them all. when you see a new rider show up to the cabin on a freeride......yeah good luck learning on that.

if i were going to go buy a truck tomorrow fawking rights i would want that salesman to know that truck inside and out and all the options.....because well....i dont know or care about trucks so if im buying this 60,000$ piece of equipment you better be a damn good salesman because i could walk into any other brand dealership just as easy and it wouldnt phase me

Easy on the salesman bashing there buddy.... lol
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Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

I think it would be difficult being a salesman.

Everyone else always think they know more. ( Tim Hortons special coffee talk expert)

The trade in is worth 8 times more than reality

And the new product is 10 times over priced in the customers opinion

Google can be the enemy


Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2015
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Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

Any self made millionaire without a lotto ticket has had to learn how to sell at one point or another,good craft to learn or possess,I have respect for it,I buy and sell lots on Kijiji I can tell almost instantly if your a shopper or a buyer, don't waste much time with shoppers either lol


"big deal"
Jan 22, 2009
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Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

Any self made millionaire without a lotto ticket has had to learn how to sell at one point or another,good craft to learn or possess,I have respect for it,I buy and sell lots on Kijiji I can tell almost instantly if your a shopper or a buyer, don't waste much time with shoppers either lol

This is a recipe for failure in that sales game right now lol. You literally can NOT tell anymore.. Everyone needs to be treated like a buyer.


Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 2011
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Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

Ive been in sales for a long time now and agree with most of your comments. If your in sales you MUST know the products you sell. Regardless of all the new programs and rebates, specs on new machines. It literally is your job to know. If you higher a homebuilder you would expect that they can build a you a house...

You have to be prepared to deal with guys that know the product and are going to ask the tough questions. Customers that are just shopping, or looking for now. To me these customers are key to success. You have to treat them with respect even tho you know that there not buying today. If they leave the show room thinking, " that salesman was helpful, polite and new his stuff", the chances of them coming back in the future is high. Any arrogance is transparent, they will see right thru you. Everyone will know and won't ever come back!! Then theres the guys that know exactly what they want and are ready to buy from a salesperson that knows what there talking about, gives then good pricing and treats them fairly.

I have bought quite a few toys over the years and have had good and bad experiences, like everyone I'm sure. Like some of you said previously, you can tell when your dealing with a salesman that enjoys his job and wants to succeed at. Those are the individuals that get my money.


"big deal"
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

Ive been in sales for a long time now and agree with most of your comments. If your in sales you MUST know the products you sell. Regardless of all the new programs and rebates, specs on new machines. It literally is your job to know. If you higher a homebuilder you would expect that they can build a you a house...

You have to be prepared to deal with guys that know the product and are going to ask the tough questions. Customers that are just shopping, or looking for now. To me these customers are key to success. You have to treat them with respect even tho you know that there not buying today. If they leave the show room thinking, " that salesman was helpful, polite and new his stuff", the chances of them coming back in the future is high. Any arrogance is transparent, they will see right thru you. Everyone will know and won't ever come back!! Then theres the guys that know exactly what they want and are ready to buy from a salesperson that knows what there talking about, gives then good pricing and treats them fairly.

I have bought quite a few toys over the years and have had good and bad experiences, like everyone I'm sure. Like some of you said previously, you can tell when your dealing with a salesman that enjoys his job and wants to succeed at. Those are the individuals that get my money.

100% agree... Most of the time you will find the customers that are "just looking" that you convert to a buyer... Are more satisfied than the guy that "knows what he wants" and just comes in and dumps money. More times than none those guys didnt realize there were other options out there or maybe things that they would enjoy more or that better suit what they need them for. The "just shoppers"... Are the ones that if looked after properly... Will get the full meal deal on everything available... and will leave with something perfect for them.


Active VIP Member
Dec 11, 2015
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Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

I also like the reverse psychology sale.....they're humming and hawing about picking it up, you start telling them not to buy it, it makes them want it even more...slimy sales 101


Active VIP Member
Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

What erks me about some sales reps is they "think" they know everything about every product they sell and they sometimes give incorrect info either because they get confused with different models or because they are too proud to say they don't know.....

I have no problem with a salesrep who knows all or most of his product and is confident enough to admit when he is not sure about some details vs giving an answer he thinks is right (but he's not 100% sure).....I have more respect for a salesrep who may have to say "you know what, I'm not sure but I will find out and get back to you" and does get back to me.

Now this does not apply to a sales rep who knows nothing about the product and relies on a brochure to get by...I am referring to a sales rep who knows his product well but may not know every detail or be able to answer every question.
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Active VIP Member
Jan 11, 2009
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Not Sure
Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

T-team;23z88257 said:
This is a recipe for failure in that sales game right now lol. You literally can NOT tell anymore.. Everyone needs to be treated like a buyer.
You nailed it. Some of us like to come in a few times and digest the info before pulling the trigger. When I was younger I was an impulse buyer of shiny fast cars. I was always changing them up because they were not the right one. Cost me a lot of money. I am more cautious now and while I don't want to waste a sales guys time if they don't treat me like a buyer then I likely buy else where. It's all about respect both ways. If a tire kicker makes ridiculous offers than I don't blame a sales guy for not wasting there time.


Active VIP Member
Apr 21, 2009
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Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

I buy by color.

Don't keep it long

Buy something else

Keep economy going


Active VIP Member
Jun 17, 2013
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Re: Salesmen.... how do some of them keep their jobs?

100% agree... Most of the time you will find the customers that are "just looking" that you convert to a buyer... Are more satisfied than the guy that "knows what he wants" and just comes in and dumps money. More times than none those guys didnt realize there were other options out there or maybe things that they would enjoy more or that better suit what they need them for. The "just shoppers"... Are the ones that if looked after properly... Will get the full meal deal on everything available... and will leave with something perfect for them.

Trent, What you are describing is merely having a dialogue with a prospective purchaser about the product. Some things really appeal to people (wraps and such) and others not at all. I read a number of this site's threads and am often in awe of the passion someone has for...shock absorbers (or whatever).

I will usually say "I am just looking" if I am not ready to buy but you can bet I am there for a reason. It might be to research what is available (or to get a feel for the dealer's sales and service if I haven't been there before) or, like a few others on this site, am building a business case to explain to my significant other why I need to buy this.

I have, through observation and experience, have discovered there are car dealers I will not GO to (catch the reference?) as though they seem friendly and smooth their entire approach is intended to suck as much money out of your pocket regardless. On one occasion that dealer actually called me to recommend that my one year old car with 13,000 Kms that was in for a minor recall of some sort needed a brake fluid change. I declined the suggestion (might have said he should F off) and discovered when picking up the car that they had replaced the master cylinder on warranty and were just hoping to suck about $175 out of my pocket for no reason at all. That is not salesmanship, that is completely dishonest IMO.

Tailoring a customer's purchase to them is everything and some are very good about it and others not.

Remember this old gem?

[FONT=&quot]A young guy from Texas moves to California and goes to a big department store looking for a job. The manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says, "Yeah, I was a salesman back home in Texas." The boss liked the kid so he gave him the job.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"You start tomorrow. Ill come down after we close and see how you did." His first day on the job was rough but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]"How many sales did you make today?"[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kid says, "One."[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Boss says, "Just one? Our sales people average 20 or 30 sales a day.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]How much was the sale for?"[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kid says "$201,237.64.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Boss says "201,237.64?? What the heck did you sell?"[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kid says, "First I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium fish hook. Then I sold him a larger fish hook. Then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down at the coast, so I told him he was gonna need a boat; we went down to the boat department and I sold him that twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didnt think his Mercedes would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him an Escalade."[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The boss said, "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and truck?"[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Kid says, "No, he came in here to buy a box of tampons for his wife and I said, your weekends shot, you might as well go fishing."[/FONT]
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