I won a barbeque two years ago. Nice too. Quite the form you have to fill out to get it. The skill testing question they ask you on the phone to get your prize is a real doozy too. You have 5 minutes to answer, and it is literally 5-4+3-2. Must have been a question from a grade 12 math test in Kentucky. I agree with the others though, McD's coffee is WAY better.
I heard a family we know through hockey won a vehicle. It spread through the arena like wildfire. This went on for four days during provincials. Said family wasn't there. Good for them I say, but inside I was like... SOB! Haha. My daughter informs me later it was just a misinterpreted FB status from one of the kids. Lol.
my daughters best friend pulled a great April Fools joke by going to the Tim Horton's in Penticton and asked the manager to "pretend" to give her the keys to the Rav4 out front and she agreed. Took pictures and then put it on FB for all her friends to see. Pretty funny stuff.