Active VIP Member
I called Ironplanet which is owned by Ritchie Bro’s. I told them the make/model/condition/hours of three pieces of large equipment. He said he needed to come out to determine a price. He proceeded to tell me I wanted too much, the equipment is not worth as much as I think, but I hadn’t even said a price yet!
I said I don’t wanna waste my time meeting when we can agree to a price rt now. After all it is Ironplanet, an online buy and sell site right?
The dude says I gotta go through the process and meet.
I had to ask three separate times “who decides the listing price for my equipment?”
He finally answers and says “I do.”
I said “nice talking to you” and hung tf up. Waste of a few hours. What a buncha crooks.
the faster they sell your stuff the richer they get. No matter what the asking price is they get a % for supplying a web site. not great deal for the seller.