BC Sno-Ghost
Active VIP Member
you dont have to pay the PST and GST if the machine has previously been registered, because then they will of known that the tax has been paid on that machine previously. if no tax has ever been paid on the machine and its used, then you would have to pay it when registering it.
I know for a fact that this is incorrect. As Thunder144 stated, every time that sled is bought or sold and the new owner goes to ICBC to transfer registration into his/her name as the new owner, that new owner has to pay GST and PST before he can transfer registration into his/her name. It's the same as used vehicles now. Used to be you only paid PST on used vehicle/sled purchases at time of registration but as of last year it is now both GST and PST. madR!CKS) You have to have a transfer paper completed by the purchaser and seller, same as a vehicle with the purchase price stated on that bill. In the past 6 years I have paid tax on 6 different machines, all of them used. Two of them had never been registered before. There is no limit as to how many times tax is paid on a sled/vehicle. It's paid every time a new owner registers it!
Shopping Cart 111, in BC you can't get insurance unless you first have the sled registered in your name. The rules in BC are completely different than Alberta.
And as far as that operation permit goes I have to look into that further. I have never been told by anyone including ICBC when I registered my sleds or my insurance agent when I insured them that this is required....better make sure though before I get nailed.