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Does anyone know of any random camping spots around Drayton Valley AB?
I am also wanting to know if there is any good trails around this area. Mostly a big trail system area that would be around the size of bruderhiem or bellis natural area. I saw a few trails on Google maps but they only look like short trails. Maybe I have to go to rocky mountain house?
Google the Brazeau West Canal campground. You will find lots of places to random camp around there along the road. Don't worry about the "no OHV" signs because they only apply to the dyke - everything on the opposite side of the road is fair game. I went out there just after May Long and enjoyed it out there.
Just do yourself a favor and LOCK EVERYTHING! Don't even leave stuff lying around while your sleeping. Frigg'n bastages will even steal your helmets while you sleep if you leave them laying around. The group I went with even went as far to run alarmed trip wires when we went to sleep.
that's crazy. I don't plan on camping their just want to go riding for the day. Do you know of a main staging area or closest intersection to a good trail system area? I will check out Google maps as well thx
Google the Brazeau West Canal campground. You will find lots of places to random camp around there along the road. Don't worry about the "no OHV" signs because they only apply to the dyke - everything on the opposite side of the road is fair game. I went out there just after May Long and enjoyed it out there.
Just do yourself a favor and LOCK EVERYTHING! Don't even leave stuff lying around while your sleeping. Frigg'n bastages will even steal your helmets while you sleep if you leave them laying around. The group I went with even went as far to run alarmed trip wires when we went to sleep.
I agree it is a nice place, and I don't blame your buddies, there has been a whole lot of theft out there the past few years. I would do the same. It has been a while since I was last there, and I don't know if the same guy is running the campground, we stayed there a couple of times, but he is an a$$____. don't talk too loud after 11, and god forbid you laugh at him! he looses his shat! and first thing in the AM you will get turfed, and served a lovely disturbing the peace ticket. Random camping in the area is much better, other than the theft and lack of security
Great thank you very much. I was talking to another individual on YouTube and he had mentioned the trails out there are ripped up and are in pretty bad shape in some areas. Have you ridden these areas recently? You think I would be alright on a racing quad? Sorry for all the questions, I appreciate your help!