Question for you KLIM gurus


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
So, I've done the reading. Looking for some real world experience.

What's the big difference between the Stealth and the Valdez coats, aside form $100 and colors??

Thanks in advance.


Active VIP Member
Feb 11, 2010
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does klim make any good shell jackets? tried on the valdez but it feels like a stiff carhartt jacket to me


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Dec 27, 2008
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Waskatenau, Alberta
I copied this from an article in Snow Tech magazine from Jan 2014....using stretch gortex as was said earlier

The all-new Stealth Jacket and Bib from Klim is the ultimate in lightweight, durable ultra-serious riding gear for the most active riders on the snow. The Stealth design is lighter, faster and stronger with an extreme degree of mobility and flexibility, much like the extreme back country boondockers that continually push the limits of their bodies, machines, and the elements in which they ride.
The Stealth Jacket is approximately 25% lighter than their current Valdez Parka and the Stealth Bib is approximately 20% lighter than their current Togwotee Bib. The weight reduction comes from new high-tech materials never used before in the power sports industry along with an all-new athletic-cut. Also, the absence of a hanging liner reduces weight, eliminates bunching and binding, and allows for maximum breathability and venting. Snowmobilers will spend thousands of dollars to lighten their sleds, and Klim has given them one more way to shed those precious pounds while increasing performance.
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Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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I have both the Stealth and a few seasons old Valdez. The Stealth gear is lighter, and it does feel like it stretches. I am not a big guy but I do feel the Stealth is slimmer fitting. I had the Stealth gear from day one last year. It never let me down. I don't like that they did away with the thumb holes on the cuffs, some people don't care about that and I don't like the velcro closure on the cuff either. I found the Valdez to have a little more protection in the shoulder area, minor but noticeable.

If I didn't have the Stealth I would likely have the Storm parka. It seems comparable, without the stretch material.


Active VIP Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I'm not too sure about the stealth but the Valdez was the only 3 layer gortex jacket in the klim lineup when I bought mine a couple years ago. The Valdez also is constructed differently than their other jackets as the arms do not hang straight down and instead have a built in "curve" to them so that they fit better. Hard to explain without being able to show the difference in person


Active VIP Member
Dec 30, 2008
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Balgonie, SK
They are two very different jackets that fit very different and each is not for everyone.

The stealth is very different constructed jacket from the Valdez. It’s Goretex is fairly unique and the jacket has a slimmer fit to it in comparision to the Valdez. The Stealth feels a lot thinner – almost makes me think I’m wearing something from Lululemon at times in the way it fits. The material on it feels thin, but I used this jacket all last year, as well as the pants, and I don’t have a fray, nick or mark in it and I’m off the machine just as much as I’m on it for some reason (maybe cause my riding skills kinda suck?). I’ve been told in the past that the material used in thsis jacket is amongst the strongest they’ve ever used in any piece of gear. I personally wasn’t sold on the fit of this jacket off the bat, but once I used it a few times, it’s very functional and works really well. The stretchy part is mostly on the back area on the jacket. There is nothing else on the market that I’ve seen to compare this jacket to – the material is that unique. To a few customers, I’ve sent both the Valdez and the Stealth out as these are both big money jackets and it’s hard to make a decision without having both in your hands. I would say they fit about a half size small compared to the Valdez.

The Valdez is a more traditional jacket than the Stealth. It fits a little looser than the Stealth, and honestly, is probably a better jacket for the guys who have drank a little too much beer in the offseason. It doesn’t breath as well as the Stealth (nothing that I’ve encountered does), but that’s a blessing and a hinderance at times.

Here in Sask I prefer the Valdez – out West I prefer the Stealth. The Stealth breathes like crazy…for our prairie winds it’s a little too breathable, especially the pants – I find the upper leg portion of the Stealth pant is a little too thin for our Sask winds. In saying that I have used both here –one just needs a little beefier underlayer than the other.


Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
Good input so far , thank you.

So, does anyone bother with the less expensive stuff, or am I on the right track?? I have no issue with paying top dollar, but don't need to spend all my money just to brag about it.


Active VIP Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Good input so far , thank you.

So, does anyone bother with the less expensive stuff, or am I on the right track?? I have no issue with paying top dollar, but don't need to spend all my money just to brag about it.

I don't think it is a matter of bragging about it.

My previous klim bibs lasted 5 years. That's 5 years of thrashing them against running boards, 250ish days of riding in that time. Never once did they get wet, they did have a rip in the leg that could have been repaired, but I did start to notice in the spring the butt was damp and could have used the goretex wash but had an opportunity to get new gear at a great price.

If gear costs $800-1000 but lasts 5 years plus and never leaves you wishing you had better gear it doesn't seem like much of an investment when I can't get a sled to last three seasons.

I see FXR is making a big push to get more sales. I have no idea what their gear is like other than I see a lot of guys out east wearing it. Camo gear seems so dated now. I think they missed the boat on that. I haven't seen the best of luck with motorfist but see they stand behind their products although my stompers were solid for three years they are absolutely trashed now. Apparently the new Doo gear is really good. I had some of their older stuff, didn't hold up well, zippers broke, wasn't waterproof long.

I get the best gear I can afford. Klim does cost more but I don't see anyone saying wow I wish I didn't spend that much on it. Although I haven't had the best of luck with their gloves, or anyone's gloves. They all seem to last a season.

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Active VIP Member
Feb 8, 2012
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On the edge
I don't think it is a matter of bragging about it.

I guess i wasn't real clear. I meant in terms of KLIM stuff, like does anyone have much experience with the stuff at the other end of KLIM spectrum, or does the quality fall as much as the cost?? As with sleds, most guys on the hill don't see any benefit with there water proof, breathable, top of the line gear while they brag about all of it, telling stories at the cabin all day.

The biggest thing pushing me to KLIM is the warranty, plain and simple. The reason for the question on here, is I like real world experience...


Active VIP Member
Dec 19, 2012
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I can give you some real world experience. I rode for a few years with average gear. Not super cheap but not Klim or Motorfist. For the most part the gear was OK. However when conditions changed that's where I really noticed the difference. Sometimes early and late in the year you can see rain at lower elevations. When you are starting your day you don't want to be soaked in the first hour. What if something happens to you up top and turns into a night on the mountain? I don't think many people buy this gear to brag about it. It's main purpose is to keep you warm and dry and it just happens to look good too. I think if your gear lasts 5+ years that's good value. There is no doubt it costs more up front but Klim and Motorfist back up their products. Try to get warranty on the cheap stuff once you walk out the door.


Active VIP Member
Jan 24, 2007
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I have both Klim and Motorfist Jackets, my Klim Valdez has lasted me 7 years now and to this day it has kept me dry. The Motorfist jacket I have owned for 3 season and have stayed dry. I used to own an old FXR jacket, and within the first season I will getting wet, plus it would weigh a few pounds more just due to the water it was holding. So in short I don't even look at the price now when buying gear...there is peace of mind knowing its not going to let you down.
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